Wonder Showzen

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Post by ShyViolet » November 1st, 2006, 8:10 pm

Glad to know I'm not alone! :)

I didn't mean to raise this topic again on a family board like this, (because of the content) but it just must made me SO ANGRY that this show is on the air and that the no-good "expletives" who made it are getting even more money from DVD sales. There are kids who look like they're five years old acting on this show.

(BTW they orignally, NOT KIDDING, wanted to air this on Basic Cable--TBS I think--(EDIT: It was USA)who of course rejected it. The writers/producers only chose MTV 2 because they had to.)

I'm not crazy about DT to put it mildly, but I don't loathe it like I do this show. I just think it's gross sometimes and kinda pointless, but I can understand why some people like the "acid trip" humor and that sometimes I have laughed while watching it...although it's just not my thing, usually.

But Wonder Showzen is about one million times worse than DT combined with everything else on Adult Swim, then squared by infinity. :?

I don't know, I guess I only brought it up in hopes of making others aware.
Last edited by ShyViolet on December 14th, 2006, 3:45 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Daniel » November 1st, 2006, 10:15 pm

ShyViolet wrote:Glad to know I'm not alone! :)
Not while I'm here ;)
ShyViolet wrote: I didn't mean to raise this topic again on a family board like this, (because of the content) but it just must made me SO ANGRY that this show is on the air and that the no-good "expletives" who made it are getting even more money from DVD sales. There are kids who look like they're five years old acting on this show.
Family board? :) aww were one big happy internet family :D.

Its ok though, I'm glad you brought this topic up again, since I wasn't around when it was created :(

I second what you said! I'm mad that the show is still ON, what is on its third season :?.

Its not bad enough that the show gets good ratings, but to be a best seller, amongst greater shows, such a pity :roll:
ShyViolet wrote: (BTW they orignally, NOT KIDDING, wanted to air this on Basic Cable--TBS I think--who of course rejected it. The writers/producers only chose MTV 2 because they had to.)
:shock: really? I didn't know that. With the way the show is, do they honestly think its basic cable friendly enough :roll:
ShyViolet wrote: I'm not crazy about DT to put it mildly, but I don't loathe it like I do this show. I just think it's gross sometimes and kinda pointless, but I can understand why some people like the "acid trip" humor and that sometimes I have laughed while watching it...although it's just not my thing, usually.
Not crazy? don't worry I won't hold it against you ;)

But I guess it is just for me.... Although I wish they cut back on some stuff. Otherwise its one of my favorite shows. And even better, It has two spoofs of some of my favorite shows Spongbob and Pokemon! Hoot..... :D

Or in Drawn Together terms: Ling Ling, and Wooldoor.
ShyViolet wrote:
But Wonder Showzen is about one million times worse than DT combined with everything else on Adult Swim, then squared by infinity. :?

I don't know, I guess I only brought it up in hopes of making others aware.
I completly agree! Its so much worse than all that, its not even funny.

Well, you've made me aware. And hopefully other lurkers..... But just in case '

Don't watch! Do you want more KIDS to be featured next to these disgusting puppets? :?

"Won't somebody please think of the children!!"

(Inside joke ;) :P)

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Post by Ben » November 2nd, 2006, 8:05 am

I was surprised at how much I got out of Drawn Together. I didn't watch it avidly - only an episode here and there - but it was much better than I was expecting from it.

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Post by Daniel » November 2nd, 2006, 4:12 pm

And you stopped Ben? :shock:

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Post by Ben » November 2nd, 2006, 6:26 pm

Circumstances, Dan!

Circumstances and timing. :)

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Post by Meg » November 2nd, 2006, 7:37 pm

I was surprised at how much I got out of Drawn Together. I didn't watch it avidly - only an episode here and there - but it was much better than I was expecting from it.
I've seen ads for it, though I've never watched an episode, and it does look rather interesting...But it'll be hard to top Robot Chicken and Venture Bros. :wink:

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Post by Daniel » November 2nd, 2006, 8:24 pm

Ben wrote:Circumstances, Dan!

Circumstances and timing. :)
Excuses... ;)

DVR Ben..... Its a god sent!
Meg wrote:I've seen ads for it, though I've never watched an episode, and it does look rather interesting...But it'll be hard to top Robot Chicken and Venture Bros. :wink:
I've seen both those shows, and IMO it outdoes them both, and more.

More funny, and more gross. Don't know if that's a good thing for you, but for me it is :P

Be cautioned though, if you ever do get to watch it.

The things they get away with should be illegal! :?

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Post by ShyViolet » December 11th, 2006, 6:43 pm

BTW just FYI, this is the show's logo: (Wonder Showzen)

Last edited by ShyViolet on December 11th, 2006, 9:18 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by ShyViolet » December 11th, 2006, 6:56 pm

Don't watch! Do you want more KIDS to be featured next to these disgusting puppets?

"Won't somebody please think of the children!!"
Very well said Dan. :wink: Fortunately, I think it might not be picked up for another season. Not 100% sure though. Still it's on DVD. :(

Oh, and here's one of the kids who act on the show:

http://www.wonder-showzen.com/images/wa ... ves_wp.png

I know it says "Slaves" on the picture--very dark humor--don't ask. :roll: (Commentary on Slavery, but done in a really tactless and off-putting way.)


I don't mean to draw more attention to this show by commenting further on it, just wanted to illustrate more clearly why I think it's reprehensible--but I know some people like some of the jokes, so no offense to them--just voicing my opinion.
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Post by Daniel » December 11th, 2006, 10:35 pm

ShyViolet wrote:Very well said Dan. :wink: Fortunately, I think it might not be picked up for another season. Not 100% sure though. Still it's on DVD. :(
Lets hope that's true Vi! :P dvd is small compared to knowing its finally off the air, well not really, but no more new episodes!
ShyViolet wrote:
I don't mean to draw more attention to this show by commenting further on it, just wanted to illustrate more clearly why I think it's reprehensible--but I know some people like some of the jokes, so no offense to them--just voicing my opinion.
Its ok, Vi :) I kind of enjoy hearing why you don't like it and whatnot.

I still stand by my statement, that the show is wrong on many levels. Why so many enjoy this humor (with little kids involved) is beyond me. The humor for the most part is ok, its just the way its interpeted that I find unpleasing. Well, that's just my opinion as well ;)

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Post by ShyViolet » December 13th, 2006, 12:39 am

*raises fist* ALL RIGHT!!!!!!

This was on an "unofficial" WS fansite news section:
Dear Fans of Wonder Showzen,

We have horrible news. The Wonder Showzen Fan Site has received word, and we regret to inform you that Wonder Showzen will not be airing for a third season. I know the heartache and pain you must feel. We wish the creators of the show all the best and thank them for such a marvelous masterpiece of television.
Ha! That's priceless. :D
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Post by ShyViolet » December 14th, 2006, 12:46 am

Also, just so everyone knows it's not just Dan and I who feel this way, here's a couple of opinions from Amazon:
5 of 13 people found the following review helpful:

Please enter a title for your review, May 30, 2006
Reviewer: pancake_repairman "pancake_repairman" (gfjdhgfjhgj) - See all my reviews
It's definitely clever, but too aggressively cynical. Like this show starts with the premise that everything that appears wholesome must be inherently corrupt, and there's no discretion in choosing targets. It's not really subversive because the idea of being cynical towards everything wholesome is something that has been getting more and more acceptance lately. It's not an original idea, and it's sure as hell not their idea. They do consistently take their shock tactics so far that I can hardly believe the show got made though. If you're looking for something that makes South Park and Family Guy seem tame, this is the show for you. They treat everything horrific in the world as a harsh truth they're righteously exposing, or celebrating, it's never really clear. The one thing that is pretty consistent is their lack of anything relevent to say about their subject matter. It's mostly constant juxtapositions of everything that is wholesome and innocent in the world with everything that is horrific or corrupt. There are some funny moments, but they're outweighed by how offensively nasty or just lazy the majority of the content is.

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5 of 20 people found the following review helpful:

This is Retarded, May 29, 2006
Reviewer: Oh Daesu - See all my reviews
I can't believe so many people find this funny. I like black, cynical humour, like South Park, Futurama and Family Guy (Even if the jokes bear no relevance to the story), but this show was just painful to watch. I actually kind of felt pity for the "writers". It's obviously aimed at stoners who are gonna put it on and go "Awesome.........it's like a warped Sesame Street dude, it's sooooo twisted", but the truth is, is that in this day and age, this is not even mildly shocking. The whole "joke" is that it's a kids show, but much blunter, and once you get that joke, it repeats it over and over, episode after episode, with irritating kids songs that aren't at all funny thrown in too. I watched about 4 or 5 episodes before giving up, as I wanted to give it the benefit of the doubt, and in that whole time, I think I did about 3 mildly-blow-out-of-your-nostrils-once laughs. Seriously unfunny.

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3 of 21 people found the following review helpful:

Don't even compare this to South Park, September 16, 2006
Reviewer: Noise Abortion (Michigan) - See all my reviews
I seriously cannot believe that people can watch more than 5 seconds of this show, or even worse compare it to South Park. My stoner friend that watches the cartoon network whenever possible, brought this DVD to my apartment. Let me just say, that I appreciate strange humor, but this was not humor. Anyone could make a show like this. People think its so clever and funny because its outrageous. I agree with the outrageous, but that does not make it funny to me. South park on the other hand has awesome characters, has genious satyrical plot lines, and is truly funny, it does not just rely on outlandishness. By the third episode of this DVD, I had probably truly only laughed (about as weak as a laugh as you can have) 2 times. Also, I would have rather bathed in hot lava then to watch one more episode, it was that bad. I would rather watch 3 episodes of Family Matters than watch one more of Wonder Showzen. I never write reviews on Amazon, but I hated this so much it was worth it.

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Post by ShyViolet » December 14th, 2006, 3:41 am

By the way, Entertainment Weekly is totally for his show.

They gave it great reviews and did a whole feature on it, including an interview with the "creators."

Apparently, half the parents of all those kid actors don't even know what kind of show this is.

It's just so sickening.... :(
You can’t just have your characters announce how they feel! That makes me feel angry!

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Post by Daniel » December 15th, 2006, 3:23 pm

To much to comment on :shock:

Ok, first its not coming back? YES! We finally won Vi!! :)

Second, yay other people think like us! I completly agree with those reviewers.

Third, funny, I don't remember any articles about the show :? I remember once in a while it was on their tv guide, but not articles. Guess I forgot :P

So, are you happy Vi? I know how much you disliked the humor ;)

What a nice early Christmas present!

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Post by ShyViolet » December 24th, 2006, 10:28 am

Yes, I'm very happy about this Dan! :) :) It's the best thing that could have happened...other than the creators going to jail as well. :twisted: (which I still feel they deserve.)

Yeah, EW reviewed it positively and had an interview with the creators. They have no shame and don't show any caution or regret about the fact that they use kids.
But it's not just EW--WS was reviewed positively by many reviewers. They are either sick themselves, or have no backbone.

But still, I"m really glad WS was cancled!!

Plus, I don't know if it's possible--could Henson's family (or Disney I guess) sue them for copying Sesame Street and defiling it like that? I hope Disney goes after them BAD.... :twisted:

(Oh wait, Disney doesn't own Sesame Street anyway. :( )

*Sigh* Oh well, I guess you can't have everything.... :?
You can’t just have your characters announce how they feel! That makes me feel angry!

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