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Post by Kaszubas » February 28th, 2007, 8:26 pm

Hi :) This new movie from the director of outstanding "Tokio Godfathers" and "Millenium Actress" looks really promising :) Would be nice to watch it soon in cinema or at least on DVD...

Plot Outline from IMDB: "When a machine that allows therapists to enter their patient's dreams is stolen, all hell breaks loose. Only a young female therapist can stop it: Paprika."

Here is brand new QT HD trailer:

Enjoy :)

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Post by bullwinkle » March 23rd, 2007, 1:42 pm

I cant wait to see it.

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Post by bullwinkle » May 31st, 2007, 12:16 pm

Has anyone seen Papurika yet.

Link to reviews


Post by GeorgeC » June 7th, 2007, 1:51 pm

bullwinkle wrote:Has anyone seen Papurika yet.


It's very hard to see a movie when it's basically showing in 40 or fewer theaters nationwide (U.S.) and the distributor is doing such a piss-poor job promoting it beyond websites.

It's HARD to find theater listings for this film, and the Sony Pictures' Paprika website doesn't even list all the theaters in the U.S. that will be showing this film within the next month!

I got lucky and found a date for my local art theater but it's rough going since their website seems to be down for the moment.

Again, Sony could and should have done a much better job promoting the movie.

The lack of theater showings and lack of a localized dub will hurt its earnings in the U.S. I really think Sony's goal is to get an Oscar for the film if at all possible but they're stupidly avoiding common sense measures to keep the director happy -- like lack of a decent English dub for the movie.

Subtitle-only releases in the U.S. just DO NOT SELL TICKETS OR DVDS in high numbers.

I'll see this movie when it opens in my area late this month since I'm a Satoshi Kon fan, too, but I'm telling you it's continuing the trend of anime features basically doing poorly in the States simply because the distributor doesn't have the balls to MARKET the thing right!

FYI -- I saw Howling's Moving Castle in BOTH subtitled and English dub formats. I'm not one of these anime fanatics that's against dubs. They do serve the purpose of opening up the niche to more people.

I DO like to listen to films in their original language WITH subtitles, but I'm certainly not against dubs if they keep the eventual DVD release prices down! The more DVDs that got presold, the cheaper the eventual store price is for all of us. Sub-only releases DON'T sell well in the U.S., PERIOD.

I'm sometimes called negative for having very strong opinions and not cow-towing to be "NICE" to everybody, but I consider myself more of a realist. If you want to see a real bootlicker, watch the evening news or Letterman or Leno on late night...


Post by GeorgeC » June 8th, 2007, 4:30 am

I'm in the habit of saving so many images and information from the Internet that I sometimes forget I actually have some things!

I located a link from a PDF I made of a page that has ALL the United States theater start dates for Paprikia through July 27th!

Here's the link -- http:///

Now go find the closest theater to you.

Not so oddly enough, I found this link in a post by a FAN, not Sony... This information should be on the official North American Paprika website!

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Post by ShyViolet » June 8th, 2007, 7:26 pm

It definitely looks interesting. I'd go see it (I'm not the biggest Anime fan, but I love animation and anything that deals with dreams) but unfortunately none of those places are anywhere near me. (I also checked RT for locations :()

It might play at my school in the fall however, hopefully anyway! :) They get lots of less known films that haven't played in a wide release.

Also, did anyone see this poster:


I got it from CHUD. Although it's 89% on RT, the CHUD reviewer apparently hated it. :?
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Post by Daniel » June 8th, 2007, 10:45 pm

That is one awesome poster! Thanks for posting it, Vi.

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Post by Jafar » July 19th, 2007, 11:23 am

Hey, I got a chance to watch Paprika last week. It was awesome! This has to be one of Kon's best! The artwork was one of the best I've seen in any recent animated films. What I love about these guys is they are just not ready to give up on traditional animation and just continue to do wonders with the medium which many think has gone obsolete. The artwork and the storytelling of Paprika will easily put most of the recent crops of animated films to shame. Its a very intelligent movie that screams for repeated viewings and gets better and better everytime you watch it! One of the better films I saw in a long time. Dont miss it for the world if its playing anywhere near you. It will blow you away.

BTW, release date for UK edition of Paprika has been announced as September 24 and the dvd is up for preorder on amazon UK. Hopefully it will be as loaded as its Japanese 2-disc counterpart.

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Post by Ben » July 19th, 2007, 1:16 pm

Sadly, international editions of the 2-disc Japanese editions almost never make it out, but I'm super-charged to see this.

Will look out for it from Sept 24, or catch it on DVD if it's not playing near me (I doubt we'll get it at my local, though there's a megaplex a few miles away that have arthouse screenings). If I have to go into London to see it I'll likely wait for the DVD.


Post by GeorgeC » July 19th, 2007, 2:36 pm

I'll probably get around to it today seeing as I have business downtown and this'll really be the only time this week I can see it. The art theater is close to where I have to go at any rate.

Definitely, definitely interested in the film.

Paprika and Tokyo Godfathers are the two Kon films I haven't seen yet...

Took 'em long enough to get Paprika in my town, but I'm gonna see it.

I expect the American DVD release will happen in the fall. Sony will do the DVD release seeing as they generally handle DVD releases of their theatrical licenses.

Doubtful that their will be a big Blu-Ray push for Paprika in the US seeing as how the American market is a niche market, but stranger things have happened. Since Bandai Visual USA is doing Blu-Ray releases of Wings of Honneamise and a few other films, Sony might want to follow suit with Paprika and other of its properties to keep suit and entice more people to buy a PS3 or standalone Blu-Ray player...


Post by GeorgeC » July 24th, 2007, 7:45 pm

Excellent, excellent film!

Go see it before it disappears from art theaters.

No question the film isn't making money for Sony in the US -- and who knows when the DVD will officially get released in the US -- but this film is still one of the more interesting films that's gotten released in a while.

I wasn't bored, and unlike Spider-Man 3, it lived up to my expectations.

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Post by ShyViolet » August 18th, 2007, 8:25 pm

Mike Barrier on Paprika :)


Almost three months after its U.S. release, that Japanese animated feature finally showed up here—not at one of our terrific new stadium-seating theaters, unfortunately, but at the irritating local art house (its motto: "Fuzzy Projection and Muffled Sound Are Your Guarantees of Our Cinematic Integrity"). At least Paprika was shown with the original Japanese sound track and English subtitles, and not in a dubbed version.

I have a test that I apply to films of all kinds: How much time will elapse before I look at my watch and start calculating how long it will be before I can escape the theater? When I saw Happy Feet and Meet the Robinsons, it was about ten minutes in each case. But I didn't look at my watch at all when I saw Paprika. It runs less than 90 minutes, a length I wish the Pixar people would try to emulate.

Endorsing Paprika will get me in trouble with the Funny Drawings Gang down at the kindergarten playground—they still haven't forgiven my enthusiasm for Polar Express and Waking Life—but I liked it a lot. The governing idea, that a scientist has invented a device that permits therapists to see and even enter other people's dreams, isn't terribly original, but it's made to order for Japanese animation, and it's elaborated with great inventiveness for most of the film's length. (There's an extraordinarily intense scene in which the heroine suffers what I can only describe as psychological rape.) The climax is unfortunately too much like a bad comic book, but it's not weak enough to spoil what is otherwise an extraordinary film.

Paprika was directed by Satoshi Kon, whose most prominent previous credit was for the 2003 feature Millennium Actress. I haven't seen that film yet, but I'll rent the DVD soon.

There seems to be no Paprika DVD scheduled. Perhaps no dubbed version exists, and if so, that may be an impediment to DVD release. That's a distressing thought—I'd certainly want to see the DVD, and I'd probably even buy it. In the meantime, if Paprika turns up at your own equivalent of my local art house, don't pass it up.
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Post by Ben » August 19th, 2007, 10:24 am

I think this comes UK-side in October, so I'll catch it then.

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Post by Jafar » August 19th, 2007, 11:00 am

Unfortunately all R2 gets is a commentary alongwith subtitles in 1000 languages :evil:


Post by GeorgeC » August 19th, 2007, 11:01 am

Should be coming out in the US 4th quarter 2007, too.

There was a recent announcement about an R1 Blu-Ray release of Paprika. It'll probably still be released on DVD as well since the anime market in the US is still a niche market. I can't see Paprika selling terribly well if it were a Blu-Ray-only release in R1.

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