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Post by Meg » January 27th, 2007, 12:09 pm

Wait - Cars wasn't nominated for sound effects? Whaaa.

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Post by ShyViolet » January 27th, 2007, 3:53 pm

Your/Our Town was a very bland track.
Yeah, I agree, and lame words: "Main Street isn't Main Street anymore....the lights don't shine at all...." Come on.....:roll:

But I LOOOOOOOOOVED "Real Gone" by Sheryl Crowe--this SO deserves Best Song, should have been nominated! :evil:

(But I'm glad Newman won for "If I Can't Have You"--I have that song on my ipod! :) )
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Post by Josh » January 27th, 2007, 4:18 pm

Personally, I think Our Town perfectly conveys the emotions found in Radiator Springs. Yeah, it's a slow, simple song - but Radiator Springs is a slow, simple town.

Still, I agree that Real Gone probably should have also been nominated for a "Best Original Song" Oscar. It's a fun tune.

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Post by Rio » January 27th, 2007, 6:20 pm

I bet "Listen" from Dreamgirls will win. But the three songs from Dreamgirls could also split the vote. I mean Dreamgirls is a musical... and the academy loves a well done musical.

Other than that I've heard of people favoring Melissa Etheridge's song.

Not sure how Our Town will do.

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Post by Meg » January 27th, 2007, 8:52 pm

I loved Real Gone too...I don't think Our Town is a bad song by any means - just not my style. I always skip it when I'm listening to my Cars CD. :P

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Post by James » January 28th, 2007, 12:19 am

ShyViolet wrote:BTW I think Shrek was the first animated film to win the Best Musical or Comedy Golden Globe based on the fact that it was a great FILM, not just an "animated movie." :wink: :P :roll: )
Two problems there:

1. Beauty and the Beast was the first animated film to win the Best Picture Golden Globe. After that The Lion King and Toy Story 2 also won.

2. Shrek actually lost the award to Moulin Rouge.

But hey, it won an Oscar!

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Post by Groaning » January 28th, 2007, 5:46 am

Our Town has very good chances for winning the oscar.
But in my opinion, 'Find Yourself' should've been nominated. It's just what this movie is about, isn't it? It touches me so much, every time I'm listening to it.
That's when you find yourself....

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Post by Dacey » January 28th, 2007, 12:09 pm

"Find Yourself" was an original tune?
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Post by Dacey » January 28th, 2007, 12:59 pm

Wow. A lot happend in this thread when I was away. :D
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Post by Daniel » January 28th, 2007, 2:36 pm

You can say that again! :lol:

Welcome back, WJ. Nice to have you back! :)

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Post by Dacey » January 28th, 2007, 2:45 pm

Thanks. :D
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Post by YCougar » January 28th, 2007, 8:34 pm

I agree with a lot of you - I enjoyed "Real Gone" much more than "Our Town." It fits well in the movie, but I don't usually find myself craving to listen to it on its own. The former, on the other hand... :P

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Post by ShyViolet » January 28th, 2007, 9:58 pm

I enjoyed "Real Gone" much more than "Our Town." It fits well in the movie, but I don't usually find myself craving to listen to it on its own. The former, on the other hand... Razz
Totally opposite for me. I've listened to "Real Gone" a zillion times. Especially last summer! :)

"Our Town"--blechhhhhhh......:?
Personally, I think Our Town perfectly conveys the emotions found in Radiator Springs. Yeah, it's a slow, simple song - but Radiator Springs is a slow, simple town.

I understand your feelings Josh, but my problem is the sentimentality that I feel is built on a false premise. (just like the entire film, but I won't get into that.)

"You settled down, and you built a town, and you watched it grow...."

Yeah but how many people in the past half-century have actually done that? Um, Mr. Lassetter, there's this thing called "The Suburbs." Been around since 1945. You know as well as anyone else that they've been around since way before Baby Boomers like you were even born (1957) so quit acting like we're supposed to feel guilty for not living in one of those places....:roll: You grew up in the Suburbs, places that have real roads and schools that aren't half a day away and more than one store within 50 did a million other Americans and everyone is the better for it.
Small towns were history as soon as the war ended. Even before that, those places were hit hard by the depression and it was only the wartime boom that prevented them from going completely under. People lived there because they were poor, just like those guys in your movie, and I doubt they would have willingly stayed there if given the chance for something better.

That's why I feel that OT is totally bogus. Just my opinion though. :wink:


(Lassetter also takes it for granted that everyone feels the way he does and that everyone can "relate" to a Baby Boomer fantasy. He devotes too much of the film to writing a valentine to those old small towns and not enough building actual character development for his protagonist.)
You can’t just have your characters announce how they feel! That makes me feel angry!

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Post by ShyViolet » January 28th, 2007, 10:17 pm

Welcome back, WJ. Nice to have you back! Smile
As Patrick Swayze would say: "Ditto!"

You can’t just have your characters announce how they feel! That makes me feel angry!

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Post by Josh » January 29th, 2007, 12:11 am

ShyViolet wrote:I understand your feelings Josh, but my problem is the sentimentality that I feel is built on a false premise. (just like the entire film, but I won't get into that.)
Whether or not the film meant its message, I can't say. I don't know the director's heart. All I know is that I've seen some "Radiator Springs" firsthand and have really felt sorry for them. There are places in this country that are pretty much 'ghost towns,' for one reason or another. Making me think of those places, Our Town actually made me... well... you know...

That's why I like the song. :) Still, I can see why a lot of folks don't like to listen to Our Town, driving down the road and such. The tune is pretty somber.

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