this theard is about king kong. not isaac15. duh. kong was really good. did you like it. i did not really get your reply. i hope it makes a lot of money. remember we are talking about king kong. ok. so what are your thoughts about the movie.
I did write about King Kong. I commented about the wednesday opening, and also about how it'll be forever before I see it. I do want to see it, but since I probably won't get the chance for a while I can't really get jazzed about it yet. Like, I wish I could say I'm seeing it tonight, and I'd be all excited. It looks great. I hope it does well, that the wednesday opening is not an omen.
I wrote about you because you /had/ to make a smart comment about weekend openings. I really can't believe that anyone could write what you said and think you were actually saying something credible. We are all aware that we cannot know the weekend box office actualls until the weekend is over! that's why he said wednesday! Can you admit you were quite foolish? Or did you honestly read so fast that you really couldn't catch that we were talking about wednesday and really felt it was your divinely-given duty to inform us that we can't know box office actualls til monday? Or do you enjoy being immature? So, I'm going to start this rumor that Issac is 30, no, 45, and what he's really doing here is purposely writing nonsense so he can laugh at the people who flame him and make fools out of us. I've honestly thought this since he showed up, and now I admit I'm definitely a victim. So, Issac, prove me wrong. By writing correctly, by being respectful, by thinking before you post if what you're saying is credible and/or is not meant to make fun of someone else. Though I suppose if I'm right, then there's no fixing you. Sad.
To quote Big Fish:
"You're embarassing yourself, [issac], you just don't see it!" I'm trying to help you. I don't want to believe you're 45. If you're 8, awesome, I understand now, but just grow up!
And then to make another King Kong comment, I really liked the original