Chicken Little

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Post by Lino » January 16th, 2006, 11:48 pm

Sullivan wrote:
Lino wrote:A bit on topic here, Eisner kept switching Cl to boy then girl, and the orignal plot involved a linch mob.

Hmmm. I have heard my statment from any sources, I dont doubt you work with disney but why would this alternate plot claim a linch mob (or at least a group of angry animals) on several sites if it was there intention ... easer1.php ... .htmlstory

are a few examples.

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Post by Macaluso » January 17th, 2006, 12:49 am

Sullivan wrote: I do what they tell me and I collect a paycheck.
You are completely awesome.

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Post by Sullivan » January 17th, 2006, 5:07 am

The group of angry animals is the same group which is mad at Chicken Little in the final movie, the townspeople of Oaky Oaks.

I wouldn't call it a lynch mob. They aren't out to kill Chicken Little.


Post by Lino » January 17th, 2006, 6:48 am

Wendy's Jane wrote:Didn't Chicken Little DIE in the original story?
Well, yes and no. The story can be found rewritten and adapted many times with chicken little (or the chicken of the story)as a victor but most of the story remaining the same. It wouldnt be Chicken Little without chicken little , but I still think its not chicken little without a dastardy (not just bratty) fox. I mean what if Kronks New groove had yzma as a good chracter and a differant emperor, it would be unethical. Im getting no where with this so whats the point.

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Post by Meg » January 17th, 2006, 8:12 am

I'm thinkin' it wasn't the best idea to tell us you worked at Disney, Sull. ;)

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Post by Ben » January 17th, 2006, 11:21 am

Probably why he skidded around that before!

Let's keep things on topic folks, and let Sully work where he works in peace :)

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Post by Ben » January 17th, 2006, 11:24 am

One question:

Is CL heading for a double dip this coming Christmas ('06) as I have heard rumor from friends here at Disney Video UK?

The lack of commentary is a givaway, as is the one-disc release in this age of Disney going the 2-disc route for most of their big releases, and the lack of really meaty bonus features.

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Post by Sullivan » January 17th, 2006, 12:47 pm

I have no idea.

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Post by James » January 17th, 2006, 12:53 pm

Ben wrote:One question:

Is CL heading for a double dip this coming Christmas ('06) as I have heard rumor from friends here at Disney Video UK?

The lack of commentary is a givaway, as is the one-disc release in this age of Disney going the 2-disc route for most of their big releases, and the lack of really meaty bonus features.
If it is a one disc release then yes they will double dip. This film was widely touted since it was their first cg release. And they seemed to promote it more then any other recent non-pixar film. So there should be a ton of bonus feature material (technical and promotional) to choose from. And if Kronk gets a two disc release, you know this will too - eventually!

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Post by Ben » January 17th, 2006, 2:07 pm

Kronk didn't get a two-disc!

I've heard rumors here from my friend at Disney UK that CL will see a two-disc (in the UK at least, kinda like the Lilo And Stitch SE) by year's end.

I'll still likely pick up the March release though and save myself a trip to the theater, except if I can find a 3D issue of it here without travelling to the Hymalayas and back.

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Post by Dacey » January 18th, 2006, 10:45 pm


But we envy you, Sulley, we really do.
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Post by Sullivan » January 19th, 2006, 2:55 pm

Sullivan wrote:
Lino wrote: I still think that when Disney broke of pixar they were using CL to see whether they can stand on there own 2 feet, not really to be better but to see if they can make it.
I don't know, but I expect it was the opposite:

"See if WDFA can still compete or if we should shut it down and just buy Pixar."

I really think we were fighting for our survival. Still do.

I seem downright prophetic right now, don't I?

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Post by ShyViolet » February 16th, 2006, 1:03 pm

I was just wondering: Ben, have you seen Chicken Little? (wasn't it supposed to have come to the UK this month?)
What did you think? :?:

Sadly, I won't be able to do so for some time as it only comes out here in February, so I think we're gonna be three months behind in the Chicken hype.
How about you Wonder? :wink:
Oh, and the DVD with all the extras WILL be awesome. Some amazing stuff there for all you folks who want to pour over the storied history of Chicken Little. Girl to boy, story changes, etc.
Can't wait for this!!! :D
You can’t just have your characters announce how they feel! That makes me feel angry!

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Post by Ben » February 17th, 2006, 7:43 am

Y'know, I saw this a couple of weeks ago, in Disney 3D no less.

Apart from the "EXIT" signs glinting in my ChickLit specs, I thought the effect was fairly cool overall, but no-where as immersive as Imax 3D.

That aside, I did mean to write up a little bit on the film, but since you ask, here are some thoughts...

A little choppy. It seemed that they couldn't totally go for the whacked out over the top silly business and kept shoving in the father/son bond stuff. No bad there, but it just seemed to stop the movie after the second or third time.

Thought Fish was fun, while the Pig character was as annoying and had as much "executive enforced" humor as I'd gathered from the trailer.

Was it me, or was Zach's voice too old for ChickLit?

I didn't have a problem with them playing with the old story. I thought it made a good point of modernizing it, what with this being Disney's move to CGI, so that was multi-layered as in "here's the old tale rejigged and told in a new way with new technology".

I thought the cartoon style was better than Madagascar's off-kilter designs.

Loved the aliens while I was watching, though some story points didn't make sense (they were crossing off planets they had been looking for their kid on when he was on the spaceship the whole time??) and afterwards I wanted to go back to Jimmy Neutron as they had similar messed up aliens.

Animation was good - and the extra scenes to pad out the story were fun - baseball especially. The use of contemporary songs didn't bother, apart from "I'm So Excited" (or whatever that's called) but that's more to do with the fact that I hate pop tunes being plastered over action scenes - never works.

All in all, I really enjoyed it, and it wasn't too "in your face 3D". I do, however, feel that 3D is little more than a gimmick and I'll probably enjoy the film more when I catch it in the flat version on the DVD next month.

That said, anyone who wants to catch ChickLit in 3D in London is in luck - the Warner Leicester Square has all times/all ages tickets on sale for just £7.

All I can think off for now, but it was fun, if no classic.

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Post by Meg » February 17th, 2006, 2:33 pm

Was it me, or was Zach's voice too old for ChickLit?
I thought that too.

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