American Dad

Small Screen Specials, Series and Direct-To-Video

American Dad

Post by GeorgeC » February 7th, 2005, 12:12 am

And I thought that Father of the Pride couldn't be topped for biggest pile of @#$% commissioned by a network.

Seth McFarlane proved me wrong. Jeffrey Katzenberg's a genius by comparison as far as sense of humor's concerned. Heck, Steven Spielberg would be the comic director of the past century if all we had to judge these 3 men by were Father of the Pride, American Dad, and 1941.

American Guy pushed all the wrong buttons as far as I'm concerned. I've never cared for condescending humor that goes for ALL the far right or far left buttons and I care even less for shows written by people desperate to get a laugh at ANYTHING.

I haven't seen anything this politically vile since "The Last Supper." That film was uber-pretentions and politically correct. "Dad" tried too hard to be politically incorrect and was just as insulting.

Seriously, "Dad" throws all the poop it can at the wall to see what sticks, but it all ends up on the floor. There's hardly a laugh in this show. It's a lot like the current SNL which is not a flattering comment at all. It's a statement on what's horrible about the current state of American comedy.

Yes, this was the pilot for the series and American Dad COULD potentially get better. I just really don't like the set-up of the show and the cheap, easy laughs I know it will go for and miserably fail to get if the record of Family Guy is anything to go by.

Family Guy hasn't aged well as far as I'm concerned and I doubt I'd buy any of that show on DVD at the rate things are going... American Guy failed its test for me out of the gate. Just not very good or funny at all.

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Post by Macaluso » February 7th, 2005, 12:45 am

*american dad

I enjoyed it. Alot funnier than I thought it was going to be from the clips I saw. I love the alien.

And family guy is still so funny, and I can't wait for the new episodes.

And yep. there's my opinion.

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Post by AniMan » February 7th, 2005, 12:01 pm

American Dad --- not too impressed by this (in fact, I was totally let down by it, truth be told) The humor isn't sharp like Family Guy. Characters didn't grab me at all; nobody you can feel sympathetic for or towards.
Maybe subsequent episodes will be better, but it would need a major overhaul in the writing. He seems to be, as said in a previous post, throwing everything out there and seeing what gets a laugh. It's not as scathing or deliberate as Family Guy, it just seems to meander pointlessly, going out of its way to try and be offending. I think the writers are trying too hard. And the alien.. what the hell?? Lose it, it's pointless.

Family Guy is so uproariously funny that it's a tough act to follow. I think Seth McFarlane should just concentrate all efforts on the antics of the Griffins for now. I really, really look forward to new episodes of Family Guy. That is one of the few shows that makes me laugh out loud, even on repeated viewings. :lol:
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Family Guy

Post by ShyViolet » February 7th, 2005, 4:43 pm

I haven't seen American Dad but what George C said about it pretty much describes the way I feel about Family Guy. Sometimes I do like FG (I admit it) but a lot of times it's just....unpleasant. Peter is so ANNOYING (especially his laugh)!!!Some of the jokes work, but a lot of them miss. And some of them feel like they SHOULD be funny but just aren't, probably because they are milked to death. Like an "aside" that is meant to be random but is TOO RANDOM and TOO LONG. In the end it's just confusing.
Also, I can't tell you how many times I've seen SM try to rip off the Simpsons. And not do a very good job at it. Simpsons' "random" humor works because it is SHARP, THOUGHTFUL and INTELLIGENT. Whoever is writing for FG (I guess McFarlane) just doesn't have the cultural/sociological background knowledge that the Simpsons writers do, (well, maybe that's because a lot of them went to Harvard) and trying to copy them makes that even MORE obvious.

BTW, I thought the episode when Peter goes looking for a Jew so he can get smarter was STUPID and OFFENSIVE. (Not that it matters but I happen to be Jewish). It wasn't half as funny as episodes of South Park that deal with the Jewish issue (such as Cartman vs. Kyle and all that). South Park humor is WAYYYY sharper and more intelligent than FG, and they get away with all that politically incorrect stuff because they make fun of everything and know just how far they can go. FG humor is just not sophisticated enough to do stuff like that. I reccommend to SM that he stay away from the whole Jewish thing from now on.

( BTW AniMan I really like your signature! :wink: )
You can’t just have your characters announce how they feel! That makes me feel angry!

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Post by AniMan » February 7th, 2005, 9:17 pm

:o Wow! I guess we're on polar opposite ends when it comes to Family Guy! Kinda like Siskel and Ebert, only I'm not white or fat. Or bald. Yet. Well, a little. Thinning, actually :lol:
I still say Family Guy is sharp and witty. Come on, you can't tell me Stewie (the baby) doesn't have just about the funniest lines you've heard from anything animated or live action. But I do like the Simpsons more, so I agree with you there.
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Post by GeorgeC » February 7th, 2005, 11:09 pm

Forget about the Harvard education spiel.

There are plenty of people who go to Ivy Leagues that are ignorant as hell about other people. Some of the most insensitive, bigoted clods I've heard in person and read about are PhDs! And not all of them are men, either! A lot of these people for all their supposed "higher learning" and "superior mental aptitude" are ignorant about the real world and have such zealotous views that it strains their credibility. It's no wonder they stay working at schools -- nobody in the workplace outside of universities and their extremely insular social circles would put up with these jerks.

It's not that being opinionated is a bad thing, it's just that they're not tolerant of other people and many of them lack the ability to empathize with others. Short of qualifying as "serial-killer" level, I'd say my impression is that they're sociopathic and really only care for themselves. They never genuinely apologize or feel sorry for any wrong thing they do and say to other people.

Listen, they're getting rid of an idiot like that from University of Colorado because the guy (a teacher in the ethics studies of the school, no less) is a bigot and thinks 9/11 was a justifiable strike against the US. He's equated the VICTIMS of the 9/11 strikes to the level of Nazis. The guy's already in trouble and apparently thinks more 9/11's against the US would be great. There's a point where common sense has to overcome an idiot's freedom of speech. Most people (except certain judges and lawyers) would agree you can't yell "FIRE!" in a crowded theater and that's basically what this twit's doing. Also, if what he's saying doesn't qualify as irresponsible AND hate speech (considering he's teaching other people's impressionable kids -- and many young people I've seen in college are next-to-incapable of thinking for themselves), I don't know what does!

Heck, they have a new President of Harvard who has managed to put his foot in his mouth more times than anybody can count and offend practically all the female professors and female students on campus! He said stuff that you should NEVER say, even if you believe it yourself (which I don't), simply because it undercuts his authority with his subordinates, alienates people, and discourages the ladies trying to advance at the school and the workplace.

So, no, I don't buy that Seth MacFarlane is as bad as he is "because he didn't go to Harvard." MacFarlane is bad because he's MacFarlane, not because of where he went to school.

Many of the best animators and writers did NOT go to Cal Arts or Harvard. That's a myth perpetuated by the schools and entertainment industries to keep the numbers of people from going to California because there simply isn't enough room (re: JOBS) for everybody in industry. The people that make it in entertainment have the drive NOT to take no for an answer and find their own door into studios. Unfortunately, some of these people are also hacks and bootlickers, too.

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Post by ShyViolet » February 8th, 2005, 6:26 pm

GeorgeC wrote:Forget about the Harvard education spiel.

There are plenty of people who go to Ivy Leagues that are ignorant as hell about other people. Some of the most insensitive, bigoted clods I've heard in person and read about are PhDs! And not all of them are men, either! A lot of these people for all their supposed "higher learning" and "superior mental aptitude" are ignorant about the real world and have such zealotous views that it strains their credibility. It's no wonder they stay working at schools -- nobody in the workplace outside of universities and their extremely insular social circles would put up with these jerks.

It's not that being opinionated is a bad thing, it's just that they're not tolerant of other people and many of them lack the ability to empathize with others. Short of qualifying as "serial-killer" level, I'd say my impression is that they're sociopathic and really only care for themselves. They never genuinely apologize or feel sorry for any wrong thing they do and say to other people.

Listen, they're getting rid of an idiot like that from University of Colorado because the guy (a teacher in the ethics studies of the school, no less) is a bigot and thinks 9/11 was a justifiable strike against the US. He's equated the VICTIMS of the 9/11 strikes to the level of Nazis. The guy's already in trouble and apparently thinks more 9/11's against the US would be great. There's a point where common sense has to overcome an idiot's freedom of speech. Most people (except certain judges and lawyers) would agree you can't yell "FIRE!" in a crowded theater and that's basically what this twit's doing. Also, if what he's saying doesn't qualify as irresponsible AND hate speech (considering he's teaching other people's impressionable kids -- and many young people I've seen in college are next-to-incapable of thinking for themselves), I don't know what does!

Heck, they have a new President of Harvard who has managed to put his foot in his mouth more times than anybody can count and offend practically all the female professors and female students on campus! He said stuff that you should NEVER say, even if you believe it yourself (which I don't), simply because it undercuts his authority with his subordinates, alienates people, and discourages the ladies trying to advance at the school and the workplace.

So, no, I don't buy that Seth MacFarlane is as bad as he is "because he didn't go to Harvard." MacFarlane is bad because he's MacFarlane, not because of where he went to school.

Many of the best animators and writers did NOT go to Cal Arts or Harvard. That's a myth perpetuated by the schools and entertainment industries to keep the numbers of people from going to California because there simply isn't enough room (re: JOBS) for everybody in industry. The people that make it in entertainment have the drive NOT to take no for an answer and find their own door into studios. Unfortunately, some of these people are also hacks and bootlickers, too.
Yeah, I totally agree that it doesn't really matter where you went to school. Sometimes I forget that...I know it's really silly. And you're right about a lot of academics. Universities are a world of their own and some people just stay there their whole lives and barely interact with the outside world. That's just pathetic!
It's just that I have so much respect for the Simpsons' writers and maybe it was unfair to expect people to measure up to that standard. (And I did hear a lot about how they were all from Harvard or whatever.)
But MacFarlane, regardless of where he went to school (he could have gone to Princeton for all I know) just isn't anywhere in the same league as the Simpsons' writers. Making it all the more painful when he tries to copy them.

However, I won't disagree that the show is funny sometimes....Stewie is cute (but disturbing!). What is with that talking dog Brian?? It's so anarchaic and weird that it is funny occasionally. Most TV is so stupid that I'll watch almost anything that's different from the usual slop... :roll:
You can’t just have your characters announce how they feel! That makes me feel angry!

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Post by ShyViolet » February 8th, 2005, 6:29 pm

AniMan wrote::o Wow! I guess we're on polar opposite ends when it comes to Family Guy! Kinda like Siskel and Ebert, only I'm not white or fat. Or bald. Yet. Well, a little. Thinning, actually :lol:
I still say Family Guy is sharp and witty. Come on, you can't tell me Stewie (the baby) doesn't have just about the funniest lines you've heard from anything animated or live action. But I do like the Simpsons more, so I agree with you there.
Stewie is funny! I want to get a poster with him on it for my room.

I liked the one where he met Bill Cosby.

"Frickin' sweet!"
You can’t just have your characters announce how they feel! That makes me feel angry!

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Post by CaptainJasHook » February 8th, 2005, 11:38 pm

It is another FAMILY GUY but different characters in a different situation.

The fish is Stewey. The alien is Brian. Sister is Meg, Brother is Chris, Mother is Louis, father is Peter.

HATE this show. I hate the animation of certain characters. Like the humour, but not in this format.

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Post by Christian » February 9th, 2005, 12:18 am

The people that make it in entertainment have the drive NOT to take no for an answer and find their own door into studios. Unfortunately, some of these people are also hacks and bootlickers, too.
It is likely that many talented people are also kept out of the industry if they don't play the games.


Post by GeorgeC » February 9th, 2005, 1:20 am

Christian wrote:
The people that make it in entertainment have the drive NOT to take no for an answer and find their own door into studios. Unfortunately, some of these people are also hacks and bootlickers, too.
It is likely that many talented people are also kept out of the industry if they don't play the games.

I think that's very true what you said, Christian.

From what I've seen and heard personally, it seems like far more bootlickers and asses make it than people with genuine talent and vision.

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Post by Christian » February 9th, 2005, 3:42 am

Agreed. I would elaborate more but I better not.

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Post by AniMan » February 9th, 2005, 7:30 pm

Didn't know Seth McFarlane could be so controversial! :P :shock:

Hey, GeorgeC, you got me thinking when you said this:
"Family Guy hasn't aged well as far as I'm concerned and I doubt I'd buy any of that show on DVD at the rate things are going... American Guy failed its test for me out of the gate. Just not very good or funny at all."

I guess for you it hasn't aged well, but in reality, for most everyone else, it has done better with time. This is why it has enjoyed new and improved success on Cartoon Network. That's actually where I got hooked on the show and saw just how funny it was, and longed for new episodes. Of course, as we all know now, they are giving us new shows very soon. I just hope he doesn't water down any of the humor for Fox (of course he won't). And while not as good as the Simpsons, what else is, really? It would just be another great addition to Fox's already strong animation line-up of The Simpsons and King of the Hill (another show that I absolutely love! Damn funny, I tell you what!) :lol:
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Post by Special_Ed » February 14th, 2005, 10:06 pm

Family Guy and South Park are unfunny and try way too hard to be edgy and offensive. That's the only reason they are still around. American is the same sort of show. At least the Simpsons and Kng of the Hill tell stories that don't revolve around poop, pee, and racial humor to get their laughs.

Yeah, I heard about that Colorado professor. He said all the people in the trade center were "little Eikmans" Although most people don't know who he is today, Eikman is the guy who ran Auscwitz. How dare this professor say such a thing. I also found it interesting that he ties 9/11 to Iraq but that's okay. The liberals defend him. When conservatives tie 9/11 to Iraq they are called wrong. Go figure.

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Post by AniMan » February 15th, 2005, 12:05 pm

Special_Ed wrote:Family Guy and South Park are unfunny and try way too hard to be edgy and offensive. That's the only reason they are still around. American is the same sort of show. At least the Simpsons and Kng of the Hill tell stories that don't revolve around poop, pee, and racial humor to get their laughs.
Ah, spoken like a person who just doesn't get it. :lol: Just kidding!

Look, what Family Guy and South Park do is poke fun at the absurdity of all the politically correct crap in society as well as a lot of our social hypocrisy. And what I like in particular is that both shows satirize BOTH extremes (the extremely liberal and the extremely conservative).

Some people find Drawn Together (on Comedy Central) funny but I just find it disturbing. It's too much for me. I guess that's what the former shows mentioned are like for you.
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