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Post by Jeroen » August 5th, 2007, 8:53 am

I would if I'd seen it, I'm propably going next week....maybe.
The movie doesnt really appeal to me that much, Michael Bay never fails to let me down in . It just looks like Bad Boys II with robots to me.

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Post by Code Horror » August 5th, 2007, 2:36 pm

Well it left an impression on me although I do wish the Decepticons had more screen time, I like them better than the Autobots actually.

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Post by Daniel » October 16th, 2007, 3:59 am

Transformers DVD Exclusives! -- man, I haven't even seen this, but I'm so tempted by the Target edition. The way the discs are held might be a concern, but its just so neat!

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Post by Dacey » October 16th, 2007, 10:44 pm

I'm debating whether or not to buy this movie. It had so much great stuff, but the middle section still leaves a bad taste in my mouth for some reason.

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Post by Randall » October 16th, 2007, 11:53 pm

I've got my HD DVD copy on the way. I haven't seen the movie yet or ever seen the cartoons, but I'm curious to see this film after hearing good buzz on it. I'm very pleased to be able to get it on HD, but that Target edition looks pretty cool. The WalMart one, with a Prequel disc, is likely the one I'd be searching for, however.

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Post by Ben » October 17th, 2007, 7:27 am

I think we have a copy coming in for review, which I'm nabbing. I didn't like the movie that much, so hopefully it will either be more fun on a second viewing, or at least the extras should hook me.

I agree that the middle d-r-a-g-g-e-d badly, during which I pretty much gave up on the story and just waited for the inevitable showdown.

Was the original toon set on Earth? Or was that, like the 80s Masters Of The Universe movie, a cost-cutting thing to bring in human faces and bring down the costs?

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Post by Vernadyn » October 17th, 2007, 3:17 pm

Wow, they certainly rushed that out on DVD quick...before Ratatouille and the infamous trio of threequels.

And yes, Steve Jablonsky who did the music is/was part of Zimmer's infamous ghostwriting team at Media Ventures, or as it is now called, Remote Control (how's that for an unfortunate name?) In my opinion, he is also one of the lesser talented of the Zimmer apprentices. I think Mark Mancina would have done a better job. John Powell and especially Harry Gregson-Williams I like even more than Zimmer himself, but they seem to be branching out nowadays.

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Post by ShyViolet » October 19th, 2007, 12:50 am

My school screened it tonight. I walked out halfway through.

The special effects were great, (and the robots were sorta fun) but overall I could not stand this film. :?

And yes, Steve Jablonsky who did the music is/was part of Zimmer's infamous ghostwriting team at Media Ventures, or as it is now called, Remote Control (how's that for an unfortunate name?
That makes a lot of sense. No wonder parts of it sounded a whole lot like the Batman Begins score. :roll:
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Post by Ben » October 19th, 2007, 9:06 am

I'm struggling to say good things in my current review Vi. I just didn't plug into this either. What were your reasons?

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Post by eddievalient » October 20th, 2007, 3:28 pm

My thoughts: Being a huge fan of the original TF movie from the 80s, I thought the new one had a lot to live up to and, while it wasn't better than the original, it certainly was as good as. I can see where it might not be everyone's cup of tea (TF has always been an aquired taste), so I won't bother defending it quite as vehemently as I did Superman Returns, but I will say that I enjoyed it quite a bit and the audience I saw it with (also at school) seemed to be having fun. And for all you purists out there, remember that there have been many variations on the basic TF story, so this one is just as valid as whichever one happens to be your favorite (G1 for me). I still think that my trilogy idea would have been better, but for what it is, Dreamworks did a good job.
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Post by ShyViolet » October 20th, 2007, 4:35 pm

I'm struggling to say good things in my current review Vi. I just didn't plug into this either. What were your reasons?

Hmm....well, I guess a lot of it was that I have somewhat enjoyed other Bay films (The Island, Bad Boys 2) even with their silliness and testosterone drvien-100-miles-an-hour--camera-ultra-ultra-ultra close ups, :P but this.... :( :(

I guess it wasn't really that the story was "bad" just....nonexistent. There wasn't even a story to speak of. The whole thing smacked so soundly of marketing, you could see every single joke/set-up a THOUSAND miles away, and it was so obvious that it was the product of executives in a conference room (and yeah, I've gotten that feeling from tons of other action films/comedies, but NEVER as obviously and crassly as this) thinking to themselves: "Hmmm....all we have to do spend almost all the money on VFX, get a couple of teenagers to appeal to that demographic, dumb jokes about hormones etc....slap the name "Transformers" on the front, and we've got a hit!"

(Disclaimer: I was never a Transformers fan in the 80s, maybe from being a girl and all, although I certainly do remember them. I guess I do have a LITTLE bit of nostalgia just for their look, which was 90% of the reason I went. I very, very, very vaguely remembered words like "decepticon" when they were used, which only made the film more depressing--80s junk ( :P) which was never all that good but had a certain fun innocence about it being remade into crass, ultra-kewl purely VFX C**P for the 21st century....there was something almost unholy about it. And like I said, I never cared about the Transformers all that much.)

The acting was bad. The jokes were bad. There was nothing remotely resembling suspense. I guess all those things taken together, plus the BIZARRE fact that Steven Spielberg actually endorsed this, all added to my disappointment, as well as anger, that they actually thought people were going to pay for this and then SIT THROUGH IT, which many people obviously did. :?

(BTW this is in no way intended against anyone who liked it, just those who made it.)

Also, I watched that Masters of the Universe film back in the 80s as well.....Transformers makes that film look like Lawrence of Arabia!! :)
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Post by Ben » October 21st, 2007, 8:22 am

I would actually probably watch the He-Man movie over Transformers again! ;)

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Post by ShyViolet » October 21st, 2007, 9:21 pm

Same here Ben! :)

After all, Frank Langella as Skeletor!! That's just too funny NOT to want to see again. :wink:

BTW, here's a pic of Spielberg actually on the Trans set. :roll:

*shakes head and sighs*

I guess he was taking a break from directing Indy or something. :P Let's hope Indy 4 is better than Transformers!!

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Post by Ben » October 23rd, 2007, 8:00 am

There's a ton of him on set in the TFs DVD extras. My review should be up in a few hours.

And he wasn't on a break for Indy, Vi. TFs was shot LAST year!

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Post by Ben » October 23rd, 2007, 10:10 am

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