Complete PowerPuff Girls set for release in 2009

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Complete PowerPuff Girls set for release in 2009

Post by GeorgeC » September 19th, 2008, 1:28 pm

That's just great!

And here I went and already bought the FIRST season set of the series a few months ago!

Do I at least get a discount for buying the earlier set, WB? (No, 'cuz they're chintsy!) :evil:

I don't mind having individual disc releases from years ago -- boxsets of TV shows, especially animated series, were a pipedream back then --, but I dislike the notion of a Season 1 set and then a FULL anniversary series boxset.

Cheesy, WB... REAL cheesy!

Caveat empor (or something like that) -- Buyer beware! :!:

P.S. -- The best PowerPuff episodes were 1998-2000. After the PowerPuff movie came out, the show pretty much went downhill.

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Post by eddievalient » September 21st, 2008, 12:17 pm

I feel your pain, George, but as long as it's reasonably priced, I'm sure I'll be getting it. At least I have a seven year old niece to pass my first season dvd down to, so it's not completely wasted. Anyone else think we're getting this one because of Fosters' success? Maybe they're doing it as a reward for McCracken having two hit shows in a row.

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Post by droosan » September 21st, 2008, 1:35 pm

Hopefully, a complete Dexter's Laboratory DVD boxed set will follow close behind ..

Columbia House had released a series of DL DVD's, about 6 or 7 years ago .. but I'd 'passed' on them, feeling that Cartoon Network would certainly soon release a DVD set of their (then) 'flagship' original show. I was wrong. :(


I had likewise 'passed' on the early individual disc releases of The Powerpuff Girls .. but I did buy the Season 1 boxed set, last year. Oh, well ..

Luckily, there are several local video stores which offer 'store credit' in exchange for used DVD 'trade-ins' .. :idea:

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Post by Daniel » September 24th, 2008, 1:24 am

I'm likewise upset by the news, instead of continuing the individual releases, WB plans a complete series set. :( I would understand if they did it after all the seasons were released, but after just one season? That's not right.

Well, I'll be keeping my season one set regardless. I love the packaging and the overall design. Of course, those of us who already bought the 1st season, at least we have had all this time to enjoy the show. Depending on the price tag, no doubt the series set will be cheaper then buying the sets separately; so in a way, I don't think we've really wasted money.

I'm curious to know what the set will actually look like. I'm thinking it might resemble the Powerpuff Girls home, or the school. Or they could make similar to season 1 and have the three girls heads next to eathother... but that sounds creepy. They could have the whole cast, like all the villains in the background and the three girls in front. I just hope it's not Mojo's head!

Yeah, no doubt I'm buying. Love the show and want the whole series. Although I do agree that after the movie it started going downhill, I think there was still some charm. I loved the TV movie Twas the Fight Before Christmas - hey, I wonder if that's going to be included! I have the DVD, so it's not a priority, but it would be a cool treat. And there's one episode I remember really liking, it involved the Gang Green Gang taking orders from Sedusa. Man, Sedusa was hands down my favorite villain! She was real good at being bad, and I loved her design, ditto voice. (Jennifer Hale, of Cinderella fame!) Shame they didn't use her that much, though. She only had what, five episodes?

And lastly, I can't wait for the new episode! Very cool CN is giving a marathon for its comeback. I hope it doesn't disappoint.

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Post by Ben » September 24th, 2008, 10:27 am

I just want the movie in <I>widescreen</I>!!! The current DVD wasn't even open matte, and the deleted scenes show a distinct letterboxed framing for 1.85.

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Post by Daniel » September 27th, 2008, 12:31 am

Well, here's our answers. I was semi-close with the packaging, although I didn't notice the pic update in the previous story, so I didn't cheat. ;) It's okay I guess, but I was expecting better. I'm very disappointed about the double-sided DVDs though - I HATE flippers! And knowing series sets, it won't help matters much. Watch, the disc's are going to be stored like the The Brady Bunch series set, oye. :roll: And no movie, boo. However, Twas the Fight Before Christmas IS included! Yay. That along with the poster are great exclusives.

Yep, I'm still getting it, but from the description alone it could've been much better. Here's hoping the disc are stored adequately...

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Post by Daniel » January 15th, 2009, 3:32 pm

Just a reminder, this comes out next week on the 20th. I saw a commercial while watching CN and got all exited! Nice to see it getting publicity and during the day time to boot! (Unlike the Looney's that get advertisement at night) Still no info regarding how the disc will be stored, but I'm keeping an eye out.

It's weired though, Best Buy and Target don't have it listed in next weeks ad. Little suspicious. Now I don't even know the prices are for in store, although a quick look on Amazon indicates a $42 price tag, which isn't bad. (probably the same everywhere more or less) That's like two seasons of PowerPuff, had they continued the individual releases.

Now to await reviews.

Edit: check out this interview about the 10th Anniversary! Cool! Very nostalgic hearing the voices again and seeing clips. That's news to me, the new special is being done in flash. I don't mind, I loved how they used it on Foster's. The scenes they showed, if they are from the new special, (certainly look like it) look real nice. They look closer to the older episodes. Only complaint I have is with Mojo, he looks like his old self. I personally liked his later appearance, more meaner looking and his ears were pointy and he was a different shade of green. Oh well, maybe it's just me. The premise sounds great though, can't wait to see it! Remember, it premiers on the 19th of this month! :)

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Post by Ben » January 18th, 2009, 10:59 am

I'm guessing the movie's not in here? They have every episode, special and extra and yet they still pass up on the movie! :(

Not that I'd pick up the entire series, but the feature does need a widescreen reboot!


Post by GeorgeC » January 18th, 2009, 11:53 am

I will definitely be picking up this set in the near future if and when the price is right.

The movie can go hang for all I care unless I pass upon a cheap ($5 or less) copy in shrinkwrap.

I saw the film on Cartoon Network and was just not impresssed. Why they felt that had to do an extended origin episode of the PowerPuff Girls as a movie is beyond me. (Every TV episode opens with a RECAP of their origins in the title animation! How frikkin' stupid is it to do an origin film after that???? Artists!) It was easily one of the lesser efforts of the crew and IMHO deserved to bomb like it did.

I've heard things about the Japanese reinterpretation of PPG and not everything I've seen online at YouTube has been good, either. It's very spastic and cute to an extreme. (IE, inferior writing.) I don't think most original PPG fans will like the Japanese show much when and if it debuts in the US. While I appreciate the new character designs (I prefer their 3-D spherical aspects to the flat "Golden Book" tones of the original) the show is very different and really a new beast altogether. Word is that the English localization is very different from the Japanese version. Same animation, different characterizations and heavy rewrites is the word on the street. This show has already been dubbed into other languages and shown in other CN locales like South America but has yet to show up in the North American English-speaking market..

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Post by Daniel » January 18th, 2009, 3:40 pm

Y'know, I actually agree with you on the film! I like it, but yeah, been there done that. One episode even goes a little in-depth about their creation and Mojo. You know which one I'm talking?

That's why I always say Twas the Fight is the better movie. That's when I get the usual "o.O" reaction. I think it's a great movie, and Princess is a much better villain all around. I'm not very fond of Mojo, so that's another reason I don't like the theatrical film much. Funny story, I never went to theaters to see it (though I was dying to!!) and my first viewing was on CN too.

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Post by Ben » January 18th, 2009, 3:57 pm

One reason: to pick up new fans.

Why do you think the new Trek is going back to basics. They want to pick up new fans. Feature film versions of popular shows are often setting themselves up for future movies, often an "alternate" chronology to the television series of events.

It's not just enough for the average Joe to come along and have a good time, they want to be able to then count that Joe among the fans that will then watch the series, buy the merchandise, come back to more's simple logic.

So at the time the PPG movie came out, it was a fairly niche show on a popular but far from mainstream channel. The way to get new audiences on board is with an origin one wants to be the only one to a party where everyone else gets the jokes and is having a good time while the newbie is feeling left out.

An origin story covers all bases: <I>most</I> of the fans are pleased with the added budget, effects bigger arcs, etc, while the newbies can gt something out of it. It certainly worked for me: I had never seen an episode of PPG in my life before (so had never seen the main title origin recap, natch), but I came away enjoying the movie enough to bother to catch it a few times on CN. If it had been big enough for a second, I would probably have gone to see it (but WB screwed up the DVD in cropped format only that even most fans still don't own it).

Same with South Park. There is no "origin" to speak of, but the opening of that film set up the world, the characters and what we were in for. As I've said lots of times before, I wasn't a fan of the show, had hardly seen any of it and only went to see the movie because it was animated and I attempt to go and see all the major toon releases. I came out having been introduced to that particular world in fine style and now have all eleven available DVD season sets on my shelf.

On the other hand, as with Aqua Teen Hunger Force, they just went ahead with a movie that was one big inside joke for the fans, and it tanked. I didn't know what the heck was going on, and hated it with a passion. work...and though long time fans may be itching for something more original, these films usually work in setting up the blocks for the future expansion of a franchise. When a series goes big screen, it's not <I>just</I> for the fans!


Post by American_dog_2008 » January 19th, 2009, 2:48 am

Great news, those were the days!

I hope for DL DVD box too!


Post by GeorgeC » January 19th, 2009, 4:55 am

I'm sorry Ben, but the PPG movie drags like crazy. It's just very slow-paced and far from the best writing job that was ever done on PPG!

The visuals are nice, but when they're not backed up by a compelling story (and a good script) it gets very boring after a short while. I can understand concerns about the aspect ratio -- I share that concern about many films, myself -- but in this case it's far from the worst aspect of the film DVD release. It didn't have a good script to begin with!

(FYI, Mojo's the best villain on the show, IMHO. Princess, Sedusa, the Rowdy Ruff Boys, and a few others are fine, but Mojo is the most compelling PPG villain. His footnote in their creation is fine, but he really should have been in the film for the simple fact that he's the Girls' archfoe.)

And FYI, I HATE origin films because they spend too much time setting things up such that films crawl along before any major action happens. They typically waste close to 50% of the running time of the movie just explaining how powers and costumes came to be. It comes down to how well the film is paced versus the pay-off and I don't see this as being a winning ratio so far.

The greatest recent example of this is The Hulk movie directed by Ang Lee. It should have taken 5 minutes tops to tell the Hulk's origin. Had Mr. Lee and the film's writers -- instead of being artsy and developing "their Hulk" -- gone with the original comic book origin of the gamma bomb, there could could have been action within 10-15 minutes instead of making everybody wait 40 minutes before anything happened in that film!

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Post by Ben » January 19th, 2009, 7:06 am

Well, what can I say? PPG movie worked for me, as a total non-fan. That I would even consider picking up a full season set of the series means the point of the movie was a success, regardless of whether it pleased fans (I accept that it wasn't a home run in this aspect).

The film's aspect is moot, really, but as an animated film I enjoyed, and which was obviously created at a wider ratio, it's just something I'd lie to own on DVD the way it was intended, good or bad. There's no reason this wasn't offered on the original DVD.

While you may "hate" origin films, they serve a purpose, as I went into great detail above. I love that we don't see Superman until 53 minutes into the original film. I've come to see a movie like this <I>to find out about a character</I>. Plenty of people don't know about Krypton, gamma bombs, or whatever else. Where the filmmakers deviate from the accepted stories, well even those are interesting to see where they make their choices and changes - not all of them successful, of course, but why keep repeating the same old thing? Each version has its own interpretation.

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Post by Cinderallaboi » January 23rd, 2009, 3:58 pm

i just got mine today and i love it im going to buy the movie today

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