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Post by ShyViolet » March 1st, 2007, 6:28 pm

:lol: :P
You can’t just have your characters announce how they feel! That makes me feel angry!

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Post by eddievalient » March 7th, 2007, 11:38 am

I didn't get an Ipod. An 8 gig Ipod would have been $250, but I got an 8 gig Philips Gogear for $167. Aside from a couple of minor issues that don't really bother me, it works great. I can rip my cds in windows media player and drop 'em right into the player. Easy stuff. If you want an mp3 player, Gogear isn't a bad choice.
The Official Lugofilm Ltd Youtube Channel: http://www.youtube.com/user/bartsimpson83

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help submitting a 3D animated musical screenplay idea

Post by grandmahelene » March 7th, 2007, 3:15 pm

[moderator's note: this discussion was split off into it's own thread from this one: http://www.animated-news.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=2075 ]

Well --- you talked about "getting off on the wrong foot". People can worry about "getting off on the wrong foot" --- with a boss, on a new job. There's such a thing as "getting off on the wrong foot" --- with neighbors, at a new address, if you're a renter and you're in a situation whee "the wrong foot" might generate neighbors' complaints that could cost you the place to live. This --- is the message forum at a website; it's usually intended as recreation. (That's a "big vocabulary word meaning "fun", Dude!) --- So, that's why I'm here! Thanks for the "welcome"!

By the way, you aren't aware of the names of any individuals/companies I could talk to about submitting a 3D animated musical screenplay idea, are you? I currently have a phenomenal story in book, rather than screenplay format --- including about 300+ illustrations, in jpeg format and a "recurring character pose file". The story would reach and attract a really wide demographic, since there are elements in it that boys would enjoy, elements in it that girls would enjoy, comedy that would bring aboard everyone else you could think of --- and educational/positive example-type elements that would get raves from parents, teachers and the whole (sometimes just plain "anal"!) Child Development community.

Briefly, it's based on an old Russian folk tale and follows the adventures of a young man in early 1900's Russia who enters a contest where the prize is marriage to the Russian monarch (Czar)'s daughter, the Princess.

I've even written two original songs for the piece, should it come to fruition in (3D animated feature) movie form!

Thanks in advance for any and all help with attracting the attention of people who might be interested in joining my lead character and his friends on their "Journey to Marry the Princess!

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Post by Ben » March 7th, 2007, 3:54 pm

Okay, at this point, I believe you are trying to goad me into an argumentative situation - and this from a "former student of Developmental Psych"? No deal, I'm afraid. :)

You might want to try using a few smilies though, to try and get the tone of your messages across. They're coming over as being very belligerent (that's a big word meaning pugnacious, which is a big word meaning quarrelsome, which is still a big word, but one I'm hoping you'll know the meaning of).

Another big word is condescending, which you're also being. ;)

And...are you nuts? Coming back with a reply like that after two staff welcomes and then asking if we can help you sell your project? Well, in a couple of words..."good luck".

I'm well aware, and know personally, a few individuals and companies you could submit this too. I also know, having been down that route myself (and writing 16 songs for my concept!) that you have very little chance. Everybody thinks their ideas are the most phenomenal and commercial, but the fact is that most movies - particularly animated ones - are developed in-house. Your subject matter, with the relative failure of the Russian-based <I>Anastasia</I>, Russian folk-tale based <I>Corpse Bride</I> and the lack of an Oscar-win for the Russia-set <I>The Little Matchgirl</I>, is already something that executives would want to change, and your title most definately would be thrown out.

Unfortunately these days, if you don't have the personal contacts, it's hard to get anything in front of the right eyes, especially when those eyes have their own pet projects they want to develop and already have their slates full well into 2012 and more.

But...good luck! :)

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You Might Want to Share This "Journey", After All

Post by grandmahelene » March 7th, 2007, 8:37 pm

:P Aw, come on!

You're the one who came across like you thought I had used an incorrect font intentionally, for whatever reason! --- And you came across sounding like someone whom I had aked for a favor --- so I let you know that, yes, I have a pretty big one that I'd like to have at least a remote shot at fulfilling. (You're right about "using smiles", though; it sort of allays the disadvantage of communicating by text. You'll have to forgive me, on that one. I'm going on 57 years old --- which, in a nutshell, means that I grew up with "snail-mail" and a 'phone for use in "unseen" contact. I like "Smileys" and "emoticons" --- but there are so many warnings (probably just paranoia) against using them, in the interest of "PC Safety", that I'm not used to them. (I think all they do "mess up" is that they use up disk/virtual disk space, which, from my Outlook, at least, I can't afford, with all those illustrations in there for "Journey to Marry the Princess"! :D ) I'll get used to it! In the interrim. I think we came across wrong to each other

As far as the fact that movie-makers use predominantly "in-house" material, that's the way it looks, for the most part. (Well, the U.S. Armed Forces used to welcome new faces, too; now, the Army is a job you can get "fired" from!)

As far as the story being set in Russia, the difference, I think, would be that it doesn't have an "indigenous Russian feel" to it; the material's pretty generic in that it could be taking place anywhere where there's a "guy in charge of a country with a single, marriage-aged, attractive daughter". I think it just "fits well", in its original Russian locale (with some referrence to New Jersey!)

Let me know "who you've got", though; I'm an experienced, good-quality writer/illustrator; my "stuff" has just never been offered outside of a preschool classroom --- because I never "went there", with it. At 56 years old, I think it's about time to "make a mark".

Thanks in advance!

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Post by James » March 7th, 2007, 9:35 pm

Just now popping in to this conversation, so let me get this straight. This is the post that got you all upset and defensive????
Ben wrote:Welcome to the boards grandma, though I don't think there's a need for the big or bold text!

How else are you going to make a <B>point</B>? ;)

Thanks for bringing it back down in your future posts. :)
If your skin is really that thin you're going to have a tough time in Hollywood!!!

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Post by grandmahelene » March 8th, 2007, 12:02 am

:P Very funny, Ben! :P Upset? No --- I took it as a complaint --- so I explained why I had formatted that way.

My skin is far from thin; I've been in telemarketing on and off, for the last ten years. :D Getting hung up on about 200 times in a shift --- thickens you, quite nicely!!

In fact, I'm probably one of the ballsiest people, outside of "those who would qualify for that physical" Hollywood has run across, in a long time! My "Journey to Marry the Princess" is based on a Czar-era Russian-Jewish folktale called "The Fool and the Flying Ship". Actor-comedian Robin Williams narrated/did voice-overs for one version of the story, in 1991, for a company called "Rabbit Ears". It was an "independent film", done for charity --- but still! Gimme a break! The couple who own "Rabbit" must've spent a small fortune on voice-over talent, hiring Robin --- and musical soundtrack by the Klezmer Conservatory of New York --- versus the --- couple of bux, I guess, that was spent on "animation" --- and I use the term really loosely! According to the "preview clip" I've seen, all they did, for "visual", on the piece, was a jpeg slide-show!!! Well, in my research to find out if any of what I'd like to retain, in "Journey" was right-protected, in any way, among other e-mails, I got one from Robin's lawyer, Gerald Margolis, using the verbiage "Robin wishes to ---" I e-mailed back and told Margolis: "Before we go any further, Sir, with all due respect to the fact that attorneys are sometimes nicknamed 'mouthpieces' --- I thinkRob's a big boy; why not let him speak for himself, please?!" Then, I turned around and e-mailed Eric Metaxas, the comedy writer listed as the author of the script --- and posed the same line of questioning --- and Metaxas did get back to me, himself! (I wasn't entirely "short" with Margolis' office; I did tell them that I can "understand their probably having advised Robin to 'protect himself', in some form, in dealing with the issue" --- and suggested that Robin could "cc" Margolis, when he does respond to me and that I would agree to do the same, with any ongoing e-mail contact.)

Now, the final step would be showing my story and illustrations to the right people to "give it a boost" --- or "get it in front of the right eyes", as you said, earlier.

You let me know --- and thanks again in advance.

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Post by droosan » March 8th, 2007, 3:14 am

'Busting chops' with lawyers is one thing .. but if it's advice you're after:

:arrow: If you're eventually fortunate enough to get a 'pitch meeting' for your project, you should scale waaaaaay back from the attitude you've displayed here, thus far. It will get you Nowhere. And Fast.

The people you'll be pitching to won't only be analyzing your idea; they'll also be analyzing you. And just as they'll be making determinations over the merit of your concepts, they will also be determining how easy you'll be to work with. :idea:

Again, just some advice .. from someone who has worked under those guys, for a decade or so.

Though, I should add: for all that experience, I have no 'clout' with any studios large enough to matter .. nor have I ever 'pitched' anything, myself; my own personal 'project' is conceived in 'comic-book' form (and would likely be entirely 'self-published', if it ever comes to fruition).

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More of "The Journey"

Post by grandmahelene » March 8th, 2007, 3:52 am

:D What I could do for you, if you'd be amenable to it, would be to e-mail you a generous sampling of my jpegs for "Journey to Marry the Princess", so that, for starters, you'd be able to see what I'm talking about, in the way of art and illustration --- since, per your profile, that's what you're doing for a living, at the moment.

You're in Burbank? I'm not far from you, in Henderson, NV. (It's alongside 'Vegas, going toward the dam.) Funny anecdote about Burbank: We had to drive out there, to bury my dad, at Mt. Sinai (Forest Lawn, "Heeb" Section!), in '04. I grew up in the L.A. area; I had gone to Canfield Ave. Elementary, Louis Pasteur Jr. High, Hami and Fairfax --- but we had been living out this way since '89.

Well, my daughter, then-son-in-law (they're divorcing, now), my mom and I were scheduled to meet the family at the cemetery, at 4:00 p.m. My soon-to-be-ex-son-in-law was driving. My kid brother, who still lives in the area, in Torrance, told Aaron to get off the "10", after passing through San Bernardino! (That's not the way there, of course.) I warned Aaron that he'd get lost --- and probably end up in Elsinore, if he followed those directions --- but dudes dig "short-cuts", so he went ahead and made a left, down the first offramp after San Bernardino. Ten minutes went by, not more, before we all saw the sign up ahead that read: "Hemet/Elsinore"!

Well, we got to the funeral parlor at 4:00 on the nose, anyway --- but that was because I talked Aaron through driving the rest of the way there.

We got into the "line to go say 'goodbye'" --- and, when we had buried each of my mom's parents there (1975 and 1979), this had taken place in a private room, off to the side --- so I thought it was, again. --- So it got to be my turn --- and I started talking to "what was left of" my dad. My last comment was:

"By the way, you know how you had always told me that I supposedly have 'no sense of direction'? Well, it sure wasn't Alan(my kid-brother with the "short-cut") or Aaron who got us here. If I hadn't redirected his mistake, your grandson-in-law would've had us stuck in Elsinore!"

Having said that, I turned and saw my brother, who, with this major "p.o"ed look on his face, guided me through the curtain behind me which, as it turned out, was the only thing separating the immediate family "saying 'goodbye'" from the entire guest list, in their seats; they had heard everything!

What do you do, then? I looked out at all of them and went: "Thank you all for coming!" (It felt as though I had just given a "performance", there!

My father, as it happens, died of an ingrown toenail and was fired for dying --- but that's a whole other (funny, now, after-the-fact) anecdote!

Anyway, back on the subject of animation, if you want to, you can give me your e-mail address, so I can "show you what I've got". Otherwise, who is it that you do know, out there?

Thanks again, in advance!

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Post by Ben » March 8th, 2007, 7:14 am

grandmahelene...I just wanted to clear up that I haven't been the one responding to your last two replies - the first was from our other forum moderator James, and the second from droosan, an artist member of the forums.

Just clearing that up, as you replied to James' post with my name and I didn't want there to be any confusion.

The second rule in Hollywood is to keep your contacts protected...I doubt you'll find anyone here willing to spill the beans on any personal contacts with any movers and shakers, as it's just not done.

Any of us who are lucky enough to break into this crazy industry have done so after years of hard graft, working our way up ladders and finding that small opening that allowed us to get a foot in the door. Your best bet, seriously, is to engage a lawyer or an agent to ship this around for you. At least then the "right eyes" will listen and possibly accept a <I>pitch only</I>, though as droosan says, you need to pull back in your attitude, and remember that they get 1,000 calls a day from people who have the next big thing to show them.

Now...I'm going to ask one more time, and to be clear this is meant in a friendly and polite but firm and non-negotiable manner, to cut back on the amount of bold text - there's really no need for it and it's actually making your messages harder to read.

As you yourself said, "I'd use <I>italics</I> for emphasis". :)

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Make Up Your Minds, Please

Post by grandmahelene » March 8th, 2007, 1:25 pm

:) Do you want Italics used for emphasis, then, Ben? The first of your moderators to respond gave me the information that, on this site, bold is used "to make a point" and italics, only for book titles.

Secondly, one of the other two moderators had worded their response as though the only reason they weren't going to agree to give me any contact names was that my attitude wasn't humble enough to suit them. I didn't initially log onto and/or join the site to make contacts --- only because I enjoy, watch a lot of and am working on some possible animation for the screen, myself. If someone here does know someone I could approach with my work --- or if someone here is someone I could approach with my work, I'd be more than grateful --- and more than willing to share a designated percentage of any revenue resulting from my work's being brought to the public, as a result. For that, I shouldn't need to shell out the ungodly sums of money required to hire an agent and an attorney, should I? (For that amount of money, if I had that kind of extra money, laying around, I could "vanity produce" the whole story; I have Animation Master software!) I don't think it's either "rude" or indicative of a "bad attitude" of me to let you know that I'm trying to make, not spend money, from my work. Besides, money was spent, here; I have a Dell PC, Painter and Photoshop software, besides the Animation Master, a graphire pen and tablet (my artwork was done "digitally freehand") and a Yamaha portable grand keyboard that configures to the computer to record, write sheet music and burn it to CD.

So --- if you or anyone you know would like to point me in the right direction, I'd love it. If not, that's your prerogative --- but may also indicate that some of the people in this "poker game" --- are bluffing! That's okay, too, since a whole lot of deception and bragging goes on, all over the internet. If that's the case, though, you or they can admit it. :) I'm "nobody", yet; I won't mind --- and it would sound better than talking like: "Oh, I know people I could tell you about --- but you're not "saying 'please' hard enough", which is what's coming across, so far.


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Post by droosan » March 8th, 2007, 2:28 pm

I do, in fact, work in the animation industry (though I bounce back-and-forth between cartoons, live-action visual effects, and television commercials). And I am also, in fact, a lowly 'nobody' within that industry; a mere 'peon', laboring in the trenches. I have no 'insider' contacts in any position of creative authority. .. Is that enough of an admission for you? :wink:

If it's contacts you're after, though .. give the Animation Magazine Industry Directory a try. :idea:

Though, as Ben says, you may wish to engage a lawyer (or an agent) as an 'intermediary' way through those doors; 'unsolicited' pitches from individuals have a 'snowball's chance'.

Another resource I'd recommend, if you don't know of it already, is Animation World Network. :idea: There, you'll find a wealth of information on 'pitching' projects; they've written a number of articles on the subject, over the past several years.

Best wishes for your Journey! :)

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Post by ShyViolet » March 8th, 2007, 2:34 pm

I do, in fact, work in the animation industry (though I bounce back-and-forth between cartoons, live-action visual effects, and television commercials). And I am also, in fact, a lowly 'nobody' within that industry; a mere 'peon', laboring in the trenches.
Well, I still happen to think that's pretty darn cool!! :)
You can’t just have your characters announce how they feel! That makes me feel angry!

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Bottom Line?

Post by grandmahelene » March 8th, 2007, 2:46 pm

:? What you're saying, then, is that you do know people, "at the next level up", who you could show something --- but you won't --- because, sight-unseen, you're "sure it's like everybody else's who thinks they 'have something'"? --- Because if that's the case, that's a little rude. (You could at least let me send some examples of the jpeg work and a plot synopsis to "the next guy above you", by e-mail, to review, when they have time and tell me what they think.) 8)

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Post by Ben » March 8th, 2007, 3:08 pm

I think you're getting members and moderators mixed up grandmahelene, since we only have two moderators here, myself and James and I know James didn't pass on any suggestions on how to phrase messages. It's your right to use bold and italics as you please...all I was asking for was a more judicious use, so as to actually make your messages clearer to read.

Anyhoo, I'm done on this.

As for your project...much of the reason people do not hand over contact info is because, say I put you in touch with the right person (and people on these boards know I know a few "right people") and you turn out to be a nutjob, those people would curtail their relationship with me and would never accept anyone else I may wish to put forward in future.

And offering percentages doesn't work, period. Showing your work off without an NDA is a bad idea...as a public domain story anyone could rip you off and pitch it themselves. Going into any kind of partnership or reciprocation deal is going to end up a mess.

Basically, and frankly, you have to spend money to make it. And you have to get out there and <I>do it yourself</I>. I have two projects on the go right now that are only happening because I put years of work into them and a <I>very</I> large influx of cash in order to be taken seriously at the first hurdle. And I'm no-where near being done with the pitching process yet, but its going well.

I'm done on this topic, and as I say, good luck. Check up on droo's recommendations and see where you need to change your outlook before you can even consider continuing.


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