Chronicles of Narnia

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Chronicles of Narnia

Post by monkeyboy12 » October 23rd, 2004, 8:08 am

Don't look at me,I'm just a coal miner!

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Post by Josh » October 26th, 2004, 6:43 pm


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Post by David » October 27th, 2004, 5:22 am

Great! I am really looking forward to the Narnia series!

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New Narnia peeks!

Post by Hennie » December 15th, 2004, 10:21 am

New Narnia peeks! what you have now posted of ain't it cool news, isn't that the same movie that ultimatedisney posted on december 13th?
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Post by Ben » December 15th, 2004, 10:25 am

Could be!

I haven't seen the UD movie. This was sent in to us via the new submission form on the main page.

Seems these have been poppins up all over the place. AICN actually credits Dark Horizons for having these first!

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Post by Hennie » December 15th, 2004, 10:31 am

Oh oke, it is still a nice feature to see, maybe something like that comes on the dvd :D
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Post by Christian » December 15th, 2004, 12:49 pm

It was made available at Buena Vista's private site for members of the press. That's the original source.

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WETA featurette on The Chronicles of Narnia

Post by Guardstone » December 27th, 2004, 5:50 pm

Speed over to Apple Quicktime's trailers site for a behind the scenes featurette on WETA's work on The Chronicles of Narnia! ... arnia.html

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Post by Josh » December 27th, 2004, 6:31 pm

This has been out for a while. I believe we reported it a few weeks ago. Still, thank you very much for helping us! It is a very interesting video that makes me even more excited about the upcoming film.

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Post by Guardstone » December 27th, 2004, 7:00 pm

Whoops, must have missed that one then (weird...). It was new on the Apple site (24th of December) so I figured it had to be new. I was all enthusiastic with that little clip, I needed to share :)


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Post by JustinWilliams » April 11th, 2005, 4:32 pm

Though the features have appeared online, this is the
first Disney web material featuring the two clips; 'Behind
the Magic of Narnia' is downloadable in choice of high
and low media formats here:

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Thoughts on Chronicles of Narnia?

Post by mr. squarepants » May 17th, 2005, 12:49 pm

What are your thoughts on The Chronicles of Narnia: The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe? I am already hearing the accusations that the film is nothing more than a Lord of the Rings wannabe. And I will admit that Lord of the Rings is likely the main reason Chronicles of Narnia is getting made. Nonetheless, the trailer for Chronicles of Narnia looks great. Though the battle scenes seem a little too "kiddied-up", the scene with the White Witch looming over the captured Aslan looks fantastic.

Overall, I am looking forward to The Chronicles of Narnia. I just hope that people watch it with an open mind, not thinking of it as a Lord of the Rings clone.

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Post by Ben » May 19th, 2005, 5:16 pm


It IS the reason it is being made, no question.


"Wow, those LOTR movies really bombed, right? Good job we took a pass on it when Bob brought it to us. Luckily, we don't own any properties like that!"

Enter junior Walden Media guy.

"Hey, since our Around The World movie went so well, we want to give you guys first shot at this Narnia thing we got going on. It's by the guy who was friends with Tolkien and he basically wrote it in competition with the guy".

"What guy/"

"Tolkein. He wrote Lord Of The..."

The Walden guy is shunted out of the office, battered with verbal abuse and questionable language for the Disney Company.


Yah, I am sure that's NOT how it went down! :)

I agree, though, that the trailer looks good, but am vary that the film is playing too safe.

LW&W was actually the second book in the series, and a shame they are going with "the well known one" to kickstart their franchise.

The trailer is overly prasing of Lewis' "beloved classic". Yes, loved by many readers, but it's not quite up there with LOTR and a more bolder approach, which places more emphasis on the story and not the actual book, say like "from CS Lewis immortal classic", would have been better. Saying "beloved" is trying too hard to push the book as this amazing thing.

The look and feel. Can you say Lord Of The Potters? Potter Of The Rings? They're trying a little too hard again to rub this up the right way with filmgoers. It has the feel of Potter, with the look of Rings, and is going to be the single most important thing in turning people on (or off) to this hoped-for franchise. It will draw those in wanting to go ga-ga for more Rings-inspired adventures, but could also not be its own creature in that they will scream "rip-off" and turn away. Those who were dragged reluctantly to LOTR and didn't like them will not go to this one.

An interesting one to be sure, and it looks to be made with all the expertise you would expect. WETA's effects certainly look better than Potter's, but the LOTR comparison is not going to go away, even after the film is released and they're on to the next one.

Don't get me wrong. As a fan of the books, I'm pumped to see this done properly, but I do think that with all the expectations behind them, Narnia will not perform badly, but not the juggernaught Rings was, and that I expect King Kong to be a bigger draw.

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Post by Josh » May 19th, 2005, 7:04 pm

They're trying a little too hard again to rub this up the right way with filmgoers. It has the feel of Potter, with the look of Rings, and is going to be the single most important thing in turning people on (or off) to this hoped-for franchise. It will draw those in wanting to go ga-ga for more Rings-inspired adventures, but could also not be its own creature in that they will scream "rip-off" and turn away.
My thoughts exactly.

And yep, with its bigger cast, sure-to-be-awesome special effects, and director Peter Jackson, King Kong may very well crush Narnia.

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Post by Phil » May 20th, 2005, 8:55 am

Ben wrote:LW&W was actually the second book in the series, and a shame they are going with "the well known one" to kickstart their franchise.
No, LW&W was originally the first book in the series. They were recently renumbered (so that the "Chronicles" in the title would be accurate).

The "new" first book, The Magician's Nephew, was the sixth one published, but is the first one chronologically.

I still have the books I read as a kid, and they have the original numbering.

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