Best Spielberg movie score?
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Best Spielberg movie score?
Just FYI, this poll is not really about Spielberg as a director or the quality of these films, but specifically their musical soundtracks. (You can also name films I haven’t mentioned.)
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Re: Best Spielberg movie score?
I still put on the bike-chase theme from ET when I have to drive somewhere in an hurry. 

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Re: Best Spielberg movie score?
You should have "Jaws" as an option!!
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Re: Best Spielberg movie score?
Yeah, good point. But like I said, you can definitely name ones that aren’t on there. 

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Re: Best Spielberg movie score?
Of the scores listed, Hook is definitely my favorite; lots of infectiously-fun themes .. even the songs are rather warm & memorable. It's definitely not Spielberg's best film, by any means .. but Williams' score stands tall above it.
The Indiana Jones trilogy scores would be a close 'second place' pick, IMO .. of those, The Temple of Doom has my favorite themes. I really enjoy how Short Round's theme does a 'dance' with Indy's .. especially in the end title.
A favorite score not listed: 1941 .. basically for the title march alone.
Adventures of Tintin had a pretty decent score, as well .. particularly its chase scenes.

The Indiana Jones trilogy scores would be a close 'second place' pick, IMO .. of those, The Temple of Doom has my favorite themes. I really enjoy how Short Round's theme does a 'dance' with Indy's .. especially in the end title.
A favorite score not listed: 1941 .. basically for the title march alone.

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Re: Best Spielberg movie score?
Glad to see Hook get some love!
. The tracks I like best are the ones with that underlying sadness to them. (“Remembering Childhood”). The opening piano theme right before the school play is amazing too.
I also LOVE Poltergeist…very underrated score. Not just Carol Ann’s theme, but the scary tracks in addition to the more “spiritual” ones. (“The Light.”). Jerry Goldsmith is the man!

I also LOVE Poltergeist…very underrated score. Not just Carol Ann’s theme, but the scary tracks in addition to the more “spiritual” ones. (“The Light.”). Jerry Goldsmith is the man!
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Re: Best Spielberg movie score?
There really is a panoply of styles on display in Hook's score .. but I'll admit that my own favorites tend to be the bombastic 'Erich Korngold-y' ones; the "Prologue", "Flight to Neverland", "The Never-Feast", etc. Guess I'm a sucker for the horn section. 

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Re: Best Spielberg movie score?
Oh, Droo…I just knew there was a reason we kept you around…!
I love the Hook score for all those reasons, and used to run side three of my old LD to play the end of the film with all its great themes. There’s a lot of Home Alone and Potter in there too, but Hook is where Williams nails those feelings. It is, as you say, a much better score than the film (or that the film really deserves, though it does make it more enjoyable).
Temple Of Doom all the way for best Indy score (although it’s my fave Indy film too), and 1941 is hilariously bombastic right down to the live cannon firings, and I can’t say how many times I’ve found myself humming the Tintin score.
Of that list, I adore Empire Of The Sun too, although the music can sometimes swamp the film — a rare time when I sometimes wish Mr Williams would keep quiet during some moments (I believe, as wonderful as it is, that the film might have been taken more seriously with a more restrained score), and although it’s not Williams, The Color Purple is lovely, as is Kick The Can from the Twilight Zone movie, again not Williams but both very much in his style. I also love Catch Me If You Can…so many great scores for so many great movies!
Oh, and only a passing slight glitch, but El Spielbergo wasn’t the credited director of Poltergeist, even if it’s said he was on set for most of that movie's shooting. It’s still in the air as to whether he shot some major set-pieces, though even cast members defend Tobe Hooper's involvement. That it and ET came out within a week of each other (yeah, weird) kind of says that he couldn’t be in two places at the same time, though they didn’t shoot too far apart on location…
Anyhoo, I haven’t been able to vote yet, as I might yet throw in a wildcard and go for AI, which is haunting and beautiful, though Minority Report is also overlooked and suspenseful as hell!

I love the Hook score for all those reasons, and used to run side three of my old LD to play the end of the film with all its great themes. There’s a lot of Home Alone and Potter in there too, but Hook is where Williams nails those feelings. It is, as you say, a much better score than the film (or that the film really deserves, though it does make it more enjoyable).
Temple Of Doom all the way for best Indy score (although it’s my fave Indy film too), and 1941 is hilariously bombastic right down to the live cannon firings, and I can’t say how many times I’ve found myself humming the Tintin score.
Of that list, I adore Empire Of The Sun too, although the music can sometimes swamp the film — a rare time when I sometimes wish Mr Williams would keep quiet during some moments (I believe, as wonderful as it is, that the film might have been taken more seriously with a more restrained score), and although it’s not Williams, The Color Purple is lovely, as is Kick The Can from the Twilight Zone movie, again not Williams but both very much in his style. I also love Catch Me If You Can…so many great scores for so many great movies!
Oh, and only a passing slight glitch, but El Spielbergo wasn’t the credited director of Poltergeist, even if it’s said he was on set for most of that movie's shooting. It’s still in the air as to whether he shot some major set-pieces, though even cast members defend Tobe Hooper's involvement. That it and ET came out within a week of each other (yeah, weird) kind of says that he couldn’t be in two places at the same time, though they didn’t shoot too far apart on location…
Anyhoo, I haven’t been able to vote yet, as I might yet throw in a wildcard and go for AI, which is haunting and beautiful, though Minority Report is also overlooked and suspenseful as hell!
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Re: Best Spielberg movie score?
Oh yes, completely agree on MR…that soundtrack was like another character in the film!
Wedded to the story in such a powerful way, perhaps more so than any of JW’s previous scores (with only the exception of Schindler, in my opinion).

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Re: Best Spielberg movie score?
I refuse to pick one. I remember moments more than entire scores, but Steven has been blessed with many great scores, especially given his association with The Maestro, Mr. Williams.
But I gotta tell ya.... While driving down the spectacular Icefields Parkway between Jasper and Banff, blaring the theme to Jurassic Park absolutely brings the majesty and gives one goosepimples.
And the swelling music as the bike lifts up into the air in E.T. still draws an audible gasp from me every time.
But I gotta tell ya.... While driving down the spectacular Icefields Parkway between Jasper and Banff, blaring the theme to Jurassic Park absolutely brings the majesty and gives one goosepimples.
And the swelling music as the bike lifts up into the air in E.T. still draws an audible gasp from me every time.
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Re: Best Spielberg movie score?
I like that the first bars of the main theme, trying to sound Pirate-y, opens with sounding like a standard Errol Flynn epic played in a minor key.
That would be a good theme for suggesting a story with something deceptively "off" about it, but then the theme goes into the standard Spielberg-Williams whimsy to go with the art direction.
And yes, if only the actual movie could have had half of what the "Flight to Neverland" theme suggests.

I'm NOT going to go the Full Ben on pointing out that Tobe Hooper directed it, since there are the fan theories that Tobe was simply acting as a Director's Guild "front" for Spielberg who already had E.T. that year.
Probably just theories, but, for the sake of argument...
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Re: Best Spielberg movie score?
Oh, let’s not argue… I already suggested and then pretty much debunked that in my post above.
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Re: Best Spielberg movie score?
One thing I got to thinking about while looking at all of the options, and one of the fun things about soundtracks: sometimes you can find a soundtrack for a film that is a lot more fun to listen to than watching the movie.
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Re: Best Spielberg movie score?
Yeah, I know what you mean. I think one example is the beautiful song “When You’re Alone” from Hook. I love the part when his daughter sings to Hook/the pirates even though it was also kind of corny lol.
I’m pretty sure John Williams wrote it too.
One funny quote from Spielberg about this movie I always remember; in the start of an interview the journalist told Spielberg “My wife loves Hook” and Spielberg said: “Thanks, I love your wife!”
I’m pretty sure John Williams wrote it too.
One funny quote from Spielberg about this movie I always remember; in the start of an interview the journalist told Spielberg “My wife loves Hook” and Spielberg said: “Thanks, I love your wife!”

You can’t just have your characters announce how they feel! That makes me feel angry!
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Re: Best Spielberg movie score?
Although I will side with Gene Siskel, when he said he liked all the Best Song nominees that year except for "When You're Alone", because the movie soundtrack version was "so WHINY!!"
As heart-yanking John Williams lyric songs go, it's no "Somewhere in My Memory" or "If We Were in Love".
As heart-yanking John Williams lyric songs go, it's no "Somewhere in My Memory" or "If We Were in Love".