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Post by Christian » May 7th, 2005, 10:23 pm

EVen if you don't like Star Wars many of the assertions that author makes are just technically incorrect. For instance he says (in effect), "Star Wars was a good name for the first movie, but Empire Strikes Back is an awful title." The author apparently doesn't realize that each of the movies is called Star Wars, not just the first one.

He also says, "The meals are one of the blokiest things about the original trilogy. From the moment Luke's home is blown up, there aren't any." But Episode I and II both show people eating. So whoever this person is they need to remove some of the incorrect things from their list.

The author also mentions Harrison Ford having a problem with the woodenness of the dialog but fails to mention that Harrison Ford is really super grateful that George Lucas turned him into one of the most successful movie stars ever.

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Post by Macaluso » May 7th, 2005, 10:58 pm

The guy nitpicks about eating?
I don't recal seeing them takin' a crap either. pfft.

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Post by Christian » May 7th, 2005, 11:46 pm

He also says Star Wars started the Hollywood blockbuster movie, but it was JAWS that started the blockbuster. The guy just wants something to gripe about so he scrapes the bottom of the barrel and accuses Star Wars of anything and everything he can. "There's not enough eating in Star Wars."

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Post by Ben » May 8th, 2005, 7:14 am well as the passing-Yoda-on-the-street scene during Halloween, complete with a couple of bars of John Williams' Yoda theme in the score!

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Post by Ben » May 8th, 2005, 7:19 am

GeorgeC wrote:There are people to this day who still don't buy that Vader was Anakin and that Leia is Luke's biological twin sister.
Well I don't buy it, mainly because I've read the first draft scripts for Star Wars (before being re-titled A New Hope) and Empire Strikes Back and there are no references to either of those things.

Also, doesn't make sense that they hide Leia on Alderan with Bail Organa and she takes his surname, while Luke is fostered to Uncle and Aunt Lars and yet retains his name of Skywalker, making him that much more easy for Vader to track him down (which he doesn't seem to be interested in anyway, until the third draft revisions on the Empire script).

Best Star Trek screw up: how they found a "new" Data in the last film and didn't back-ref the one they found (Data's "evil brother") in the show once. Don't you think someone would have said "Cor, isn't this like the time..."

Star Trek, like Star Wars, and while I love 'em, is filled with inaccuracies.
Last edited by Ben on May 8th, 2005, 7:24 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Post by Ben » May 8th, 2005, 7:22 am

ShyViolet wrote:From the Guardian newspaper:
I read this in the print version on Friday. They have an arts supplement that day and actually made it the cover story as well!

There's some truth in the whole merchandising thing though - we know know Lucas will bleed us dry on a six-pack DVD set next year and then re-issue the films in 3D, and then feed us the HD-DVD versions, probably as stand-alone issues, then two trilogy packs, a special edition of those and then a gift set of all six.

Plus more DVDs for Clone Wars, the CG series he's working on, the other live-action TV show... the list is endless...

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Post by ShyViolet » May 8th, 2005, 7:16 pm

Well I don't buy it, mainly because I've read the first draft scripts for Star Wars (before being re-titled A New Hope) and Empire Strikes Back and there are no references to either of those things.
Yeah I mean Leia KISSES Luke in Empire just to make a point to Han....ewww. Plus you KNOW Luke was attracted to her in A New Hope, when R2 had the message from her. Kinda....gross. :shock:
You can’t just have your characters announce how they feel! That makes me feel angry!

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Post by ShyViolet » May 8th, 2005, 7:21 pm

This really funny New Hope parody refers to this issue. (a little vulgar though, but funny. :wink: )
You can’t just have your characters announce how they feel! That makes me feel angry!

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Post by Wolf Tooth » May 8th, 2005, 8:47 pm

Now stur, stur, whip, stur, stur, whip...



Star Wars' Big Green Rabbit is back! (Not ROTS related)

Post by GeorgeC » May 12th, 2005, 9:03 am

If you were a fan of Star Wars in the 1970s and happened to read the Marvel Comics' ongoing monthly comic book which was a HUGE hit at the time, then you know they did some funky stories back then.

One of these stories had a six-foot-plus sentient green talking rabbit by the name of Jaxxon.

Yes, you read that right -- a six-foot-plus rabbit named Jaxxon!

Anyhow, has a continuing comic strip series detailing the release of Jaxxon from prison and his immediate plans to steal a Force crystal from Jabba's palace with the help of Han Solo and Chewbacca. It's a parody strip called "Jaxxon's 11."

You can read the strip starting here at

I just got a look at the first two installments and it's a nice parody set in the Star Wars days around the time just after Timothy Zahn's Heir to the Empire trilogy. You should see what the tourist trade did to Mos Eisley's Cantina! :lol:

A higher-res version of the strip is up at

Again, this is NOT related to the ongoing Star Wars movie business. It's strictly what looks to be a well-written and funkily drawn (yet good) parody of Ocean's 11. Enjoy!

Thanks to the folks at for pointing out the link to this parody gem!

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Post by Ben » May 12th, 2005, 2:17 pm

This is fun, George!

However, I've moved it to the combined all-things SW thread (not the Ep III one).


Post by GeorgeC » May 12th, 2005, 3:04 pm

Lucas and Spielberg... Two examples of how whacked-out and hypocritical Hollywood billionaire Marxist-types are!

They want to dictate to the rest of us through not-so-subtle movies and messages how the REST OF US OUGHT TO LIVE yet still hold on to their empires and castles -- which we all paid for with our tickets and buying their licensed merchandise!

(Don't take me wrong, I still like their movies. I just find both men irritating and funny at the same time with their condescending views on their fans and the public at large. I don't think either man would survive in the real world, to be honest.)

That little diatribe aside...

I kinda like some of the stuff that's coming out of the ROTS/Star Wars reinvigoration! Besides the new lightsaber props (2 of which I've bought off e-Bay at reduced prices), I've actually seen some cool commercials.

Besides the Lego Star Wars movie and commercials (I missed the movie airing on CN -- I hope they show it again!), there's some goofy commercials airing with Star Wars characters doing ring-tone services and NOW the Burger King ROTS commercial!

If you haven't seen it or live overseas, here's how the Burger King commercial goes --
A Burger King customer peels/scratches a game card and finds he's won a million dollars. He yells "Yippee!" and throws his arms up.
His doorbell rings.
Vader is standing outside in full armor breathing heavily.
Vader says, "I am your father..."
The guy says incredulously, "No, you're not! You just want my money!"
Vader pauses, and rethinks his reply. "I am... your uncle!"
The guy slams the door shut in Vader's face!

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Post by Macaluso » May 12th, 2005, 3:08 pm

I caught the end of that one, and wished I had seen the whole thing.


Post by GeorgeC » May 19th, 2005, 3:20 pm

Just got back from seeing a Thursday 12 Noon showing of ROTS.

Lucas finally got a Prequel mostly right!

This may be the third, perhaps second best Star Wars film made. Most people would say both Empire Strikes Back and A New Hope are better, but I think this film may be marginally better than A New Hope. We'll see after a year, but it's much better than Episodes I and II.

I really don't know if the darkness will drive people away, but it does end on a hopeful note despite all the sad happenings in the film.

As bad as some of the dialogue and acting is at points, it does tie things together and makes sense unlike some of things seen in the past two films.

The only bit of unpleasantness I encountered in the theater was one overzealous immature fanboy who told everybody else in the mostly full theater to "Shut the f&*( up and be quiet" when the Fox lights started up. A gentleman WITH HIS SON in attendance told the idiot to watch his language. I didn't say anything, but another fellow agreed with the second fellow that Fanboy needed to rein himself in.

Other than that, it was a pretty good moviegoing experience.

Definitely money better spent than Hitchhiker's Guide was...

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Post by Christian » May 19th, 2005, 4:04 pm

I thought it was great. Going to try to see it again today.

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