Lilo and Stitch

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Post by Whippet Angel » March 29th, 2009, 11:59 am

Would you say it's worth the double dip?

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Post by Dacey » March 29th, 2009, 12:19 pm

Depends on how much you love the movie.

You also get a 2-hour long documentary, and an audio commentary track. Nothing beyond that is too notable, though.
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Post by Randall » March 29th, 2009, 1:26 pm

I would think the 2-hour documentary would make this enticing for the ol' double dip. Personally, I'm just glad I waited for this edition. (Got it yesterday.) I never thought it would take this long to come out.


Post by GeorgeC » March 30th, 2009, 4:03 am

Better late than never?

I got this last week but still have the original single-disc release.

I liked the film too much to deprive myself of the DVD just because of the deluxe set delays.

Why Disney made everybody wait for this 2-disc set is still a puzzle to me.

9/11 isn't an excuse to postpone this... and Lilo & Stitch was a HUGE hit for Disney.

Probably their last big hand-drawn animated feature hit. Goodness knows how many Stitch plush dolls they sold! I've read that they made at least a half-billion on the bank off of merchandising for the movie.

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Post by EricJ » March 30th, 2009, 5:18 am

GeorgeC wrote:Why Disney made everybody wait for this 2-disc set is still a puzzle to me.

9/11 isn't an excuse to postpone this...
Nooo, it was the reason to postpone the original movie for several months, while they had to redraw the scene--
We did get our basic history and chronology right before ranting, didn't we? :roll:
and Lilo & Stitch was a HUGE hit for Disney.
Unfortunately, "Atlantis" wasn't--Especially on the 2-disk version.
Which caused Michael Eisner, in one of the first of his series of knee-jerk reactionary spasms, to declare "No more separate 2-disk releases!" at Disney DVD, thus taking the Tarzan and TENG SE's out of print, and depriving Lilo, Pocahontas and Treasure Planet out of their planned 2SE's.

Just why has it taken so long until now to get it?--Because it hasn't been until now that 2-disk up-dips are considered the "normal" default marketing mode for the studio, rather than the alternate "prestige" special-editions they were back in Tarzan's day.
Oh, what, y'mean we'd already made a 2-disk for Lilo and it just hadn't been released yet?--Heck that's EASY! We'd have probably done one anyway!

(And that's why...Don't you just hate when you spend all day on a puzzle, and somebody walks by and puts the last piece in for you?) :P

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Post by Ben » March 30th, 2009, 7:53 am

Ahem...Lilo And Sticth, from the get go, was always designed as a two-disc set. The Studio actually wanted to put out the kind of set for one of their own features that the Pixar guys were routinely putting out for theirs.

The thing is...the two-disc wasn't actually ready to roll when the single came out...nothing to do with the failures of the films before. If anything it was the attempts to put together a <I>really</I> good two-disc set that held it up.

By the time it was ready, the attention had shifted onto the TV show and the two or three DVD spin off movies, so there was already enough Stitch material out there. Then Chris Sanders started work on American Dog and it made sense to hold it back to tie in with that release.

As we all know...changes abounded there, and the L&S set was held back yet again. I would guess that it was originally set to come out with the premiere of that movie last fall, but since the Sanders connection was lost and they already had a pretty full schdeule, I guess it got held back.

But I <I>told</I> you all ages ago that this release was to be tied to American Dog / Bolt in some way, and indeed - as always planned - it finally came to DVD on the same day as Bolt's disc debut.

I'm just glad it's arrived without any cuts to the major material (the commentary, the documentary and the deleted scenes) which could have all too easily have been watered down given the history that has taken place since this edition was signed off on.


Post by GeorgeC » April 1st, 2009, 6:16 am

You know EricJ,

I really don't like your tone lately.

You have been incredibly rude to both Ben and me the last few times I've been on this board.

I don't know if you're aware of that but I've kept my silence on this for a while. Not anymore...

You were also extremely obnoxious to me during the Oscars ceremony a while back.

As for "my rants," I've lived longer than you have and have seen a general degradation in entertainment for the past 20 years. It's been really, really bad in general since the mid-1990s. The standards for entertainment have fallen to all-time lows and it's real obvious that the people backing movies have no love for movies in general. They're all about the money. As notoriously rotten as some of the old studio heads were (to people in general) from the 1930s through the late 1950s, those men loved film. I don't know that the same could be said for any of the CEOs of the companies making films today... or their cronies... or the people who get to be the anointed ones and write/direct the majority of films today.

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Post by Whippet Angel » April 1st, 2009, 11:32 am

Yeah... That's what I always tell my parents when they complain about the general quality of films as of late.

At the end of the day, Hollywood is a business. It was never really about artistic integrity (sad as it is).

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Post by EricJ » April 1st, 2009, 1:47 pm

You know EricJ,
I really don't like your tone lately.
You have been incredibly rude to both Ben and me the last few times I've been on this board.
No, I haven't been rude to Ben, I've been rude to YOU: :)

And for one reason--There's One On Every Board, and you're it. Which doesn't make you original.
The Angry Guy--The one who wants to show up, turn every discussion into a Really Neat Argument, and can't come up with any original evidence since 90's Usenet.

And which said lack of original spontaneous conversation tends to make the ritual AG (or "Bored Provocateur", as they're referred to on Usenet) one of the dullest who-invited-the-stinky-guy pests on any conversational forum.
Again, like Bill Cosby once observed, they put a Nut In Every Subway Car.
I don't know if you're aware of that but I've kept my silence on this for a while. Not anymore...
You were also extremely obnoxious to me during the Oscars ceremony a while back.
Oh, yes, I recall--The time you showed up at the end two hours late when you remembered to, tried to get some tired "I hate the Oscars!" shock-flame going, and then got bored and wandered off ten minutes later when the rest of the chat was having nice normal conversation, without any really neato shock-button arguments--
Want the transcripts? We've got them on file.

Do you find you're not getting enough love on the board as you fantasize you should be? Bummer. Oh, well, there's always taking the Angry Guy act to the DC comic boards, they love it there.
Last edited by EricJ on April 1st, 2009, 2:21 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Post by Dacey » April 1st, 2009, 1:59 pm

Guys, guys, guys. We're supposed to be friends, remember?

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Post by Ben » April 1st, 2009, 3:12 pm

EricJ wrote:The Angry Guy--The one who wants to show up, turn every discussion into a Really Neat Argument, and can't come up with any original evidence since 90's Usenet.
Sounds like we have two...!

Seriously, Eric, I don't know what history or other dealings you have with George, but I have noticed an overly familiar tone you've taken with him from the very beginning, when you crashed our boards with a number of ill-advised introductory posts that were filled with mis-information.

Remember those? We have them on file ("we" being the actual "we", as opposed to your use of "we", when you are not one of "we").

Yep, George has been the inflammatory "one" on our boards almost since when we started...but he's <I>far</I> from been just a ranter, posting several worthy links, creating appropriate topics (even if he does sometimes create new ones when bumping older ones would do!) and generally injecting serious, alternative commentary into these forums that do see both sides of the coin.

On the other hand, your last few posts (and I will be fair and say I don't think you have been rude to me) have been nothing but rants or at least more digging into Disney's practices. You may think you have a wittily sarcastic or sardonic wit, but really your posts come off as "disgusted from Ohio" or something, never balancing out your arguments and never listening or admitting when you're wrong. I've said before and I'll probably say seem to think you know a <I>lot</I> more about animation and the business than you actually do, as emphasized by the routine rants that contain little fact.

That all being said, if you can't recognize the traits in yourself that you are so obviously ready to accuse others of, then I suggest taking a breather or, at the very least, realizing that <I>everyone</I> has opinions and that no-one is ever actually "right", something you have shown a lot of most recently.

I'm not taking "sides" and certainly not condoning everything George has ever said as being particularly appropriate - we've had to speak to him as well before too. But he's cleaned up his act and brings much more to the table than just ranting or coming over as jaded and upset. And I can't just sit back and watch one member attacking another like this, especially when its to one of our oldest members.

The great thing about forums of any kinds is that it brings all kinds of people together. There's a downside to that too, of course, but when some can't get along it's down to the organizer to step in. So I'm asking you to consider other people's feelings, wake up to your own shortcomings, and try and participate here in a more positive manner.

If either of you have any problems with this please PM me rather than drag out a pointless and ugly confrontation in public. Thanks.

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Post by Phil » April 2nd, 2009, 9:28 am

So, Lilo & Stitch...

Great movie! :)

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Post by Ben » April 2nd, 2009, 10:40 am

And, from the sounds of things, a great DVD.

I mean, commentary <I>and</I> a two-hour documentary!? :)

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Post by Bill1978 » April 2nd, 2009, 10:32 pm

I'm still scratching my head over how the US is only just getting this 2 DVD release for this movie. While Australia had a 2 DVD set ages ago. I thought Australi awas backwards/slow when we got an edited version of Hunchback Of Notre Dame in our theatres, but it seems every now and then we leap forward.

Lilo & Stitch is fun and enjoyable but Treasure Planet was my favourite of the 2 Disney movies from that year. Mainly because by the end of Lilo I was cursing the whole damn Ohana menas family crap that appeared to be occuring every 5 mintues during the climax.

In terms of plots, there really isn't that much difference between the 2 endings. The dialogue is pretty similar, a lot of the action is similar. THe only difference is that one goes around buildings and one goes around volcanoes. I would assume that if L&S was made today they would have kpet the building plot point.

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Re: Lilo and Stitch

Post by Farerb » February 5th, 2023, 4:53 am

I watched Lilo and Stitch 2 for the first time and thought it was quite decent for a DTV. It might help that the original was unambitious, so it doesn't feel like we're getting a cheap lower stake continuation to an epic like The Lion King or The Hunchback of Notre Dame.

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