Wow, that's a scary thought...

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Wow, that's a scary thought...

Post by GeorgeC » July 24th, 2007, 7:50 pm

No spoilers! You've gotta read the article!

Sorry to make you think...!

This article COULD explain some of my premonitions...!

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Post by Ben » July 25th, 2007, 8:38 am

I love this kind of stuff. Or maybe I don't... ;)


Post by GeorgeC » July 26th, 2007, 3:45 pm

I used to have flashes of premonition a lot more in my teen years.

There are still times that I feel like my life is rewinding from some point in the future and that I'm experiencing things I've been through already. It's more like a videotape rewinding than a randomly accessed optical disc, though.

Let me stress, this is NOT deja vu. That's more of a feeling of having been in a place before where you physically been in during your life. Not at all what I'm experiencing which is more related to specific personal events.

Lately though, I've had dreams that have been very strange. More like expressing things through an alternate reality view. Very DC Universe if you know your comics and understand the concept of a multiverse.

As crazy as some world events have been lately, I've been wondering if I'm living in an alternate reality now. It really doesn't seem like the world I was born into lately.

Now I know how Barry Allen felt when he crossed over to Earth-2 for the first time!

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Post by Ben » July 27th, 2007, 6:51 am

Now, you're freaking me out.

But knew that. ;)

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