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Post by Meg » November 15th, 2007, 5:42 pm


Code Horror

Post by Code Horror » November 15th, 2007, 5:53 pm

Oh, you see The Mist is getting positive reviews as well since they're both coming out on the 21st of November.

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Post by Foxtale » November 15th, 2007, 6:01 pm

I just read a few reviews and they all said that the person went in with low expectations but was surprised. *shrugs*

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Post by Dacey » November 15th, 2007, 8:27 pm

100% Freshness on RT so far:


"Yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery, but today is a gift--that is why it's called the present."

Code Horror

Post by Code Horror » November 15th, 2007, 8:45 pm

Critics can't be right all the time.

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Post by Foxtale » November 16th, 2007, 12:45 am

People seem to like it so far it seems.

Code Horror

Post by Code Horror » November 16th, 2007, 1:21 am

The general audience? Well in that case, this will be an interesting box office battel, King vs. Disney, who wins? No offense, but I'm siding with Stephen King.

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Post by Once Upon A Dream » November 16th, 2007, 7:39 am

Code Horror-Just becouse you like The Mist and whatever more dosn't mean that Enchanted is a bad movie or will fail in the box office just becouse you said so,Enchanted will do well and he'll beat The Mist and Hitman.
And you seems to suprote more horror movies then animated movies.

Code Horror

Post by Code Horror » November 16th, 2007, 12:47 pm

Well what about you? Just because you like Enchanted doesn't mean it'll fail at the box office and besides, you misinterpeted about what I said, I didn't say Enchanted is a bad movie, I haven't seen it but it's just that there's a possibility Enchanted just might not open at Number 1, Disney can't be like Number 1 at the box office all the time, it just depends on the interest of people.

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Post by Ben » November 16th, 2007, 2:31 pm

Yep, and yours is well and truly noted.

Several hundred times.

Now, knock it off. As said before, this site is going to be pro-Enchanted whatever you say. <I>WE'RE AN ANIMATION WEBSITE</I>.

Frankly, King hasn't been well represented on screen for ages, and I have no interest or any hopes for The Mist.

Whatever opens at number one, the film with the longest legs, merchandising appeal and DVD sales potential is going to be Enchanted.

If you can't get behind that here, butt out and go hang at some horror site. This is boring!

Code Horror

Post by Code Horror » November 16th, 2007, 2:33 pm

See? Just because you support the film doesn't mean it'll open at number one.

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Post by Meg » November 16th, 2007, 2:41 pm

Really...who cares?

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Post by Ben » November 16th, 2007, 2:46 pm

Code Horror wrote:See? Just because you support the film doesn't mean it'll open at number one.
Nope, and that's not what we're saying. As an <B>ANIMATION WEBSITE</B> that is at least what we're hoping.

It's Disney's return to theatrical hand drawn animation...that's a big deal around here for us, even if King's latest yawnfest is a bigger one for you.

But...keep up the same line again and again, and frankly you won't be around here long enough to be discussing what opens at number one.

You're obviously goading us anyway.

As Meg said, who cares, it doesn't matter. It just so happens a this <B>ANIMATION WEBSITE</B> we're obviously supporting Enchanted over The Mist.

Really...I'm peeved with this now. Next time is the last time.

Code Horror

Post by Code Horror » November 16th, 2007, 3:00 pm

Wait a minute, we shouldn't be discussing which film will open No. 1 at the box office. B.O. results are very unexpected nowadays, who knows, maybe Enchanted will open at No. 1 or maybe unexpectedly Hitman opens at No. 1, maybe even Beowulf will be No. 1 for the second week but the important thing is, we could watch and possibly like the respective films we want to see.

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Post by Ben » November 16th, 2007, 5:12 pm

Okay, as just explained in another thread:
Ben wrote:Gawd, y'know, I'm getting really tired of the combative tone. Is that the idea? Because if so I've just had enough of it and really can't be bothered.
That's it. I'm done. You wanna talk Mist and Hitman and films that are really outside what we're into here and even bordering on being inappropriate for our ideally PG-ish family site, then go take it someplace else.

Which is, now, what I'm asking you to do. Can't say it hasn't been fun, but it hasn't.

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