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Post by AniMan » March 13th, 2005, 11:33 pm

macontosh2000 wrote:I loved the begining of the movie up until he left on the train to Robot City then it started to go downhill. It hurts me to say this because i am a big fan of his but i didnt like Robin Williams in it, it didnt work for him to do random stuff. I didnt like the story. I didnt really care for any of the characters. And i thought there were to many plot holes. Visually it was good but there was never a moment that i found to to be REALLY impressed with. And Halle Berry's character was completely pointless, she did nothing.

6.5/10 It was better than Shark Tale.

I did like Aunt Fanny though.
Wow, the first part of what you said here is exactly how I felt: the movie was at its best when we were in Rodney's hometown. I cared the most about Rodney's father the dishwasher and would've liked to have seen the story told from the perspective of life in this small town and Rodney's effort to make a difference with his inventions. Like you said though, the movie seems to go downhill and meander quite a bit once we get to Robot City. Oh, yes, the city offers great visuals but soon the fairly weak storyline caused me to lose interest. Funny thing is, as soon as the story returned to his hometown again (I believe it was Rivet town?) I became interested again.
There is enough here to entertain due to the overwhelming amount of activity on the screen, but it just doesn't end up being all that memorable. I really started to wish the film was more about his father than about Rod. All in all, it's worth seeing, but it probably won't compell many to repeated viewings.

And yes, it is much better than Shark Tale, by far!
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Post by AniMan » March 13th, 2005, 11:38 pm

Oh, I almost forgot to mention the Ice Age 2 teaser. It's very, very funny! Funnier than anything seen in Robots.
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Post by macontosh2000 » March 14th, 2005, 9:38 am

I have a question about the movie. (I am putting it in spoiler tags just in case)
What was keeping Big Weld at his house? I mean if Rodney and Halle Berrys character (i cant even remember her name) could get into his house easily what kept him from getting out and helping the robots.
Thats been bothering me.

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Post by AniMan » March 14th, 2005, 11:33 am

Hmm.. I don't know the answer to that one either, macontosh. I wondered about that, too. :?
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Post by Christian » March 14th, 2005, 12:05 pm

I think he was just intimidated by Ratchet and that ugly looking mom of his . . . I guess.

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Post by Macaluso » March 14th, 2005, 3:39 pm

macontosh2000 wrote:I have a question about the movie. (I am putting it in spoiler tags just in case)
What was keeping Big Weld at his house? I mean if Rodney and Halle Berrys character (i cant even remember her name) could get into his house easily what kept him from getting out and helping the robots.
Thats been bothering me.
Um... He DID go out and help the robots. Before he was just too down and depressed to bother leaving. He was perfectly able to leave the house whenever he wanted

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Post by AniMan » March 14th, 2005, 4:27 pm

Yeah, I agree with him on the look of the movie. It is quite a sight; I'm certain that on dvd I'll be able notice things I didn't before. But what knocks the film down a few notches is that the story could have been developed some more. It seemed to settle for mediocrity, falling into some routine (and some not so routine) slapstick gags, many of which fell flat (hey, but the kids loved it!).

I usually agree with Roger Ebert on most films, more often than any other critic out there. On this one I only partially agree. I wouldn't have rated it as high as he did (he gave it an equal star rating to The Incredibles -- :shock: which actually has me a bit perplexed; this movie doesn't even begin to approach the level of The Incredibles). I'll probably get this one when it comes out on dvd, but only because I did find it visually fascinating.
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Post by Dacey » March 19th, 2005, 12:27 pm

I liked "Robots". But, then again, I loved "Ice Age", so this was expected. "Ice Age" was better. It had a better story and it was more emotional. Still, "Robots" was pretty cool. I really liked Fender a lot. He was easily my favorite. My second fave was Piper. Who would've known that Amanda Bynes could deliver a better performance than Halle Berry? And I really liked Rodney's parents. They were such sweeties!

I could've done without that whole "Armpit Music" sequence, but that's what sells these days. More of Cappy and Rodney's romance would've helped as well.

Still, all and all, a good film.

Oh, and the "Star Wars" trailer was AMAZING on the big screen!
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Robots sequel in works

Post by Plightyear » March 21st, 2005, 3:53 pm

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Post by Dacey » March 21st, 2005, 4:24 pm

If Robin Williams returns, then I'm very excited.
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Post by Christian » March 21st, 2005, 5:49 pm

I want to link to your story but I can't actually find this story at showbizdata. Do you have a full URL?


Post by GeorgeC » March 21st, 2005, 6:30 pm

It's okay, Christian... They're saying the same story at I don't have the URL, but I'm pretty sure I read the same thing about a sequel.

I'm also hearing the same complaints about this film. All eyecandy, no real story or gag build-up. Basically another film that throws things at the wall and sees what sticks.

Robin Williams? No thank you. It's too bad his humor hasn't changed much since Mork & Mindy. I hate to say it, but he really was better when he was on drugs.


The bigger surprise to me is that Fox isn't waiting to greenlight a sequel to this film. It's as if the final box-office tally in the States doesn't matter. They're automatically assuming there's a big enough audience overseas and for home video to greenlight a sequel to this film.

I don't know... Some stories beg for continuation like the Star Wars series or Lord of the Rings (you needed 3 films to tell those stories), others I just don't see the point in another film that we all know is going to rehash the original film's plot. I even have to admit to not being as sold on Toy Story 2 as some of you are because basically I knew while I was watching that film that Pixar was being lazy with the plot -- it was a blow-by-blow replay/remake of Toy Story 1! Not anxious to see a Toy Story 3, Pixar or no Pixar...

And I'm sorry, but that 65% rating at Rotten Tomatoes for Robots does NOT translate to an A-grading for me. From where I come from, 65% is a "D" grade at best. Even an A-minus was at least a 90% in college...

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Post by Josh » March 21st, 2005, 6:36 pm

[message deleted by Mickey A]

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Post by Christian » March 21st, 2005, 7:05 pm

I think a lot of people here actually agree with your assessment of Robots. If they make a sequel and they make it better than the first then more power to them.

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Post by ShyViolet » March 21st, 2005, 11:02 pm

Robin Williams? No thank you. It's too bad his humor hasn't changed much since Mork & Mindy. I hate to say it, but he really was better when he was on drugs.
LOL!!!!!!! :lol:
You can’t just have your characters announce how they feel! That makes me feel angry!

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