Tangled (formerly Rapunzel)

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Post by Dusterian » June 10th, 2010, 11:50 pm

Yes, the trailer's like the leaked one, but certainly an improvement in most respects.

If anything, the animation is great and gorgeous!

However, though the movement, the actual animation, does appear, for the most part, to be like hand-drawn, the rendered look is not very much like a painting like Glen Keane wanted to give it a past Disney fairy tale look. It has some of that, but not enough as we, and Glen, wanted.

I also preferred Rapunzel's older design more! And Flynn's older one, too.

And it's definately to Flynn and humor-focused, but let us wait for the real trailer and final film...

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Re: Tangled (Formerly Rapunzel)

Post by droosan » June 11th, 2010, 12:49 am

Every single Disney CG animated feature has been crafted in stereoscopic 3-D since Chicken Little in 2005. They're hardly 'jumping on the bandwagon' with this one. :roll:


As for the trailer: it sports a lot more 'tude than I'd hoped to see (might as well have left the title Rapunzel Unbraided) .. but, I've heard some rumblings that this trailer does not represent the 'feel' of the film as a whole; presumably, this is meant to appeal to the teenage boy(s?) who don't think Disney is 'uncool' .. so I will cling onto a tiny ledge of hope, for now.

But -- art-direction and animation-wise -- holy wow. :shock:

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Post by EricJ » June 11th, 2010, 2:14 am

Seems like there's a LOT of DNA traces of "Rapunzel Unbraided", with the two contemporary teens. (Now replaced with more upbeat contemporary phrases and Disney Channel music on the ads/credits)--

So, even though we couldn't get the old-skool "3-D Ink-and-paint" Glen Keane version that didn't quite work out on the drawing boards, at least we're getting a "salvaged" project ala Bolt, with its story-ethic heart in the right place.
I've seen contemporary-kissup CGI that immediately annoyed on contact, and...this wasn't it. :)

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Post by droosan » June 11th, 2010, 2:49 am


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Re: Tangled (Formerly Rapunzel)

Post by Meg » June 11th, 2010, 10:11 am

droosan wrote:As for the trailer: it sports a lot more 'tude than I'd hoped to see (might as well have left the title Rapunzel Unbraided) .. but, I've heard some rumblings that this trailer does not represent the 'feel' of the film as a whole; presumably, this is meant to appeal to the teenage boy(s?) who don't think Disney is 'uncool' .. so I will cling onto a tiny ledge of hope, for now.
I've heard this too - in fact I've seen a few people claiming that a lot of the animation in this trailer is test footage and not even in the final film (like the weird kung-fu tentacle hair). I really hope this is true, because like you said, the teaser has a little too much "tude" for me.

I honestly don't like this trailer very much at all, but I blame that more on bad marketing than the actual film. The animation looks super pretty and the humans look great, if a little bland.

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Re: Tangled (Formerly Rapunzel)

Post by Bill1978 » June 11th, 2010, 11:40 pm

I am so pumped for this movie with the release of this teaser trailer. I love the opening shot of Flynn being escorted in the prison, it looks so lifelike. As a fan of Miguel and Tulio in El Dorado I personally have no problems with the 'attitude' in the film.The humour has has me excited for the film, the animation looks beautiful AND the teaser doesn't give anything away about the plot. The only thing I'm disappointed with is no snippet of Menken music. But I underatand why they left it out for this trailer

Slightly different take on the new trailer, with some new footage and less 'attitude'. And different music at the start (could this be Menken? or just sourced from another movie score) They are both the same trailer, it's just the language that is different. In The Netherlands and France the is going to be called Rapunzel and they are happy to let the audience know it before the end of the trailer as where in the US trailer Flynn is heard to say 'Let down your hair', in the European trailer Fynn says 'Rapunzel let down your hair' Crazy US marketers

Dutch: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GTut733YmRo

French: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9PYdJ4-AxAs

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Re: Tangled (Formerly Rapunzel)

Post by ShyViolet » June 12th, 2010, 2:12 am

The animation/watercolor look is absolutely gorgeous and lived up to all my expectations, and maybe even outdid them. I also very much agree that it's probably extremely likely that the trailer is deceptively cute and funny because of Disney marketing fears. It certainly feels to me that there's an epic romantic story in there hidden behind the comedy and one-liners of the trailer.

My real problem is that the film does look fun and beautifully crafted, but I really don't feel that's enough anymore. Bolt and Princess both felt original and funny, (and Princess made some great strides in getting back to classic Disney) and in both cases they certainly tugged on your heartstrings but not in the way that the opening of Up did.

With Tangled at least every image is eye-poppingly beautiful, but it will still be an eye-poppingly beautiful comedy with an "opposites attract/boy-meets girl" theme that was very similarly done in the last two Disney films.

I definitely agree the trailer and marketing is pretty awful, especially since the film is only four months away. It's really disappointing that Disney is still falling short in promoting WDAS even after all this time.

I really do believe that there will be great, romantic moments in the movie that have a classic Disney feel, but I just don't see a Best Animated Film Oscar feel all over it the way you'd see it with Pixar films. Disney needs cool, original films again; Up and WALL-E were both breathtaking but as fun and sweet as Princess and Bolt were you really can't say that about them. It's painful to admit but essentially true. Tangled will almost certainly be nominated, as Princess and Bolt were, but I doubt it has much of a chance of winning. :(
You can’t just have your characters announce how they feel! That makes me feel angry!

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Re: Tangled (Formerly Rapunzel)

Post by spaz » June 12th, 2010, 11:31 am

i truly believe we are living in a time of the devotion and dismantling of animation. this film looks like the Barbie Movie. it'll be another male emasculation/ female empowerment film peppered with semi fudgey bum jokes.

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Re: Tangled (Formerly Rapunzel)

Post by spaz » June 12th, 2010, 11:39 am

to the previous guys comment. "correct". Pixar does not have useless Hollywood writers. animators write those films and MAYBE there will be a round table of gag writers to punch up some of lines way along in the process. Disney's movies are written by Hollywood screen writers who know nothing of animation or they are re-cycled idea's (such as the latest) by fudgey exec's looking to get their VP wings. this is how it works there and this is why they continue to fail in the creative arena and Pixar continues to succeed.

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Post by Dusterian » June 12th, 2010, 11:58 pm

The music in the Dutch and French trailers is stock music, it was also used in a Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 1 trailer...

And, I thought everyone in the animation department contributed to the story. How are they working differently than Pixar? How do you know it;s Hollywood writers who have nothing to do with animation? Because of Linda Woolverton? Even then, the animators and others working on the films are supposed to contribute until the script is good, like how they influenced Linda's screenplay for Beauty and the Beast so much...

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Post by estefan » June 13th, 2010, 10:16 am

And Pixar has used their fair share of Hollywood screenwriters known primarily for live-action work (Michael Arndt for Toy Story 3; Joss Whedon, Alec Sokolow and Joel Cohen for Toy Story; Tom McCarthy for Up).

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Re: Tangled (Formerly Rapunzel)

Post by spaz » June 13th, 2010, 12:49 pm

TS3 is a plug and play scenario based on an established property which was written by Pixar animators. the only people who can write good animation ... at least these days baring the Mike Maltese days.... are animators. hollywood screen writers lack imagination are are not properly equipped mentally or creatively to write animation. they have too much anxiety and lack of self confidence; using writing as a method to persuade themselves that they're not a loser. Pixar does not have this problem. Disney does.

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Post by spaz » June 13th, 2010, 12:50 pm

"Joss Whedon, Alec Sokolow and Joel Cohen for Toy Story; Tom McCarthy for Up).

they did punch up work. they did not write the screen play

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Post by spaz » June 13th, 2010, 12:52 pm

these types are writers are useful as "kids in the hall" (research the real origin of this i you're interested), but do not originate the idea nor write it.

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Post by Foxtale » June 13th, 2010, 11:18 pm

I was watching the Disney channel the other day and there was mention of a special sneak peek at the movie. Was it just the trailer that we all have seen or something else?

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