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Post by Ben » January 14th, 2009, 9:09 pm

Saw this in a news flash earlier this evening. A shame he won't see the new version that's being filmed (or even make a cameo as was planned, unless he already did it), but nice that his great work in The Scarecrow was recognised this year.

He wasn't a number (not even Number 1 ;)), he was <I>a FREE MAN!<I>

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Post by Randall » January 14th, 2009, 10:57 pm

Bummer. :(

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Post by Randall » January 14th, 2009, 10:58 pm

Another bummer. :(

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Post by Randall » January 14th, 2009, 11:18 pm

Mark Evanier has a wonderful anecdote to share (you may need to scroll down if he posts anything new on his blog before you read this):


Post by GeorgeC » January 15th, 2009, 10:34 am


My admiration for the guy went up another 20%!

THAT is class. Very atypical Hollywood!

P.S. -- Walter Koenig had nothing but good things to say about Senor Montallban on the Star Trek II set. He said he was the least egotistical big-name actor he ever worked with and that he was very suggestible to improvements by the director.

The guy was definitely a sweetheart.

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Post by Ben » January 18th, 2009, 3:33 pm

My favorite Montalban story is his famous anecdote about the "five stages of Hollywood":

1) Who is Ricardo Montalban?
2) Get me Ricardo Montalban!
3) Get me a Ricardo Montalban type
4) Get me a young Ricardo Montalban
5) Who is Ricardo Montalban?

Brilliant. :)


Wendy Richard, RIP

Post by GeorgeC » February 26th, 2009, 11:47 am


I can't believe she passed away!

She played the sexy Miss Brahms on "Are You Being Served?" in the 1970s and the show became a recertified hit in the US after it began being rerun on the American PBS in the late 1990s and early 2000s.

I had to double-check Google images online because her hairstyle and look changed quite a bit from when she did "Are You Being Served?" and its follow-up. I haven't seen "East-Enders" but am aware of its popularity now.

65 -- kind of young nowadays.

RIP, Ms. Richard. You certainly entertained a lot of people!

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Post by Ben » February 26th, 2009, 3:16 pm

I interviewed here for some "Carry On" box set bonus material when she was just leaving EastEnders.

In a way, it's very funny to me to have someone in America post this or even know who she was! It's like some minor celebrity from a 50s or 60s show being known over here.

They shoot EastEnders right around the corner from my house and opposite from the Elstree Studios I have my office at, so she was often a face you saw walking to the shops. She was a bit cool when we did the DVD stuff but then she had done a day's filming already and I guess was privately suffering even then from what we later found out she would finally succumb to.

She'll always be best remembered over here for Miss Brahms or Pauline Fowler in 'Enders, and will remain a very recognisable face on television in re-runs to come. :)


Post by GeorgeC » February 26th, 2009, 4:07 pm

Believe me, Ben,

There are MANY people in the US who'd recognize pictures of her from the 1970s.

"Are You Being Served?" was one of the hit shows broadcast on PBS (Public Broadcasting Service; one of the channels funded by American taxpayer dollars courtesy of the US Government). PBS frequently imports British comedies. (One of the few things they actually spend their money well on. I pretty much dislike everything else on PBS.) Among the shows they introduced to the US from the BBC are Doctor Who, Red Dwarf, Chef, Monty Python's Flying Circus, and of course, "Are You Being Served?"

PBS is where I got my first exposure to all those shows.

(Benny Hill, oddly enough, was broadcast on a regular independent cable channel out of Cleveland, OH -- WUAB Channel 43. That's also the channel I was exposed to Robotech on. It has maintained somewhat independent status and has a loose assocation with Fox now.)

AYBS was at the very least a cult hit in the US in the mid-1990s. (I wasn't even aware the show was already 20 years old when they re-run it on PBS!) They even commissioned a new book about the series specifically for the American market. Later, the sequel show was brought to PBS but I don't think it went over as well as the original series.

I often caught episodes of AYBS and regularly looked out for it on PBS... I was by no means the most rabid fan -- I don't have any recordings or DVD sets of the series --, but I thought it was a charming show and the original cast was one of the better ensembles in the little bit of British TV comedy I've been exposed to.

When I saw Richard's most recent picture I knew I'd heard the name before I had to google earlier pictures of her because she looked so different later on with older age and a different hairstyle.

Sorry to hear it was cancer... It's claimed a number of people in my own family and both my parents have had recent scares. My mother was lucky that she had a benign polyp in her stomach. My father lost 1/3 of a kidney but was very lucky. His brother wasn't...

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Post by Ben » February 26th, 2009, 5:40 pm

Oh yeah, I know of PBS very well. Just funny when a "local" name with what one would have thought was limited appeal in the US gets mentioned like this. The show I can understand (and the imports on BBC America from all the UK channels here) but picking out a single name like that...just strange (but in a good way).

It seems cancer is becoming more and more a killer in our times: my Mum escaped a brush with it a couple of years ago; a friend of ours was not so lucky earlier this year. :(

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Post by AH3RD » March 12th, 2009, 10:01 pm

She also appeared in a deleted scene from The Beatles' 1965 movie Help!.


Natasha Richardson... RIP

Post by GeorgeC » March 17th, 2009, 4:32 pm

There is supposed to be an official family release tomorrow morning.

It will be revealed then if the brain-dead rumors are true or if she's still in critical care.

NY Post and a number of websites released reports that the actress was brain-dead but there has been no official confirmation as of yet.

I feel very sad for Mr. Neeson and his children. Best wishes to them. This is a rough time for them. They're good people, and the potential loss of a parent with children so young is always rough...
Last edited by GeorgeC on March 18th, 2009, 9:16 am, edited 1 time in total.


David Prowse has cancer...

Post by GeorgeC » March 17th, 2009, 4:47 pm

"Star Wars actor David Prowse has been diagnosed with prostate cancer.

"The 73-year-old, who played Darth Vader in the original Star Wars trilogy, revealed he was battling the disease during an interview with U.K. radio host Christian O’Connell.

"He said: "I’m undergoing treatment for prostate cancer, would you believe. I’m having my very last treatment this morning. I’ve had two months of radiotherapy at the Royal Marsden (in London), it’s the most fantastic hospital. I feel fantastic, no problems whatsoever.

""The only thing I’ve had is hot flushes. I’ve also lost some of my hair on my legs and the hair on my chest has all got very fine. But other than that I’ve had no after effects."

"Although Prowse portrayed Vader in the movies, the legendary baddie's voice was added by American actor James Earl Jones.

"The Brit is also well known in the U.K. for being the Green Cross Code Man, a superhero invented to promote a British road safety campaign for children in 1975.""


This stuff does come in threes!

On top of the passing of actor Ron Silver on Sunday, the Natasha Richardson fatal skiing accident, now this!

Quite a weekend spread for personal tragedies.

Please don't think I'm being gleeful about this.

Sometimes, the only way to handle dark news is with a bit of dark humor...

This is the kind of news I'm NOT looking forward to in my own personal life. THIS is my worst fear...

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Post by Ben » March 17th, 2009, 5:46 pm

Dave has been a good friend to Elstree and often comes, when he can, to our Film Evening celebrations and special screenings - the last was Star Wars three years ago.

He's often in touch with a friend of mine and this has actually been going on for about two years, though he wasn't even that well when he came to Star Wars. We invited him back for Empire last year but he was too ill (Boba Fett, Jeremy Bulloch, filled in).

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Post by Randall » March 17th, 2009, 10:32 pm

It was on our local news this morning. Very sad.

There is currently some confusion as to the severity of her injuries, but it doesn't sound good. Apparently, though, it looked like a minor incident at the time, but she soon became quite sick. At first, it was simply a routine fall from an inexperienced skiier; but she must have hit her head just the "wrong way".

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