(And even then, ISTR they were going after the kids with their streaming smartphones, and their hula-hoops, and their YouTube video-bites, and their hey-hey-hey.)
Terrible trailer. But that was always a complaint about Pixar films... though never like this! I'm going to hold out a little hope that Netflix was probably in charge of the trailer, and hopefully Lasseter was able to hold the line on the story. We'll know soon enough!
Nice to see Eric Goldberg as a little blue creature, though, even if they don’t want us to know this is a musical with songs by Alan freakin' Menken. Where’s his name in all the we're-desperate credits at the front? And touting Cars 2 is a, er, plus?
...songs by Alan freakin' Menken. Where’s his name...
Great point. That adds more fuel to my idea that maybe Netflix was in charge of this trailer. Some distributors seem to be notoriously afraid of musicals.
I admit I'm checking this out solely for Menken's songs and was disappointed the trailer had no trace of the songs or even mention he contributed original songs. There is a clip of Rachel singing a song that is best described as Part of Your World meets Let It Go. As a fist listen I enjoyed it and hope the songs are better than what was delivered for Disenchanted.