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Post by Dacey » November 5th, 2006, 1:44 pm

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The 'Get Lizzimba an Animation Job' Thread

Post by lizzimba » November 15th, 2006, 3:52 pm

Now as much as this may be a bit of a blag, this also may prove interesting reading for others out there.

Some of you may know me, most probably don't, so I'll intorduce myself.

I'm lizzimba, I'm a trainee animator here in the UK, I finished my animation degree in one of the UKs best schools, and am now looking for a job.

However, its now November, and well...I'm still trying.

The situation is that I want an animation job as soon as possible, no matter where it is within reason. At the moment I have a part-time job at a cinema to keep me going until that interview/position comes along, and I'm growing ever more anxious to get my first job in the industry...

I've e-mailed and sent letters to probably about fifty or so companies now, and although theres been a fair amount of interest and replies back, not ONE has offered me even an interview yet. And its getting really frustrating because I know if given a chance I could do a real good job...

One problem is I'm very much a 2D animator. I'm very capable of working in 3D or even stop motion, but I'd need a bit of training first. The animation fundementals are firmly in place though, so I could easily adapt if given the time.

So - any positives?

Well, me and some guys made 'DuPain' - our graduation animated short which in comparison is doing fantastically. Already its made a couple of shortlists for festivals, and more importantly (and massively) has now been signed up for 'Spike and Mikes Sick and Twisted Animation Festivals'.

The only problem is the love for the film from many people including the guys who make the Simpsons has failed to land any of us a job, which seems ridiculous.


So I come to you as a guy a little bit at the end of my tether - HELP ME.

Help me find a way in, tell me if someone is looking for people, give me advice on what the hell I may be doing wrong - because I'm ready to do whatever is needed to get in.

I know my stuff, I've sold our film, produced a film and done just about everything involved in 2D animation! Despite being rough round the edges, I'm sure I'd be more than capable to help people out!

Thing is, the same story follows for most of my fellow graduates, more than half still remain jobless. We're talking some of the most talented people I've ever met, and some of the most talented artists you'd be likely ever to meet.

So please help! Any small nugget could well sort my life out!

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Post by Ben » November 15th, 2006, 9:43 pm

It's the same for all of us I'm afraid. There's no easy way in. Keep pushing, write to your 50 companies again. Make a second film. Keep pushing, then one day the magical door opens. But you've got to be desperate, with blood on your face and tears in your eyes.

There's no easy way in.

Good luck! :)

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Post by Meg » November 16th, 2006, 9:26 am

What Ben said - it's very, very hard to get a job in animation, especially in 2D. Just keep trying - it sounds like you take getting a job very seriously, so keep that attitude up! :)

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Post by hungry_chicken86 » November 16th, 2006, 3:45 pm

hey thanx for the replies!!!much appreciated

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Post by hungry_chicken86 » November 16th, 2006, 4:01 pm

hey!changed the name over lol!!it was a scrubs quote anyway not meant rudely!!
and yes i do know ben,on the same course as him!!!!!
dont worry ben we're all proud of du pain and the fact pete cant admit he was wrong!!!!

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Post by Ben » November 17th, 2006, 7:20 am

Okay, I just want to point out that this is a <I>different</I> Ben.

I'm no-where near Bournemouth and certainly not on any film course. I'm one of the lucky few to be in the industry, though can confirm that even when you're in, you're still a very, very small cog.

Loved the short, by the way, though thought the sound mix could have done with some more tweaking. I bet that's mostly a You-Tube issue though. Nice work by the synth department - sounded good.

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Post by lizzimba » November 17th, 2006, 5:33 pm

My one problem is that unless I wanted to make some shite Flash thing, making another film with my restraints right now just isn't really an option.

I can draw, but animation is hard to achieve in any form right now, which is hard as I'm feeling more and more out of the loop all the time.

Its just frustrating because I KNOW I can do the job, I've had to work and a near professional level to get that damn short to work for the last year or so anyway!

I'm more than aware I'll be a small cog in a big machine, despite not having a job, I already know much about how this industry works.

I was more looking to see if anyone knew on any oppurtunities opening in the UK. Its hard to keep tabs on all the companies, if anyone has anything that would be grand....

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Post by Ben » November 19th, 2006, 8:44 am

Would be grand, but remember that folks with that power already have several friends or people lined up.

I know that I already have around six people to give jobs to when my project goes forward, and that probably one or two more than I actually need.

Have you sent your short out on DVD? Do a big run, design a cover and hit everyone. Do it in the new year, as everyone's pretty much off for Christmas now.

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Post by hungry_chicken86 » December 13th, 2006, 4:42 pm

soz meant lizzimba(also a ben) not ben the moderator!! :?

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Post by Ben » December 14th, 2006, 2:37 pm


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Post by ShyViolet » December 16th, 2006, 12:46 am

Help! :? I recently got an ipod nano(well, about two months ago) which I haven't used yet. :? Today I tried to download stuff off of itunes with a gift card, but you have to register with an account first.

Do you have to give them your credit card number, even if you're not going to use a credit card? I'm not very secure with that, also I don't use my CC anymore anyway. (for a number of overly complicated reasons)

Is there any way to just put a debit card number as long as it's connected to VISA or MASTERCARD?
You can’t just have your characters announce how they feel! That makes me feel angry!

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Post by James » December 16th, 2006, 12:58 am

Debit cards with Visa/Mastercard logos work perfectly fine with iTunes!

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Post by James » December 16th, 2006, 1:02 am

This link will tell you how to redeem a gift card without even giving them any credit/debit cards: http://www.apple.com/support/itunes/store/giftcard/

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Post by ShyViolet » December 16th, 2006, 1:42 am

Thanks James. :)
You can’t just have your characters announce how they feel! That makes me feel angry!

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