Jurassic World

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Re: Jurassic World

Post by James » June 12th, 2022, 11:55 pm

James wrote:
May 2nd, 2022, 3:51 pm
I think the first two movies in the World trilogy were embarrassingly ridiculous. But I have hope for this one. This is what the trilogy should have been about almost from the start. Drop the silly military applications and terrorist auctions and give us the Jurassic World story starting with the release of dinosaurs into the wild at the end of the first film.
Hopes dashed! Minor spoilers ahead:
I was hoping for dinosaurs in the wild but most of the film is set in a preseve/lab, save for one extended scene in a city that is just completely absurd!

The kid tries to kill off humanity again!

Way too long.

Some scenes with the older returning actors could have used another take or two! But when they're on they're pretty great.

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Re: Jurassic World

Post by Daniel » July 25th, 2022, 4:55 pm

Coming to home video August 16:


Will include the prologue!

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Re: Jurassic World

Post by Ben » July 25th, 2022, 7:04 pm

So here’s the thing…do I need to get the 4K set of all the films?

For me, Jurassic is all about the first one. Lost World and III have their moments, but they really aren’t the classic the first Park is. I have the 25th anniversary BD set of the trilogy.

Jurassic World I really enjoyed for what is was. It’s no Park, but was better overall than Lost World and III. Fallen Kingdom was, for me, apes#!t crazy, and I loved how big and bonkers it got. I was really anticipating Dominion, but have heard almost nothing but bad-ish things about it.

Initially I was just going to get the standalone movie but figured now might be a good chance to get all six films in 4K in one bite (no pun intended) as I only have Kingdom in 4K (and that Dominion covert art is pretty hideous). But I’m wondering if I need the new film at all if it’s really *that* bad…??

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Re: Jurassic World

Post by Bill1978 » July 25th, 2022, 8:01 pm

I went in with low expectations for the film and walked out feeling like I had a good cinematic experience. The movie works well when it is dealing with the OG storyline. I found the Chris Pratt-related storyline boring and ridiculous, not that the OG's giant grasshopper plot isn't ridiculous. When the two storylines meet up for the last 40-45 minutes the movie really does shine, even if it is one constant callback to the original JP.

As I've previously stated, the story works better when humans are trapped and isolated with dinosaurs which is what happens at the end of Dominion, and those action scenes can get quite tense at times. I didn't feel like I wasted my time or that it wasn't worth a trip to the cinema. But I also will be happy for the franchise to finish with this film.

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Re: Jurassic World

Post by Ben » July 26th, 2022, 4:58 am

It actually looks like the six movie set isn’t dropping until October, so plenty of time to catch it before then. I’ll probably go with that to get everything in one box, especially since that Dominion art is soooo cringe! I’m glad the full cut is being included as that’ll be my starting point I think. Nice to hear you enjoyed it for what it was, Bill.

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Re: Jurassic World

Post by Ben » August 3rd, 2022, 2:12 pm

Well…that was big, and dumb, and disappointing.

Total lack of suspense, bored actors going through the motions in a bonkers story that makes about as zero sense as the Emperor returning to Star Wars between movies. Yes, as always, there are a couple of "good bits", but this largely just doesn’t make any kind of sense even given the logic of these movies.

The flatness of the delivery, the routine nature of the proceedings (after leaving the Park in the last one, we're simply back on another island for most of it), and the total lack of good or fun deaths, make this a frustrating watch, especially for how big and epic it otherwise feels.

Really torn on if I get it, but will probably leap on the set to get the first ones in 4K. But I’m really wondering if I need them at all… Such a shame way to go out.

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Re: Jurassic World

Post by Ben » September 7th, 2024, 4:04 am

Aaaand, we’re back on another island for the next Jurassic, Rebirth.

Last night's all-nighter shooting at the studios here seems to confirm many explosions for the new film, from director Gareth Edwards.

Yes, the new Jurassic is from "the creator of The Creator"…! :lol:

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