Krypto the Super Dog

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Post by AniMan » March 14th, 2005, 11:40 am

Well, silly is one thing but hokey is another. I personally don't think hokey is ever good. I'm sure someone does, but it sure ain't me! :lol:
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Post by Christian » March 14th, 2005, 12:04 pm

But then it becomes subjective whether something is really hokey or not.

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Post by AniMan » March 14th, 2005, 3:44 pm

A flying dog.

How can that not be hokey? :?

Unless of course it's Snoopy as the Red Baron. Now that's 8)
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Post by Christian » March 14th, 2005, 4:17 pm

It's still subjective. I'm a huge Peanuts fan but there are people who think that is hokey. And people act like they've never even heard of Krypto before.

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Post by ShyViolet » March 29th, 2005, 5:49 pm

It goes without saying I HATED his X-Men movies. They were incredibly bland and drained of color.
I'm just curious: Why do you feel this way?

Speaking of Superman, has anyone read "Whatever Happened to the Man of Tommorow?" which came out back in 1986? I had it on its first priniting (I was pretty young). It's an EXCELLENT "Imaginary Story" of how supposadly Superman faces all of his arch-enemies, then one super-enemy. Then he dies. (gives his life). Not to be confused with that other story where he dies (and then comes back.)

Actual intro: (courtesy: Superman Through the Ages: The Superman website)

This is an imaginary story (which may never happen, but then again may) about a perfect man who came from the sky and did only good. It tells of his twilight, when the great battles were over and the great miracles long since performed; of how his enemies conspired against him and of that final war in the snowblind wastes beneath the Northern Lights; of the two women he loved and of the choice he made between them; and how finally all the things he had were taken from him save one. It ends with a wink. It begins in a quiet midwestern town, one summer afternoon in the quiet midwestern future. Away in the big city, people still sometimes glance up hopefully from the sidewalks, glimpsing a distant speck in the sky... but no: it's only a bird, only a plane. Superman died ten years ago. This is an imaginary story...

Aren't they all?
You can’t just have your characters announce how they feel! That makes me feel angry!

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Post by PixarVixen » April 5th, 2006, 4:15 am

All I have to say about Krypto the Super Dog is this...



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Post by Hoagiebot » April 11th, 2006, 4:00 am

Since this topic on Krypto the Superdog was dug up from the grave recently by another forum member, I might as well add my two cents to it. I actually really liked the new Kypto the Superdog show! I thought that the show's writing was overall pretty good, and if anything, it was consistantly that way. Granted some plots were better than others, but you have got to give a little when all of the heros and villains are talking animals in a human world. I also liked the character designs of this cartoon-- it homages back to the simple and clean-cut "modern" style that dominated many cartoon studios in the 1950's and 60's, and it all looks very colorful and slick.

The character that made the show was definitely Streaky the Supercat, because his dialogue and overall personality are just hilarious! Streaky is so cool in fact that he has his own kitten fan club, which is also pretty funny in and of itself! Also, if anyone has ever seen some of my own artwork, I happen to really enjoy drawing and animating female cartoon animal characters, so you can bet that the Krypto the Superdog characters Isis, Delilah, and Princess my end up on my drawing board as fan drawings eventually! :)

And as far as the much-hated Krypto the Superog theme song goes, at first I really didn't like it either, but eventually it grew on me and now I do't mind it all that much. The song kind of fits the show, really. In any case, I used to watch Krypto religiously last summer until I finally managed to tape record every episode from TV onto VHS, and now since I ave seen every episode 4 times I really don't watch it much now. Hopefully if and when they make new episodes they will be worthy of my taping them too!
There's a 68.71% chance that I'm right.

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Krypto the Super Dog

Post by American_dog_2008 » October 13th, 2008, 3:21 pm

So what do you think of the Krypto the Super Dog show?

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Post by Neal » October 13th, 2008, 9:56 pm

To be honest, I've never heard of it until just now! After a spin around some Google results, however, it doesn't seem like my kind of show...
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Post by Whippet Angel » October 13th, 2008, 11:17 pm

Not a fan.

Though I'm not really part of the target audience, since I'm older than 10.

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Post by Daniel » October 14th, 2008, 8:12 pm

Ditto. I like the character design of Krypto, but not the show. And the theme song is lame. It's catchy, but yeah...

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Post by Randall » October 14th, 2008, 9:38 pm

TERRIBLE theme song. It's a good show for preschoolers, but not much to appeal to older viewers past the neat quality of seeing Krypto and Ace the Bat-Hound in animation.

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Post by James » October 15th, 2008, 12:10 am

That theme song gets stuck in my head just thinking about it!

The Show is great for kids I think. Nice to have a low-key show with comic characters that younger kids can get into without having to jump right into the more heavy stuff.


Post by GeorgeC » October 31st, 2008, 11:44 pm

Strictly a pre-schoolers TV series. Nothing wrong with that, though.

The original comics were ALSO for pre-schoolers!

I've checked out DC Archives editions of Superman and Supergirl in the 1950s and 1960s and am amazed the characters were that popular with stories as wretched as they were. The artwork was still excellent if a bit bland and generic but I've never understood WHY people wanted some of the siller Superman spin-offs like Krypto brought back into the mainline comics.

My guess is that most fans tend to have a very rose-colored vision of the old comics and have never bothered to read them at least once or re-read them after 20 years.

People in general are pretty ignorant of history...

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