Tron: Legacy / The Next Day

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Post by Ben » December 17th, 2010, 8:57 am

Now, now, George...


Post by GeorgeC » December 17th, 2010, 12:55 pm

As a consolation,

The current forecasts are a $45 million weekend for TRON: Legacy.

However, I think word of mouth is going to kill it fast and there's no way it will break even in the US alone...

Tangled will probably continue to do business at a slow rate so Disney will still have money coming in. I sure don't see any competition for that film in the family releases coming over the holiday!

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Post by EricJ » December 17th, 2010, 6:41 pm

(...Aw, what's the matter, are those meanies not hating it enough?) :)

Just got back, and the demographic is definitely pitching itself to those who have the first movie memorized. Or, in the case of most of my audience, those who wished they were around to have, and are now bluffing and showing off to look cool.
There was reports that the Pixar people took a look at the script around the same time as they were (trying to) fix the Muppet movie, and there's definitely some positive signs of tinkering from Disney's earlier virtual-Encom hype, and a lot more Classic Iconic Quotes worked into the script.

I'm not sure whether Disney did a good or bad thing completely hiding the original movie before release, but there are a lot of kids out there right now willing to sell body parts to get their hands on a rental copy....Yep, $300 on Amazon, and all that.
Last edited by EricJ on December 17th, 2010, 6:41 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Post by Randall » December 17th, 2010, 7:25 pm

That's one DVD I do really regret selling a few months ago. i thought Disney would have a tricked-out Blu-ray of Tron already, so thought I should sell my DVD fast.

I got about $12, I think.

Now, not only could I get much more for it now, we still don't know if the BD will be great, or pull a Fantasia with the special features. :(

P.S. Still excited about seeing the new movie!
Last edited by Randall on December 17th, 2010, 7:26 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Post by EricJ » December 17th, 2010, 8:21 pm

Randall wrote:Now, not only could I get much more for it now, we still don't know if the BD will be great, or pull a Fantasia with the special features.!
With or without special features, think Disney's planning to do a Fantasia of another sorts on the Blu-ray:
As (ahem) some news buttons have gone pop-overboard in pointing out, Disney's been made artificially shaky on whether audiences still want to see the original Tron--
And just as we got Fantasia 1940 and 2000 sold in one package because Disney's inferiority complexes thought "nobody wanted to buy" F2K, they may hedge their bets and sell the two-movie "Tron Saga" as one Blu package, playing up the fact that it's "two chapters" of a connected story. That's a pure guess, but at this point, it's a pretty good one.

(FWIW, I tried infecting my own 10-yo. relative with the original movie long before the sequel hype came out and it was still in the days when none of his friends had ever heard of it--
Not only did it go over pretty well, but I'd also heard later that he'd signed on to the Ultimate Frisbee team at school....Hmm. :mrgreen: )



Post by GeorgeC » December 18th, 2010, 12:20 am

EricJ wrote:(...Aw, what's the matter, are those meanies not hating it enough?) :)
If that's another slam at me (and I don't doubt it knowing you for all too long), watch it.

You've been given too many passes, Eric, and frankly it wouldn't be a bad Christmas gift for a bunch of us this month if you got a lifelong ban...

I can see you edited one of your responses after Ben warned you earlier.

I've NEVER edited anything I posted here or in PM's when talking to a bully like you. You DESERVED every word I posted!

This is the very last time I'm going to say something on this subject...

Frankly, a number of us -- by my count at least 2-3 people who have some major say on the forums (they're moderators -- the VERY LAST people you should be insulting IF you had any common sense) AND another guy besides me who was a regular poster -- have had it with you and you should have been thrown out of the forums over a year ago by most of our countings.

Good will is one thing... But when you constantly skirt the rules and make 'cute' potshots at people, it gets more than old really fast.

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Re: Tron: Legacy

Post by droosan » December 18th, 2010, 2:16 am

While I've had a few spirited 'back-and-forth' discussions with EricJ (most recently, in the Secret of Kells and Sym-Bionic Titan threads) .. I've never found him combative or insulting toward me. In both of those cases, we eventually 'agreed to disagree'; neither of us changed the others' mind .. but both of us thoroughly made our points, without ever once resorting to 'trash talk'.

The offending text in this thread was apparently (?) removed before I arrived .. but I did just want to say that I have no 'beef' with EricJ, myself.

And besides, "Goodwill toward men .. 'Tis the season," .. and all that. Though, those sentiments work best when observed by all of us..! :wink:


Oh, yeah .. and TRON: Legacy R O C K S :mrgreen:

I enjoyed the heck out of it..! And any comparisons to Speed Racer or Scott Pilgrim are 'positives,' AFAIC .. since I also rather enjoyed both of those movies. :P

Seems like it should've been a summer release, though.
Last edited by droosan on December 18th, 2010, 3:58 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Post by Randall » December 18th, 2010, 2:31 am

The "offending" part is still there. In this case, past history may have made George a little oversensitive... but Eric really needs to tone down the rhetoric when he's already skating on thin ice.


But I'm glad to hear your positive words on Tron! I want to love it, and won't let the weak reviews dampen my enthusiasm. Whether or not it speaks to a mass audience, it is clearly aimed at the true believers (even if we can acknowledge the shortcomings of the original too).

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Post by Ben » December 18th, 2010, 1:15 pm

We're going Monday night. I'm going to forgo the Imax for now, though...just too darn expensive and time consuming to get there and back. I'll see it in 3D though, and if it really does rock hard enough, may make the Imax pilgrimage sometime in the early new year.


Re: Tron: Legacy

Post by GeorgeC » December 18th, 2010, 2:15 pm

Give me another good TRON videogame or re-release the classic arcade coin-ops as a dual set on PlayStation Network emulated in Hi-Res then I'll be happy!!

Wouldn't mind getting the soundtrack to the original film on CD, either... That was good, too.

Ben wrote:We're going Monday night. I'm going to forgo the Imax for now, though...just too darn expensive and time consuming to get there and back. I'll see it in 3D though, and if it really does rock hard enough, may make the Imax pilgrimage sometime in the early new year.
I hear you on the ticket price! While US tickets aren't as expensive as Japan or Europe, they are getting uncomfortably high and many Americans increasingly are skipping theatrical releases and just catching them on BD/DVD when they get released OR rent them from Netflix, the local library (for free!), or the Red Box Kiosks.

I'm still kind of stinging from having to pay $13 to see Tangled in 3D. Liked the film but ultimately didn't need the 3D experience. Several reviewers are right --- the current 3D DOES make films darker than normal!

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Re: Tron: Legacy

Post by Whippet Angel » December 18th, 2010, 7:40 pm

Can't wait! I'm also going on Monday. :D
Hope you enjoy the film Ben. I know how much you've been looking forward to it. :wink:

Judging by the few reviews I've read so far it seems that those who really enjoyed the film did so because they didn't take it too seriously.

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Post by Switchblade Sister » December 18th, 2010, 10:02 pm

The worst film I've seen in 10 years. Easily. It's virtually unwatchable. Thankfully, I didn't have to pay to see it. The script is incomprehensible. The acting makes Sharktopus look like The Godfather. The "design" work is monotonous, unimaginative, and just ugly to look at. There is NO variety.

This'll drop off fast. It's truly an embarrassment for Disney.

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Re: Tron: Legacy

Post by Whippet Angel » December 18th, 2010, 10:15 pm

Awesome! That sounds similar to reviews I've read for the original.

Guess that means I'll like it. :mrgreen:

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Re: Tron: Legacy

Post by Switchblade Sister » December 18th, 2010, 10:20 pm

The first one was pretty bad. But the world made sense, and the actions of the characters in the Tron world had REAL world consequences.

And the original film flopped. Big time.

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Re: Tron: Legacy

Post by droosan » December 18th, 2010, 11:04 pm

To each their own; Your mileage may vary; etc.

I got everything out of it that I was expecting. And I was entertained, throughout. Gonna be seeing it again next week. :mrgreen:

Plus which, I thought it was made fairly clear that
the 'Grid' is on an isolated mainframe which is hidden in the basement of Flynn's arcade. Flynn was attempting to create his 'perfect world' on this single computer; it was not connected to the outside world via the internet; thus, none of the 'TRON world' characters would have been able to affect 'real world' events.

Which is too bad .. since the 'Wizard of Oz-cameo' aspect of the 'real-world' actors playing their 'TRON-world' programs was kinda missing from this sequel (it might've been nice to see a Dillinger Jr 'program' in the 'TRON world', for example .. which I was half-expecting in the third act, since they'd gone to the trouble of introducing him early on).

It also would've been rather hilarious if Flynn's climactic 'death by visual effects' had resulted in a Guru Meditation Error screen. Missed opportunity..! :lol:

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