Official Star Wars Thread

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Re: Official Star Wars Thread

Post by ShyViolet » November 13th, 2019, 7:37 am

Randall wrote:
October 23rd, 2019, 9:41 am
All valid points. But what could the movies and merchanding be earning if the films were actually GOOD? A little more patience in terms of development may have paid off even more in the long run.
I also wish so much that modern Hollywood studio execs would see things this way, but unfortunately there’s really no reason for them to put in that extra effort anymore since they know moviegoers (at least for now) show up no matter what to a blockbuster tentpole. And the hundreds of millions of dollars will ALWAYS roll in.

The only “long run” studios plan for nowadays is how many more sequels they can squeeze out in the next ten years. Why should they take the risk of shaking things up a bit and finding a truly exceptional writer/director/cast, when it’s so much easier to pour everything into a giant marketing campaign? They just don’t have the patience anymore to actually make superior films. That era of Hollywood is dead unfortunately. (That’s why original content on streaming services like Prime and Netflix are really the only places to get the kind of movies people used to leave the house to go see.)

Movies that we pay good money for should always leave us saying “Wow!” :o not “Meh.” :? Unfortunately, the majority of widely released movies these days elicit the latter emotion almost without fail. (Yes, I realize there are exceptions.)
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Re: Official Star Wars Thread

Post by ShyViolet » December 3rd, 2019, 9:59 pm

Have NO idea if ANY of this is true, (plus the story is a month old) but apparently there have been quite a few rumors that the early test screenings of TROS were total disasters and that one scene towards the end actually caused the audience to burst into laughter.

Also that Bob Iger was present at that particular screening and was apparently so *****d off that he ordered that the entire second act be re-worked. This second version of the movie apparently fared no better, so none other than George Lucas was brought in to save this thing.

(Possibly HUGE spoilers revealed
) ... s-disaster

I know that these might very well be fake rumors (or half-truths) but one thing we DO know is that just about a month ago Iger announced that there would be no more Star Wars films...for an unspecified period of time. (Meaning SW is basically out of the picture movie-wise as far as Disney is concerned.).

This announcement is by no means “proof” of the rumors described above, but it does lend SOME credence to the possibility that where there’s smoke...there was definitely fire. :?

(Also just wanted to say: if they don’t involve the little boy at the end of Last Jedi in this film, or, even worse, never even explain who he was...I will be upset. :| Although I did enjoy the film overall, especially the Mark Hamill sections, the last scene of the kid looking up at the stars was easily the most memorable.)

Oh, and one more thing: Avoid the comments...for your own well-being. Trust me, it’s not pretty.
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Re: Official Star Wars Thread

Post by ShyViolet » December 5th, 2019, 2:14 pm

OK, I know this is ridiculous but it was just so cute I had to post it:

R2-D2 crock-pot! (pressure cooker.) Lol. ... oker-r2d2/

Now I’ve seen everything! :P
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Re: Official Star Wars Thread

Post by Daniel » December 5th, 2019, 3:01 pm

He was built for it! ;)

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Re: Official Star Wars Thread

Post by ShyViolet » December 17th, 2019, 8:05 am

First fan reactions from world premiere: (no spoilers) ... 203444389/

Basically the same as the other two: very mixed.
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Re: Official Star Wars Thread

Post by EricJ » December 17th, 2019, 10:36 pm

But at least conventional wisdom now treats Last Jedi as....."problematic".

I doubt they'll be going on the same pre-emptive straw-man fan-demonization of chortling over how their "Expectations were subverted" or were "Too possessive of their favorites to allow growth and change", if expectations don't turn out as expected.
History has spoken, and Last Jedi's place in the franchise's history is now All On Rian.

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Re: Official Star Wars Thread

Post by Ben » December 18th, 2019, 10:11 pm


So the first ten-twenty minutes are a complete mess (the crawl is confusing as heck!) and retcon setups so much that they could have made a trilogy out of how it all comes about!

The rest is, sadly, mostly just "meh". Very well made "meh", but I’m just not sure how actually enjoyable it was. I certainly didn’t feel like I was having much fun, even though it strives to tick all the boxes.

And in as much as it gets right, it also misses several opportunities, especially one shot towards the end that I think everyone saw coming, or were hoping for...but didn’t get.

The fact that, as with Endgame, no-one clapped at the end, says it all. Good, not great, and again I’m just not sure if I actually enjoyed it or not!

More to come when you guys get to see it! :)

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Re: Official Star Wars Thread

Post by ShyViolet » December 19th, 2019, 6:44 pm

Hmm, interesting. I still really want to see it, as it definitely looks “fun”, but having already sat through TFA and TLJ, I’m not expecting this film to really rise above those in a substantial, “Wow, that was EPIC and I was on the edge of my seat the entire time” level. (Ditto for the Hobbit trilogy, which I sure WANTED to like. :( Only really memorable moment in THAT trilogy was the last half hour with Smaug and Bilbo in part 2.)

Ben wrote:
December 18th, 2019, 10:11 pm
The rest is, sadly, mostly just "meh". Very well made "meh", but I’m just not sure how actually enjoyable it was. I certainly didn’t feel like I was having much fun, even though it strives to tick all the boxes...The fact that... no-one clapped at the end, says it all. Good, not great, and again I’m just not sure if I actually enjoyed it or not!

Wow, that’s EXACTLY how I felt while watching the Hobbit films (and to a certain extent TFA and TLJ). Very accurate summary of so many theatrical films nowadays. You go in WANTING to like it so much that you try very hard to overlook the fact that the actual story is a mess and the film is basically devoid of any wonder or magic that films from decades ago were expected to have.

If you think about it, there was NEVER—yes, NEVER—a gigantic, memorable blockbuster film in years past that didn’t take huge risks.

1.) Titanic: Romeo and Juliet period piece/disaster movie by the Terminator/Aliens guy could have very easily ended James Cameron’s career. (Best Picture Winner, record-breaking gross.)

2.) A Beautiful Mind: The Gladiator guy as a schizophrenic mathematician? Best Picture.

3.). The Godfather: An actual Mafia drama from the inside, starring the famously difficult Marlon Brando and the controversial choice of Al Pacino, a mostly unknown actor whom the studio felt simply wasn’t tall/imposing enough to play Michael. (Coppola was also mostly unknown, his only real claim to fame at this point the cult-horror flick Dementia Thirteen.)

4.) Batman 89: Main actor was in comedies like “Mr. Mom”, and “Johnny Dangerously.” Director another mostly unknown, 27 years old. Claims to fame Pee-Wee’s Big Adventure and experimental animated shorts. Soundtrack artist a former rock star. And yet we all know the astounding impact this film had not only on Hollywood but on pop culture in general. (And of course it’s presence in the Guinness book of World Record’s for highest grossing film ever, next to, at the time, Indy and the Last Crusade.

I could go on and on. So many examples. It makes me so sad...will we ever get theatrical masterpieces again??? God I hope so. :cry:
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Re: Official Star Wars Thread

Post by James » December 19th, 2019, 11:52 pm

I thought this was the best of the sequel trilogy. But I didn’t think those last two were that great. Definitely enjoyable, but I wish they had planned these movies out in advance rather than make them one at a time.

Huge disconnect form the critics and the fans it seems.

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Re: Official Star Wars Thread

Post by Ben » December 20th, 2019, 7:01 am

Hey! I’m a fan...but I agree with the critics.

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Re: Official Star Wars Thread

Post by ShyViolet » December 20th, 2019, 10:26 pm

Probably see this on New Year’s. I am somewhat curious about it, (especially seeing Threepio again!) :)

Would be so awesome if Family Guy took on these films the way they did with the OT! (Maybe Peter can be Po! Lol.)
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Re: Official Star Wars Thread

Post by Randall » December 21st, 2019, 9:25 am

Sounds to me like reaction has been pretty mixed with both fans and critics, and few outright love it. Sigh. But it's gotta be seen. I'm going this afternoon with my boy. I'm looking forward to it more now than a few weeks ago. I was anticipating disaster, but it sounds like it's not too much of one.

I'm seeing words in reviews like "bizarre" and "weird," and those are the (relatively) positive ones! But they're right. The whole trilogy has been a misfire so far (as much as I enjoyed TFA initially, it hasn't aged so well for me).

It's been clear from the start that the whole trilogy was far too rushed and poorly thought out, but many seem to agree that the capper is about as good as we could have expected, given the circumstances.

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Re: Official Star Wars Thread

Post by Randall » December 21st, 2019, 9:29 am

RT summary: ... nd-action/

I like this take, which sums it all up nicely in a fair way: ... skywalker/

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Re: Official Star Wars Thread

Post by Dan » December 21st, 2019, 3:21 pm

Thought it was a good flick.

I liked the sequel trilogy overall. Disjointed, absolutely. But they were all really good, I thought.

I guess I have a knack of hanging out with like minded folks because we had applauds in our theater at the end.

I will say, though, what's funny was that the best thing at the screening wasn't in the film. It was the Tenet prologue that was shown beforehand (which I understand is only at IMAX screenings). 8)

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Re: Official Star Wars Thread

Post by Randall » December 21st, 2019, 8:30 pm

For the past two years, I've been saying that JJ Abrams would need to pull a major rabbit out of his butt to make up for the last two Skywalker Saga Star Wars films; the last one in particular, as it was a stinker.

Today, I have seen the rabbit. And he is mighty indeed.

The Rise of Skywalker is 10 times the Star Wars movie that The Force Awakens was, and 100 times better than The Last Jedi. TRoS succeeds in so many ways, and brings the saga to a satisfying end. Go in with a positive attitude, and hopefully you can enjoy it as I did. So many great moments, and a thrill ride from beginning to end. I'm not saying it's a great film, but it's a darn good Star Wars movie, easily in the top 3.

I actually loved it. And it made me misty-eyed a couple of times. It redeems the franchise; and for that, the little kid in me is grateful. As my son said, Disney owes JJ big-time!

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