Spider-Man 3

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Post by ShyViolet » April 29th, 2007, 1:42 am

I actually did some years ago when they started "Buzz-O-Meter" (and scrapped "Upside/Downside") which they subsequently got rid of as well...:?
Now they don't have any kind of gauge to measure how these films will do--not Buzz O Meter, The Bottom Line, Upside/Downside--nothing.

I sent them an e-mail....I'd sent them others as well. (one was when they didn't put Kevin Spacey on their cover for the Oscar issue--oh, and that was the year he won for American Beauty and AB was on every one's lips...:roll: They never put him on any of their other covers either.)

There's a lot of things I don't like about the magazine, but some things I do like (Owen Gleiberman for one, who actually had the balls to slam Phantom Menace in '99, even when he was descended upon by a ton of angry Star Wars fanboys who sent him e-mails. Love Owen...)
#1 Dislike: Obviously young and not very knowledgeable writers/columnists and their annoying "off the cuff" blog-like writing style.

# 2 Dislike: Steven King's column. A great idea, but the man rants on and on about....well, I actually have no idea what. Certainly not movies, for the most part. They let him 'cause he's "Stephen King." :roll:

#3 Dislike: Lisa Schwartzbaum...now, I have nothing against her personally, but it seems like in all her reviews she's trying to purposely give everything a C even though it doesn't deserve it just so she can look "unique" or "smart."
She gave Meet the Robinsons a C without naming ONE good thing--no, not one-- about the film, just saying that "Disney's no Pixar." She talks about how "This is what happens when a seven--seven! writers all work on a film..." etc...etc..." So funny, someone should tell her that 5 of those writers are story artists who were given writing credits and that all animated films work that way, with story artists acting as writers as well, even if not credited. Oh, and she gave Cars an A- of course--the woman swoons over Pixar. I totally agreed with her other positive assessments of Pixar films--like Nemo and Incredibles--but her review of Cars is just so bogus, basically a love letter to Pixar, ignoring ALL the flaws of that film while she tears other, more deserving films apart....:roll: (BTW she gave OTH a B+, so I'm not saying she's totally bias.)

#4 Dislike: The mag is supposed to be about movies, with some stuff about TV, the web, books and video games....the mag is almost all TV now. Pick up a copy and tell me I'm wrong...:roll: TV is "cooler" than movies right now, and they know they can make more money that way. It's that simple--and sad. :(
You can’t just have your characters announce how they feel! That makes me feel angry!

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Post by Ben » April 29th, 2007, 6:37 am

"Disney's no Pixar"...

Well, it seems <I>Pixar</I> isn't Pixar any more! ;)

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Post by Kinoo » April 29th, 2007, 3:50 pm

I was kinf od disappointed at Spiderman III:
+: The humor as Peter Parker enjoy the power of the black suit on him (very very funny! Cult!)
+: The Spidey/NewGoblin fight scene, the underground Sandmand/Spidey battle.
+: Aunt May, the best actress in the movie

- : (minor spoiler ahead) Venom, born and dealed with in half an hour... :(
- : Sandman's backstory is not as emotionnal as it could have been. So much informations to give with such a short time
- : The story is not as interesting as the first two movies. MJ's jaleaousy is lame, Harry's revenge is repeat...
- : Everything is dealt with too quickly. (spoilers) Harry's change of mind at the end etc...
- : The stupid American patriotism's still there X( Fortunately less than in Spid1&2.! Why? (I HATED the patriotic scenes in the first movies where Spidey is rescued by the NY crowd on the bridge and as if the underground people wouldn't tell anybody they saw the real face of Spiderman... Ridiculous.
- : The Final Battle Scene: DISAPPOINTING. Venom, Sandman vs Spidey & Harry could have been THE years action sequence. But the "Ghost Buster -like" Sandman is ridiculous and Venom underperformed.

CCL: This movie wanted so much to please the crowd, putting too much stories to deal with, too muche villains, that in the end, it doesn't achieve to go anywhere. Don't make more movies, create a grat TV show like Heroes, where a lot of stories and characters could be developped.

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Post by Jeroen » April 29th, 2007, 3:56 pm

So on a scale of 1 to 10, how would you rate it?

I'm going to go watch it on Tuesday, it's always fun to know what to expect so I can adjust my standards.

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Post by Ben » April 29th, 2007, 4:06 pm


I know your post wasn't very spoilerish, but some people want to come to this knowing nothing at all, so I hid your comments.

There was one thing in there, for instance, that I didn't know and will be anticipating now, so I think it warrants it.

And that goes fer the rest o' you scumbaaaags! ;)

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Post by Kinoo » April 29th, 2007, 5:33 pm

Sorry, i'm not used to the boards with the Spoiler Option, sorry for the trouble. As for my rating, I put a 6/10 on my weblog.

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Post by Ben » April 29th, 2007, 5:45 pm

No probs! :)

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Post by ShyViolet » April 29th, 2007, 8:44 pm

EDIT: oops, was it the other thread where the 70's Spider-Man came up?
Anyhoo, here's a cool poster! :wink:

http://www.cinemarts.com/cinemarts_ebay ... S_1SHT.jpg


Last edited by ShyViolet on April 29th, 2007, 8:54 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Post by ShyViolet » April 29th, 2007, 8:47 pm

Found this cool page, translated from German: ... =yfp-t-501

Somewhat clumsily: (translated) :)

Spidey as strippers

.....refers to the comic strip....:wink: :P
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Post by Ben » April 30th, 2007, 7:14 am

"Directed by EW Swackhamer".

Wattaguy! ;)

The Spider-Man show was really cool for the late 1970s/early 80s, if you were eight years old and watched The Incredible Hulk every week.

Even if they don't bring out the series, I just can't see why they don't bring out the three feature length episodes around all this Spider-Man-ia.

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Post by Texas loves pixar! » April 30th, 2007, 11:39 am

WOW cool ShyViolet those are sweet!!!

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Post by Remy » April 30th, 2007, 4:50 pm

Awesome I'm a big fan of all of the Spider-Man movies I can't wait till Spider-Man 3 comes out!!! :D

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Post by Texas loves pixar! » April 30th, 2007, 4:53 pm

Me too it is going to be so cool!

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Post by ShyViolet » April 30th, 2007, 9:33 pm

WOW cool ShyViolet those are sweet!!!

Cool, glad you liked them! :wink:

BTW Meg, is your quote from Spidey 2? :)
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Post by Meg » May 1st, 2007, 7:05 am


Here's hoping Spidey 3 will be as good as the past two - so far it's got 73% on RT, which is good but not as high as the others were. :?

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