Couldn't really tell you about the PAL transfer, Ben. Still haven't sat down too watch it all the way through, too. I'm guessing it's probably a PAL-NTSC transfer since all the restoration work was done in Europe by a consortium of German and Russian (as far as I can tell) companies. The liner notes on the film seem to indicate it was reconstructed from pieces of film gathered worldwide. Kinda like the situation with the original King Kong. I doubt the original Potemkin negative still exists, too.
I just got the DVD last night. Totally unexpected to see it but I knew I had to have it as soon as I saw it.
I checked the liner notes booklet and confirmed that it IS the version I talked about in 2005 but I didn't read anything about a PAL transfer.
It is 69 minutes long and as close as authentic to Eisenstein's vision as anybody's probably going to get since the original film was edited by different individuals so many times since it was released. For years, the version people saw as based on a 1950 Soviet version that was "stretched" (frames duplicated therefore ruining the original editing and pacing of Eisenstein's vision) to accommodate a soundtrack that had newer music, sound effects, and possibly some dialogue.
This version also has the 1926 German premiere symphonic score, too.
It's a two-disc set. Disc One has the English title version with all the extras like a photo gallery and a "Making of" documentary that I imagine covers the making of the originial movie and its restoration. Sound is in 5.1.
The second disc is the Russian version, same length, with titles produced as close as possible to Eisenstein's specifications. All the extras are on Disc One.
I'm not much for silent film (other than German horror films like Nosferatu and The Cabinet of Dr. Caligari), and I own very few Russian/Soviet films, but this is a film that I respect and had to have once this version came out on DVD...
Here's the link to the DVD set I bought on == ... 667&sr=1-1
P.S. --- While I was looking for it on Amazon I happened to notice that a newer, 2-disc version of Nosferatu was ALSO released last year. Guess what one of my next buys is going to be...? It never ends!