What scenes from animated films left an impression on you?

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What scenes from animated films left an impression on you?

Post by GeffreyDrogon » August 21st, 2022, 9:16 pm

I've been thinking about Balto a lot, not just because of the animator I've been in touch with, but also a particular scene from that film. It may sound strange, but I can't help thinking about that scene when Balto (the title character) is saved from drowning, particularly the way he is revived. It surely looks painful and embarrassing, but I can't help wanting to hug him.

The whole "Grizzly Bear Attack" scene is what I think is one of the best action sequences in an animated film. Not just how menacing the bear looks (it wouldn't feel out of place in a Don Bluth film), but how it sets up another problem for the protagonist when the ice breaks. You just feel sorry for Balto because of how much hell he went through in just a short span of time. He nearly gets killed by the grizzly, then he nearly drowns, and then he is revived in a way that is equally ridiculous and cringeworthy and makes you feel sympathy for him. It does look painful for him, as his neck and chest were distended in a way that made him look like a water balloon. The look of shock he makes makes you feel sorry for him.

It's another reason I like that movie. Its protagonist is flawed and vulnerable at times, and he goes through pain to get the medicine and bring it back to the town in time. That movie also got me into Kevin Bacon, and I regret not remembering it as a child. There were a lot of memories I had watching that film on the last day I lived in a bleak sponsored residential situation in Glen Allen. There were a lot of fun moments in that film, and the animation and the character designs are some of the best things about that film. I've grown fond of that moment not because of how ridiculous it is, but how it makes me feel more sympathy for the character.

What moments in animated films have left an impression on you? It can be any emotion.

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Re: What scenes from animated films left an impression on you?

Post by Ben » August 22nd, 2022, 4:16 am

Don’t ever watch The Plague Dogs…

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Re: What scenes from animated films left an impression on you?

Post by GeffreyDrogon » August 24th, 2022, 10:38 pm

Another reason I an fond of that scene in Balto where the title character gets saved from drowning by his polar bear friends is because it reminds me of a time in January of 2016 when my family saved one of our dogs from drowning in our pond. Though this dog of ours, which was named Frodo, was a Doberman-hound mix, Balto still reminds me of him despite being a different breed.

As for your response, isn't The Plague Dogs that film where that hunter accidentally shoots himself in the face?

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Re: What scenes from animated films left an impression on you?

Post by Ben » August 25th, 2022, 10:01 am

He doesn’t shoot himself, but yes.

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Re: What scenes from animated films left an impression on you?

Post by Daniel » August 25th, 2022, 1:56 pm

That was pretty shocking. I'm glad I didn't see the film when I was little.

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Re: What scenes from animated films left an impression on you?

Post by Dan » August 25th, 2022, 10:22 pm

It's taken me a long time to remember just how scary it was, as a very young kid maybe 4 years old, seeing Mrs. Brisby have to brave meeting The Great Owl in The Secret of NIMH. I imagine it scared me such that I had to purge it from my memory for a long while before I watched the film going into my teens as an English course had the original novel as a reading lesson. Nowadays, I watch the scene with absolute admiration to just how good it is, from the animation to John Carradine's performance. But man, for a kid who had never imagined seeing a cartoon character in genuine peril, that really hit me hard.

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Re: What scenes from animated films left an impression on you?

Post by tonyadams » April 3rd, 2023, 12:12 am

The scene that left the most impression on me is The "Circle of Lifeio games" sequence from The Lion King where Simba grows up and learns about his role as king.

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Re: What scenes from animated films left an impression on you?

Post by Bill1978 » April 4th, 2023, 6:56 am

The ones that spring to mind for me without having to think about them are:

Belle saying 'I love you' to the dying Beast from Beauty and the Beast
The wildebeest stampede from The Lion King
The 'I See The Light' number from Tangled
Pocahontas running up the hill to farewell John Smith from Pocahontas
Quasimodo swinging over the crowd with Esmerelda and then shouting 'Sanctuary!!' from The Hunchback of Notre Dame
The avalanche from Mulan
Superman from The Iron Giant
The incinerator scene from Toy Story 3

I'm sure there are others, but I'm exhausted right now. So, if others come to mind, I will come back and post them.

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Re: What scenes from animated films left an impression on you?

Post by EricChandler » August 10th, 2023, 5:24 am

When I was a kid, I watched a lot of cartoons, I was most impressed with the scene where the cat Tom chased the mouse, now I still like it so I also play some cartoon games.

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Re: What scenes from animated films left an impression on you?

Post by Ben » August 10th, 2023, 6:08 am

Yes, that one time in that one scene always made me laugh and laugh. ;)

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