The Lion King Remake

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Re: The Lion King Remake

Post by Daniel » July 19th, 2019, 12:37 pm

His voice doesn't help matters much either. Doesn't have the same emotional punch of the original. Not convincing enough.

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Re: The Lion King Remake

Post by Otis8 » July 19th, 2019, 1:51 pm

I'm shocked Disney hasn't deleted them yet. But Yeah - the scene is just embarrassing.

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Re: The Lion King Remake

Post by Daniel » July 19th, 2019, 4:33 pm

Yep, someone's asleep at the switch! There's another key scene leaked but I'm not bothering. Going back to the Mufasa clip, there's a different vid that shows a few seconds sooner. Wow. James Earl Jones literally sounds like he's phoning it in. He says "Scar... help me" in a such low, monotone way and no where near as intense. He sounded more pleading in the original. I know he's getting on, even still...

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Re: The Lion King Remake

Post by ShyViolet » July 19th, 2019, 7:56 pm

Yeah, plus in the 94 version, he actually says: “ me!” . It was so moving and distressing because it showed that even with everything, Mufasa still considered Scar his brother and was pleading for him to remember their connection and save Mufasa’s life, even with all the “bad blood” between them. (AND of course to remember their actual blood ties.). Because even with everything, Mufasa would have saved Scar’s life without any hesitation.
You can’t just have your characters announce how they feel! That makes me feel angry!

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Re: The Lion King Remake

Post by Dan » July 22nd, 2019, 9:56 pm

I didn't think the film was bad. I thought it was good-ish. Having said that, it's like Beauty and the Beast where the "re-imagining" is obviously inferior to the original. The realism may have made the visuals look stunning, but boy did it hamper the ability to tell a narrative without facial expressions. Not to mention the storytelling was very much a slave to the original, hardly offering anything unique.

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Re: The Lion King Remake

Post by Daniel » July 30th, 2019, 3:06 pm

Lion King tops $1 Billion Worldwide in only 19 days. Can you feel the loot tonight? ;)

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Re: The Lion King Remake

Post by Otis8 » July 31st, 2019, 12:27 pm

Look what nostalgia can do ;)

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Re: The Lion King Remake

Post by Daniel » July 31st, 2019, 2:31 pm

Do we hear a sequel? ;)

If they end up doing one (haha "if"!) and let it do its own thing, could be cool... from a story perspective.

Haven't see this one yet. Have no real desire and I know I'll just end up disappointed. Might not be that bad, but I doubt it will have a lasting effect. I can still vaguely remember seeing the original on the big screen. That stampede scene alone - whoa! I'm sure I mentioned it before, I actually got to see Simba's Pride on the big screen. That was special. If I wasn't already a fan a sequels, that would've done it! ;)

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Re: The Lion King Remake

Post by Daniel » September 3rd, 2019, 6:35 pm

Ended up seeing this the other day. No surprise really, I didn't think it was much good... (mild spoilers)

If you've seen the cartoon, you've already seen this. That much was a given. Seeing the Mufasa and Scar scene again (but on the big screen!) was painful. However, it now explains why Scar does what he does. Amazing how one little word can alter so much. "I wouldn't dream of challenging you - AGAIN dun dun duuun...

Don't mind changes if it can improve or at least showcase an interesting spin, some of the choices done here actually create plot holes! And maybe worse, water down iconic scenes.

The "Hula" scene was indeed cut. :( And they replaced it with a freaking Beauty and the Beast reference! It got laughs, for me it felt pretty cringy. Might as well not have had it at all.

They took away a crucial scene of Rafiki.

Remember who you are -- well first, could that have looked any lamer? "I never left you. I never will" Kind of conflicted with that part!

"Spirits" was terrible. What more can I say?

The Simba vs Scar scene... Had a hard time telling the two apart at times! So dark...

I've read that Timon and Pumbaa were a highlight for many. Not me. If anything, Timon felt more mean-spirited. I know he was never an angel... Still, it's like they took away some of Scar's evilness and transferred it over.

"Be Prepared" was a joke. Although given the changes, it makes a little sense.

What took me out of some moments was how scenes were not accurately synched up right. Like, the rehashed music was there alright but not at the right times. Felt clumsy.

Wasn't impressed with the voices. They were all pretty forgettable. None really surpassed the originals. The leads especially.

I could on...! It was an ok movie I guess. Just pales in comparison to the original in probably every way...

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Re: The Lion King Remake

Post by ShyViolet » September 5th, 2019, 12:29 am

Wow, on the one hand I’m not THAT surprised, but apparently this is an even bigger disaster than I thought it would be. :?

MILD SPOILERS. . And that’s awful about cutting out a key Rafiki scene. :( I can’t help wondering if it’s one of those three beautiful ones in the ‘94 version where Rafiki marks Simba’s birth, death, and eventual “resurrection” to claim his rightful place as king.

Also, that’s ridiculous about the Beauty reference!! In the ‘94 version they were able to get away with Zazu singing “It’s a Small World” because it was such a general referral to Disney culture but referencing story elements from a specific (and relatively recent) animated film??? That’s nuts! :shock:
You can’t just have your characters announce how they feel! That makes me feel angry!

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Re: The Lion King Remake

Post by EricJ » September 5th, 2019, 2:03 am

ShyViolet wrote:
September 5th, 2019, 12:29 am
Also, that’s ridiculous about the Beauty reference!! In the ‘94 version they were able to get away with Zazu singing “It’s a Small World” because it was such a general referral to Disney culture but referencing story elements from a specific (and relatively recent) animated film??? That’s nuts! :shock:
(Also, with no Jeremy Irons, there was no need for Scar's gratuitous "Reversal of Fortune" joke that no child today gets.)
Daniel wrote:
September 3rd, 2019, 6:35 pm
The "Hula" scene was indeed cut. :( And they replaced it with a freaking Beauty and the Beast reference! It got laughs, for me it felt pretty cringy. Might as well not have had it at all.
Can't recall whether it was the same scene, but the '94 movie got Disney into a LOT of trouble for appropriating the gag where Timon sings a few annoying bars of "The Lion Sleeps Tonight" (and Disney flogged the living daylights out of that song in marketing tie-in connections with the movie as if it was one of Elton's). To the point that it became one of the catalysts in the trial looking to restore the song rights to the original African writer.

I'm guessing they...probably wanted to stay clear of the joke this time around? :shock:

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Re: The Lion King Remake

Post by Ben » September 5th, 2019, 5:17 am

Beauty: this self-congratulating that Disney's been doing in their own productions has started to rub very thin lately.

Reversal Of Fortune: in all the years the original Lion King has been out, I’ve never seen anyone else refer to or pick that line up! I think I actually probably saw those the other way around, so when he said it in ROF, I got it then, and thought it was a nice little actor nod moment for him to repeat it in LK.

Hula scene and Lion Sleeps Tonight are different scenes in the original LK. Sleeps occurs midway, and was just intended as another pop-culture throwaway gag, while the Hula is the (very short but very funny) distraction Timon pulls off right near the end. I can understand not wanting to rub the Sleeps wound again, but swapping the Hula - which was supposed to be, and was, totally random - for something as specific as yet another Disney reference sounds dumb.

I want to see this film out of morbid curiosity, but I’m not sure whether to place an order for the disc...! It actually sounds worse than Beauty And The Beast bad, and that was about as awful as you can get!

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Re: The Lion King Remake

Post by Daniel » September 5th, 2019, 11:37 am

Indeed. To say which is worse, that's a toughie. They both suffer in similar fashions. The feeling I had walking out of them was exact, though; disappointed.

Shy, you're actually pretty close! Which in a way proves how vital the scene is...

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Re: The Lion King Remake

Post by ShyViolet » September 5th, 2019, 5:40 pm it the one where: (kinda curious lol. ;) )

Rafiki hugs Simba after the final battle with Scar and says: “It is time,” right before Simba climbs Pryde Rock? If so, I don’t even know what to say. Oh yeah, Simba just fought his uncle/ watched him being torn to pieces by the Hyenas (ok, I know we don’t really see it) and now he’s just like: “OK, beat Scar, now I’ll just climb to the top of Pryde Rock and roar and take my place as king, whatever.” :roll: Ugh if so.

Ben wrote:
September 5th, 2019, 5:17 am
Beauty: this self-congratulating that Disney's been doing in their own productions has started to rub very thin lately.
Oh God I agree. Much as I liked Zootopia (and overall I REALLY liked it) I absolutely hated the “Let it Go,” reference. :roll: And the funny thing was, I first read about in a review or something and thought it sounded hilarious, but when I actually saw it, it felt not just self-aggrandizing (as you said, Ben), but simply...EMBARRASSING.

Also, still haven’t seen Ralph Breaks the Internet :oops: , but I DID see the screenshot of all the Disney labels grouped together. Just...demoralizing. :(. I know it was ostensibly “self-mockery”, but a single line of dialogue would have more than done the job. NOT NEEDED IN THE LEAST.
You can’t just have your characters announce how they feel! That makes me feel angry!

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Re: The Lion King Remake

Post by Daniel » September 5th, 2019, 6:35 pm

Nope. If you must know.... it's the scene that directly follows after Simba sees Mufasa in the sky. One of the most important parts I always felt. The remake justifies it, sorta...

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