I believe the operative expression is "O-KAY!!...Freakin' HAPPY now???"According to Variety, Disney has moved up the release date of the traditionally animated feature The Princess And The Frog. Previously slated for a Christmas Day opening, the film will now open exclusively in New York and Los Angeles on November 25th and nationwide on December 11th. The originally planned opening date would have pitched Princess against the sequel to the highly successful Alvin and the Chipmunks.
Although I suspect the change is not so much completely due to even Disney being hypnotized by every other ani-clueless media analysts' inability to distinguish one family-oriented movie from another (which is how all that "Massacre of '02" Sinbad vs. Treasure Planet malarkey started in the first place)...
And more due to Disney wanting to cash in on "Enchanted" making Thanksgiving openings popular again, while still being able to take advantage of Christmas vacation demographics...And prime the movie up to "Event" status in the process--knowing that their fans are ready to agree--by pulling out an old Event-Movie trick they haven't used since "Lion King". (Or was it the "Beauty & the Beast" festival screening?)
As for turd-eating rodents...Let Fox believe what they are sucker enough to believe.
History shows us, however, that no studio ever had a hit with a winsomely self-conscious ": The Sequel" joke in the title, which real audiences tend to feel is either flop-sweat hubris, or false-arrogantly rubbing insult into injury.
(With the exception of "Hot Shots, Pt. Deux", but that was a much better movie.)