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Post by GeorgeC » June 8th, 2005, 9:35 pm

In the Rumor Mill section of this Wednesday's Digital Bits update, it was confirmed that a three-pack of the prequel trilogy is due for release the same day as Episode III.

Everybody that hasn't gotten the prequels on DVD yet IS covered! Lucas still wants you to come back "into the family"! :lol:

Now, y'all drink your Kool-Aid and behave! :shock:

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Post by Christian » June 8th, 2005, 10:30 pm

"Well, what I want for now is a three-pack of the two-disc editions for the prequels only, so I'll just pick that up."

I believe that is an option. It seems like they are engineering it so that everybody can get what they want without getting anymore than they need. It looks like all I'll need this time around is the Ep. 3 DVD.

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Post by ShyViolet » June 9th, 2005, 10:50 am

One of these stories had a six-foot-plus sentient green talking rabbit by the name of Jaxxon.

Yes, you read that right -- a six-foot-plus rabbit named Jaxxon!
Sounds like the movie Donnie Darko. :wink: :roll:
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Post by ShyViolet » June 9th, 2005, 10:52 am

It was very cool.

Not sure if it's as good as any of the original trilogy - it's certainly "different". I did rate Clones almost as good as Jedi (if you go on an Empire/New Hope/Jedi basis), and this is better, or "bigger", than that, though it IS very, very dark and "serious" as is rumored, but not as layered as Empire.

The excitement factor obviously accounts for a lot, so I'd like to see it again and will still go to the midnite regular screening that I booked last week (my preview was a last minute surprise) when I can sit and take it all in.

There are some very well done scenes, and a surprise or two among all the carnage (and this is all about carnage!) though not all plot holes resolve themselves (as we knew), even if Lucas has made a game attempt at doing so.

Typically well made, didn't seem long at all, and some of ILM's best work EVER in here - I was astounded by several things that I knew couldn't be real or mocked up for real that looked so good. Yoda works, though fans will be split again on this (the only drawback with the fight with the Emperor is their size differences and how Palpatine has to kind of play to that, plus one shot that looks completely fake).

But the rest is a good old SW ride that they have pulled all the stops out for, even if it felt a little bit like a "greatest hits" version of what we imagined all this to be
Ben, you sure seemed to like ROTS when you first saw it. Why the change of heart? :wink:
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Post by Christian » June 9th, 2005, 1:32 pm

I liked it.


Post by GeorgeC » June 9th, 2005, 1:53 pm

Episode III's DVD release is on a Tuesday, NOT a Friday.

Its strongly rumored release date is November 1st.

Again, it will be available separately, as part of a 3-pack with the other prequels, or as part of a 6-disc series of all the movies.

Seriously, I doubt the 6-disc release is the re-edited Ultimate Star Wars collection Lucas has talked about. It's probably just the versions of the films released on DVD so far.

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Post by Christian » June 9th, 2005, 2:07 pm

That's my guess too.

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Post by Ben » June 10th, 2005, 8:19 am

Ben wrote:I reckon the "complete" set is what is out there now, repackaged.
And mine. Lucas will tweak for the 3D versions and THOSE will be the "ultimates" whenever they hit Hi-Def disc.


Violet - I don't think there's a massive change of heart.

The first time I saw it I wasn't with any SW geeky friends, and we watched it in excited awe, with some "very important people" in just a few rows ahead of us in a deserted theater.

Yeah, I think it's well made. Yeah, I think it's "bigger", but not better than Clones (I kinda said that there). I also pointed out what I felt was wrong with Yoda. "Didn't seem long at all" is also based on a first time viewing, with the excitement factor piled up.

On a second view - at a midnight screening that was booked before I got my preview - and with a WHOLE bunch of SW geeks in the audience, it was a very different experience. I noticed a lot of stuff I didn't see first time, such as the way things were written out in the "greatest hits" way (which I did refer to first time, as well as the lack of plot resolve).

I hope your "wink" wasn't suggesting I was telling fibs - what would be the point in that only a week or so before release - and is certainly not the case.

I just noticed more second time, and without the "pressure" and excitement of being in a sneak preview of one of the most anticipated films ever, and knowing that it was very cool that I was even there. I guess the second time I could sit back and take a better-measured look at things.

Hope that helps you see where any "change of heart" was coming from! :)

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Post by ShyViolet » June 10th, 2005, 11:42 am

Oh no, I didn't think you were telling a fib or anything, I was just curious about why you seemed to have changed your mind somewhat. Anyway, it makes sense that after a 2nd viewing you would be more critical especially if you were with hard-core fans.

Your POV of this film definetely mirrors my opinion of Episodes I and II. (I haven't seen III yet :oops: )

Definetely check out the lastest MAD magazine if you can and its "tribute" to SW and George Lucas. It's hilarious! :)

EX: GL trying to use a Jedi mind trick to get out of a speeding ticket. "You don't need to see my identification..."
some "very important people" in just a few rows ahead of us in a deserted theater.
Who were they??
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Post by Christian » June 10th, 2005, 1:51 pm

I liked it.

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Post by ShyViolet » June 22nd, 2005, 12:38 pm

Hey, while I agree, all the added stuff was not needed, it is his film, his story. We either like it or not. I still love it, regardless of any fake-looking Jabba the Hutts we may see (referring to A New Hope, of course!)
That makes me think of this South Park episode when Lucas and Spielberg decide to add CGI effects to Raiders of the Lost Ark, actually this wasn't far-fetched at all--they really WERE going to do this until this episode came on: ... php?ID=253

--and anyway the boys go on a mission to stop them. They make it look like Spielberg is the villain, and that George is his helpless pawn who wallows in indecision. SS is like: "Don't belong to me!" Spielberg and Lucas both dress like the Nazis in Raiders and carry around the new, "improved" print of the film in a decorated box, just like the Ark of the Covenant. Finally, the boys get to Lucas and convince him that it ISN'T just "his" film, once it's out there, it belongs to the public too, and it's part of their imaginations and dreams just as much as his. BTW, that episode was hilarious. :lol:

I tend to agree with that viewpoint. I didn't like the ghost of younger Anakin in Jedi, and I HATED the EXTREMELY FAKE "musical number" with the CGI aliens in Jedi. I didn't like the 1997 "new Jabba" much either (wait, now there's another one??) but since it wasn't altering an existing scene I don't much care. But really. George needs to understand that it's not just about what he wants, these films belong to the whole world. If he wants more CGI aliens, well, why doesn't he just leave the whole Star Wars thing alone already and work on something new? Or why not make the whole movie CGI? With this "work in progress" viewpoint, George could theoretically justify replacing the EXISTING Jabba the Hut in Jedi with an "improved" computer version simply because the Jabba we know "wasn't what he originally intended." (Please G-d, don't let this actually happen! :( )
oh right, they're gonna be shown in 3d now too. ah well. So now we can see the giant lizzards and imperial walkers that were never in the original film come right at us!

LOL! :lol:

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Post by Ben » June 22nd, 2005, 2:20 pm

Y'know he's replacing Yoda in Empire, Jedi and Menace...

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Post by ShyViolet » June 22nd, 2005, 3:55 pm

Wait, are you SERIOUS??? :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock:

NO WAY!!!!! That puppet had ten times more personality than what he uses in Clones and Sith. NOOOOOOOO!!!! :cry:

I've got to buy Empire before it's too late....... :wink:
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Post by Ben » June 23rd, 2005, 9:26 pm

Violet - I deleted your post here that basically cut and pasted in the whole of the Jim Hill article you linked to only two posts above.

Reminded me of repeating a bad joke. It doesn't make it any funnier! ;)


Post by GeorgeC » June 24th, 2005, 6:55 pm

It's so obvious ---


Seriously, there's a great video floating around that reuses video footage from the Oprah show where Cruise flakes out and adds sound effects and music from the prequel films.

Here's a link to a user-friendly MOV format file --

Enjoy! It's better than most episodes of Family Guy... :lol:

P.S. -- Seriously, I think Tom Cruise is a d***** for promoting Scientology and ragging on ALL psychiatrists so hard. It's very dangerous and irresponsible for someone who is clearly out of their mind and in thrall to a cult to be giving medical advice to everybody else.

Remember, if there IS a true Dark Side of the Force, Scientology is one of the paths to it!

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