Simpals Animation Studio produced a new short animated film "Dji. Death Sails":
Here's how we did it:
Any feedback is welcome!
The Making of "Dji. Death Sails"
- AV Forum Member
- Posts: 6
- Joined: December 18th, 2012
Making of "Dji. Death Sails"- Part Two
Hi everyone!
Simpals Animation Studio produced a new short animated film "Dji. Death Sails":
Here's the second post describing the process of animation, cloth simulation and rigging:
Any feedback is welcome!
Simpals Animation Studio produced a new short animated film "Dji. Death Sails":
Here's the second post describing the process of animation, cloth simulation and rigging:
Any feedback is welcome!
- AV Forum Member
- Posts: 6
- Joined: December 18th, 2012
Re: The Making of "Dji. Death Sails"
And finally the third post describing the process of water simulation, visualization and compositing:
Hope, you like it!
Hope, you like it!
- AV Forum Member
- Posts: 2
- Joined: March 24th, 2015
Re: The Making of "Dji. Death Sails"
I saw all your tutorials and the way you have achieved all the visualizations as well as the compositing for the movie. Also I would like to know if you are capable of 3d compositing for animated movies?