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Post by ShyViolet » February 26th, 2006, 11:26 pm

I's like the Cheech and Chong movies, very much a product of the early 70's or whatever it was, getting high and all that. You wouldn't see it today unless it was a self-conscious parody, like Austin Powers....

I guess you COULD make the argument that James Bond has been around for a long time, but then with him it's different directors, different actors. Plus his identity is much less fixed than Indy's so it's easier to "update" him in a different time and place.

I mean, look what happened when they tried to "update" Dr. Who and sell him to American audiences! (even though personally I liked it.)
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Post by ShyViolet » March 8th, 2006, 12:34 am

From the DW fansite:

Spielberg says 'Indy 4' is Next
20/02/06, 10:42pm EST


While speaking to Ynet about his latest political thrill 'Munich', Spielberg for the first time ever actually said 'Indy 4' is next.

"I haven't given up making entertaining films, but over the last decade I have been making some films that express the respect I have for history. I am about to make "Indiana Jones 4", which is, as far as I am concerned, the sweet dessert I give those who had to chow down on the bitter herbs that I've used in Munich."

There you have it folks. For the first time since Indy 4 rumours began surfacing over 10 years, Spielberg has spoken. There is a almost 100% chance that we will see our favorite hero on screen by 2007.
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Post by Ben » March 8th, 2006, 1:46 pm

Oops - that quote was from a while ago, as you say, while he was out promoting Munich.

Stevie-boy has announced this week that he is taking a year off, to get over the hectic year that was War Of The Worlds and Munich. No surprise - he did this after the Jurassic Park/Schindler's List double whammy too.

Interesting to see if history repeats itself... when he did come back it was with a sequel to one of his franchises - Jurassic's Lost World follow-up, so hopefully he'll be back with another franchise update - Raiders IV, when he's refreshed his batteries.

As far as the public is concerned, he's concentrating on his Abe Lincoln biopic this year, but who knows? I've heard rumors from the stunt world that they may be gearing up to shoot early next year for a late 2007 or summer 2008 release.

As Willie Scott sang in Temple Of Doom (which I happen to have on right now): "Anything goes!" :)

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Post by ShyViolet » March 9th, 2006, 4:41 pm

I've heard rumors from the stunt world that they may be gearing up to shoot early next year for a late 2007 or summer 2008 release.
And Harrison Ford will old by then? :?

Nah, just kiddin', I still think HF could do a good job. But it's updating the franchise that is the real worry...who knows what will will be cool two years from now?

By 2008 The Last Crusade will be NINETEEN YEARS OLD. That's even longer than the Jedi/Phantom Menace gap.

And who will be the heroine, for that matter? Callista Flockheart? Katie Holmes? Britney Spears? :roll:
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Post by Christian » March 9th, 2006, 5:02 pm

I remember thinking in 1989 (the same year as Last Crusade) that I couldn't believe the Rolling Stones were still carrying on. Well, in 2006 they still are and are as popular as ever. At least the review in my paper yesterday of one of their concerts raved about them.
And who will be the heroine, for that matter? Callista Flockheart? Katie Holmes? Britney Spears?
I might keep holding out the possibility that Indy IV could be a wonderful film but I don't want to see any of those mentioned as the female lead . . . or in the movie at all.

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Post by ShyViolet » March 9th, 2006, 10:12 pm

I remember thinking in 1989 (the same year as Last Crusade) that I couldn't believe the Rolling Stones were still carrying on. Well, in 2006 they still are and are as popular as ever. At least the review in my paper yesterday of one of their concerts raved about them.
I could be wrong about this, and I'm sure that the Stones are a great band (I'm embarrassed to say I don't know a whole lot about them) but a movie is different in that it needs a VERY broad audience rather than just music fans or music fans of the Stones. I'm sure the Stones still have their fans, but are thirteen-year-olds carrying around their ipods listening to them or downloading their music? This might be a harsh, and for all I know, ill-informed question, but unfortunately those kids are going to be a a huge portion of the target audience for a movie like this. And it sounds bad because I love Indy myself, but...times have changed. How well did Zorro do? How about Sahara? Once again unless I'm wrong these films appealed more to older audiences, not the "target youth demo." *annoying buzz word!* :roll:

Also, despite having once been a hardcore Spielgeek, I have significant doubts about Spielberg's abilities, at this point, to make that "Epic Popcorn Movie That Everyone Loves". He either lost some of his touch or his heart just isn't in it anymore. I loved War of the Worlds, but compared to E.T., Raiders, Jurassic Park or even Jaws, there's something missing. Based on the past six years, it sort of seems that if he's not making some ill-conceived wacko project like Terminal or Catch Me If You Can (I can't speak for Munich since I haven't seen it), he doesn't really care. Minority Report is somewhat of an exception, but by and large, his passion has ebbed.
WOTW was, stripped of some surprisingly good acting from Tom and a few tense moments, a routine, rather passionless excercise in "thrill-ride-ism" (Kinda like...I know it hurts...Jurassic Park 2: The Lost World) I hate saying this since I thoroughly enjoyed WOTW, but c'mon. THIS IS STEVEN SPIELBERG for crying out loud. This is the man who did E.T. and Close Encounters? You're expecting something AMAZING from him and you get...giant robot ships with tentacles that suck human blood (for what? Nutriton? Scientific research?) and are outwitted by a dock worker, first by an axe, then a grenade, apparently since their diabolical, uh, "cages" weren't strong enough to defeat a rather conventional human weapon....Where's the intrigue? Where's the wonder? The film felt a lot like a collection of scenes from his other films-particularly the kids-being- menaced- by- raptors- in the kitchen thing from Jurassic Park, an ingenious sequence which absolutely blows everything Spielberg has done in the past few years right out of the water. I know, it's sad. Hey, I loved A.I, but after the first third of the film Spielberg seems to just lose interest in his protagonist (which is pretty much on par with losing interest in the audience, since we are represented by the protagonist) and mails himself off to "The Land Where Dreams Are Born." Or at least, Steven Spielberg's dreams. Are they something we, the audience, are actually interested in and would like to experience? All I can say is, they used to be.

Oh well. :wink: :roll:
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Post by Christian » March 10th, 2006, 3:33 am

I didn't say I'm expecting anything. I do keep repeating that there is a possibility for it to be a great film. I didn't even like WOTW. But the fact that Spielberg made it does not prove that all his subsequent films will be bad. He's made a lot of memorable films and a lot that nobody remembers.

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Post by Ben » March 10th, 2006, 8:34 am

Great post Vi.

All I can add is that I'm glad Munich came away with nothing at the Oscars, since Danny Craig wasn't nominated for his performance (which was the best thing about the movie).

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Post by Christian » March 10th, 2006, 1:02 pm

One thing you could do is write to Spielberg and ask him not to make Indy IV. One reason he is making it is because so many people have asked for it. He's damned if he makes it because it can't match what everybody has imagined for it and damned if he doesn't because at least some people will complain that he doesn't listen to the fans' requests. Sometimes you just need to loosen up and stop complaining about something that hasn't even come out yet and/or don't watch it if you are so sure it'll be bad.

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Post by ShyViolet » March 10th, 2006, 1:08 pm

Great post Vi.
Thanks Ben.

I'm just giving my opinion as I see it...Spielberg is free to make the film if he wants to and I'm sure what I think isn't going to stop him. :wink:
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Post by Christian » March 10th, 2006, 1:33 pm

I actually liked Minority Report but I want my money back for War of the Worlds. Haven't seen Munich.

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Post by Dacey » March 10th, 2006, 7:06 pm

Guys. What websites are you going to? They're going to make a digital Harrison Ford. He'll look just like Han Solo. They're even going to alter his voice so that he'll still sound like Han Solo, not Grandpa Solo.

Plus, the new film already has a title:

"Indiana Jones and the Island of the Dead Ewoks"

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Post by Meg » March 10th, 2006, 7:07 pm

I thought it was "Indiana Jones and the Cursed Nursing Home".

I even have a script started for it.

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Post by Dacey » March 10th, 2006, 7:11 pm

"Indiana Jones and the Bank Robbery from Hell!"

"Indiana Jones and the Last Breath of Chewbacha"

"Indiana Jones and the Son Played by Orlando Bloom"

None of these are for certain, of course. We'll just have to see what happens.
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Post by ShyViolet » March 10th, 2006, 7:13 pm

Hey, didn't I suggest "Indy IV: The Search for Tenure" a while back?

(referring to his job at the University)
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