RandCanuck wrote:Well, those were racist times. You should see the Looney Tunes Censored 11! Hopefully we're a little more enlightened now, though political correctness can certainly sometimes go too far, too.
The thing about racism is that a lot of people think it's one-sided and it just isn't.
I've been around Asians and Blacks a lot and they're just as racist as everybody else. Granted, I get along with most everybody and don't go out of my way to antagonize people, but I have been in work situations and have heard the occasional really dumb comment by guys who ought to know better.
The Japanese Imperial Military (particularly the Army) was just as racist as the Nazi Germans. Did a lot of the same things the Nazis did to "enhance" humanity: concentration camps, mass genocide of Chinese and Koreans, forced human medical experimentation, and generally deplorable treatment of its POWs.
Why it's politically correct to portray White European racism but NOT the reverse is beyond me... The American WWII propaganda that I've seen is generally mild by comparison to what the Axis put out during WWII. Sure, Japanese soldiers were portrayed as buck-toothed and less-than-competent which was far from the reality as any American Marine who fought in the Pacific can tell you -- (!), but I never got the sense that the Germans and Japanese were anything less than (admittedly portrayed vilely) human beings. There's no question the higher-up Nazis and Imperial Japanese Army officers saw their enemies as sub-humans. Big, big difference from mean-spirited caricaturing and it played into the way they treated a lot of their POWs. You just don't see the other side's propaganda because the other governments have their films and printed materials under lock-and-key.