Disney Pixar Discussion

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Post by Ben » May 3rd, 2011, 1:43 pm

Okie-dokie...something's obviously up here with Remington's attitude toward Estefan.

Not only is this "long-time lurker" releasing some seemingly pent-up anger, but you're doing it by replying to posts that are months and years old on points that have now faded from memory. Estefan's original comment here that you picked on for reply was made on Tuesday October 6, 2009 - a long-time lurker indeed!

Ever think about signing up to the board to put a reply in earlier? Ever think about signing up and putting in replies that respected the other viewpoints of our forum members? Ever think about just being polite to everyone on your first few posts out, at least? Ever think that if you weren't, we might decide to revert you to long-time lurker, no-time poster?

As I'm sure you've seen me say around here before, play nice. But don't think it hasn't been noticed that you're picking out really old Estefan quotes, for whatever reason. How about knocking that on the head and starting to contribute to where the discussions are now?

I think an apology and explanation to Estefan would be appropriate, don't you?


Re: Re:

Post by GeorgeC » May 4th, 2011, 6:18 pm

I think expecting an apology from this guy isn't going to happen.

If you've spent years simmering over some dumb post only to pop up and in the span of two seconds make yourself out to be somebody else's arch-nemesis, you've got issues.

...And people think comic books are unbelievable

We'll be lucky if he doesn't show up again to be unpleasant.

There are about 2-3 guys who show up here by my last count that do this sort of thing irregularly. They're gone for months, or even up to a year or two, and then come back to announce their unpleasant returns.

They come under the rules, make a little bit of noise, disappear, and you don't hear again from them for months.

This is the problem that happens when some people aren't forced to see others in public face-to-face. They think they can get away being extraordinarily rude online and not face the consequences. I don't know if it's immaturity or passive-aggressive behavior... The consequences of bad online behavior are still being sussed out everywhere for the 20th+ year in a row(!) and in the meantime the jerks can continue being jerks to everybody else or their specific targets of interest. It's not as if you can electrically shock these guys at their computers but they're somehow protected from everybody else if THEY get a warning? Something just doesn't add up here!

One of the these "darling balls of delight" showed up not too long ago and got under the skin of one of the normally unflappable regular posters -- someone I respect a lot. That "ball of 'it'" was someone that I've had less than nice talks with so I know what happened with me before wasn't isolated behavior...

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Post by carlminez » June 2nd, 2011, 11:33 am

Woah! I'm not an expert on social psychology but the cohesiveness displayed on this forum is pretty remarkable. I mean yeah, Remington's criticism was a bit unfounded but do we really need like three long comments telling him just how stupid he is for uttering it? At least that's my two cents' worth.

As to the Disney Pixar Discussion; I read the Newsweek article about Disney marketing (found the link somewhere on this thread) and the only thing that struck me as peculiar about it was the fact that the author didn't make any distinction between Disney's marketing and Pixar, mentioning Toy Story 3 as an example of Disney's ability to "turn everything it touches into a cash machine". I'd like to say there is a bit of difference here. Disney was always about the good old family values whereas Pixar, particularly with Toy Story 3, often takes more dark and mature approach, being more progressive in its themes. And they are marketing their movies as such. "Take Toy Story 3. The family-friendly film itself is signature Disney". No, not really. I'm not saying it's a bad thing, it might even be a good thing but I think there is a pretty conspicuous difference between "Disney" and Pixar. (Yeah, I know Pixar is technically a part of Disney but I'm talking about Disney's history)

EDIT: Looking back at some of the earlier discussion perhaps my little note here is irrelevant to the topic but well i'll post it nonetheless ^^

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Re: Disney Pixar Discussion

Post by Dacey » June 2nd, 2011, 2:46 pm

Carl, are you not happy unless you're pointing out a flaw that this forum has in one way or another?
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Re: Disney Pixar Discussion

Post by carlminez » June 2nd, 2011, 3:12 pm

Are you not happy unless you have something bad to say about every single post I make on this forum? This is getting a bit repetitive.

Besides, I didn't say anything about this forum as a whole other than that the "cohesiveness" is remarkable. What I did say however was that the response to Remington's comment was a bit overkill.

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Re: Disney Pixar Discussion

Post by Dacey » June 2nd, 2011, 3:24 pm

I don't think I've actually been doing that. Unless "disagreeing" with what you say counts as saying something "bad."

And...oh yeah...I haven't even being doing that with every single post that you've made on this site. Many of them I've been ignoring!

Really, are you just posting here to see how we'll respond so you can complain about it to others later? Or do you just like feeling that everyone in the world is out to get you? Because, really, we're not.
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Re: Disney Pixar Discussion

Post by carlminez » June 2nd, 2011, 3:44 pm

Dacey wrote:I don't think I've actually been doing that. Unless "disagreeing" with what you say counts as saying something "bad."

And...oh yeah...I haven't even being doing that with every single post that you've made on this site. Many of them I've been ignoring!
You want a list?
Dacey wrote: Really, are you just posting here to see how we'll respond so you can complain about it to others later? Or do you just like feeling that everyone in the world is out to get you? Because, really, we're not.
Well honestly, sometimes you do give that impression. Like when I found out that people I've barely noticed hove been secretly hating me. And for what? Complaining about Pixar? Nah. That's what I don't get.

As to my complaining, well I hope you noticed that i've been improving. My first comment on this thread had only about 20 percent actual complaining. The other 80 percent of the characters were entirely on topic! Now if you want to encourage that kind of posting from me then reply focusing on that and I promise you that the rest will disappear ;)

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Post by Ben » June 3rd, 2011, 4:51 am


Carl, I'm not sure if you're actually following this forum or just looking back on old posts and trying to find things to pick out and argue about. Most of what you post refers back to very old posts or serves to attack other members on this board. Okay, you were defending Remington, but going by his posts he's not someone that seems to need any protection: he can take care of himself.

So it's time to stop the 2008-referencing posts and time to either come up to date with the rest of us, as well as dropping the negative tone that only incites more negativity from others, OR go the way of the Dodo 'round these parts...

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Post by carlminez » June 3rd, 2011, 10:05 am

See my PM.

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Post by Ben » June 4th, 2011, 3:53 pm

Seen your PM. See my answer...and let's move forward. :)

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