WB Home Video is releasing a Green Lantern animated DVD on November 1st. Entitled "The Best of Green Lantern Animated," it will feature five episodes from various DCAU series.
First up is "In Brightest Day..." featuring a "Hal-lite" version of Kyle Rayner. This episode is basically a rewrite of Hal Jordan's origin story. This is from Superman: TAS.
Next up is "In Brightest Day..." featuring John Stewart from Justice League: TAS.
There's a good Hal Jordan episode, "Ring Toss" from Season Five of The Batman series.
Also featuring Hal Jordan (but not in a prominent role) is "The Eyes of Despero!" from Batman: The Brave and the Bold. The main co-stars of that episode are GL Corps members Guy Gardner (great episode featuring him!), G'Nort, and Sinestro. Jordan and most of the other prominent alien GL's are in both the episode intro and the end of the episode.
New Green Lantern animated DVD collection coming...
I think Mogo's in that Brave and Bold episode, too. Great fight between Guy Gardner and Sinestro! Really highlights the kind of Lantern Guy is. For a jerk, he's actually not a bad GL!
Hal's definitely my favorite GL, though.
Too bad about the live-action film. At least the home video releases have been good with the exception of First Flight. I was actually bored by that film. Emerald Knights was definitely a fine anthology film...
Hal's definitely my favorite GL, though.
Too bad about the live-action film. At least the home video releases have been good with the exception of First Flight. I was actually bored by that film. Emerald Knights was definitely a fine anthology film...
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Re: New Green Lantern animated DVD collection coming...
Hmmm....unless it's already been announced and I look like a dolt, I wonder when the live-action movie might be coming to disc then...?GeorgeC wrote:WB Home Video is releasing a Green Lantern animated DVD on November 1st.