Disney Pixar's Cars

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Post by ShyViolet » July 28th, 2006, 10:08 pm

Yep, got him to sign my "It's A Mad, Mad, Mad, Mad World" LaserDisc box set, which he seemed to get a kick out of, saying "it's nice to see the youngsters of today remember our old stuff...this was a mad, mad, mad movie to make but lots of fun...they sure don't make 'em like this now".
I loved Mickey Rooney in the "Night of the Jockey" Twilight Zone he starred in. It was pretty much a one-man show and he carried the whoile episode.
Also, this may sound sacriligious but I loved him in The Simpsons episode he guest-starred in too. :wink:

I really want to see "It's a Mad, Mad, Mad, Mad World"...:) (The Simpsons did a riff on it too)

Wasn't it remade as Rat Race?
You can’t just have your characters announce how they feel! That makes me feel angry!

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Post by Jake » July 28th, 2006, 10:58 pm

chernabog wrote:Oh and One Man Band? MASTERPIECE!
I really like Pixar's shorts and I thought "One Man Band" was really clever.

I saw Mickey Rooney in "Wizard of Oz" when it toured through Minneapolis. I really like his work, and "Night At The Museum", I agree, looks really entertaining.

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Post by YCougar » July 29th, 2006, 3:18 am

I have to admit, I liked "One Man Band" better on the second viewing.

It's odd, Jake, how many of your points against Cars I can agree with (or at least nod to), and yet I still enjoyed the movie enough to see it a second time. It's not my favorite of Pixar's (that goes to The Incredibles) but it's still up there for me. Though:

> I can see what you mean about the "lower" humor... especially some of the wordplay gags we saw with Mater. Granted, they were some of the funnier ones I've seen, but I still despise that type of humor.

> The prevalence of pop music is certainly a shift for Pixar, but I think it matches, given that this story is way more specific as far as the setting/time/culture is concerned (rather than Anytown USA, like the Toy Stories and The Incredibles). And Randy Newman did do the scores, so at least we had that.

> And the plot is really simple, if you look at it. Not many twists and turns. In fact, it amazes me how Pixar was able to hold my attention for nearly two hours on such a simple premise. But it did. Besides the visuals being consistently breathtaking.

Yes, I loved it. Yes, I'm aware there are flaws. Somehow I ended up enjoying this thing anyway. ;)

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Post by Meg » July 29th, 2006, 2:11 pm

Wasn't it remade as Rat Race?
Yes, it was.
I'm looking forward to Monster House too, given that it seems to be trying to do something original.
You're correct - Monster House was very original. I just wish it was better.

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Post by Ben » July 29th, 2006, 2:46 pm

"It's A Mad, Mad, Mad, Mad World" was NOT re-made as "Rat Race". :)

I love "Rat Race", but it's a much smaller movie, with a different cast of characters, a totally different set up and different outcome.

Both movies deal with a bunch of wildly differing people chasing a pot of cash hidden in a far off location, but "Rat Race" isn't half the movie "Mad, Mad World" is in terms of cast, storytelling, spectacle, scale and length (the longest restored cut hovers around the 3hr mark).

There WAS a re-make, called "Money Mania" (AKA "Million Dollar Mystery"), made in 1987, though that again was half the length of "Mad, Mad World" (clocking in around 95 minutes).

If you like, "Rat Race" works better as a riff more on "Money Mania" than "Mad, Mad World", but it's not a re-make, even unofficially. :)

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Post by ShyViolet » July 29th, 2006, 10:32 pm

Here's some images from the Simpsons version of "Mad, Mad, Mad, Mad World"


(it's in the end of the episode: Barney flying the plain with Patty and Selma, Marge on the Motorbike, the "big T" on the top of the hill.... :wink: )
Last edited by ShyViolet on September 1st, 2006, 2:01 am, edited 1 time in total.
You can’t just have your characters announce how they feel! That makes me feel angry!

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Post by Ben » July 30th, 2006, 9:07 am

You should see "Mad, Mad World", Vi. :)

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Post by Meg » July 30th, 2006, 12:28 pm

Yeah, it's funny!

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Post by Ben » July 30th, 2006, 6:06 pm

GASP!! - Why I might not go and see Cars in the theater!!

Recently I've been really busy on my own project and getting out to see films in the theater has been a bit of a drag. So far this year I've missed X-Men, The Wild, Over The Hedge and a few others, and with Cars out now, I know I should try and make the effort, but the film has never really won me over in previews and I know I'll end up buying the DVD anyway.

To cap it all off, The Guardian here in the UK, printed this review in their arts section last week...

Peter Bradshaw, The Guardian, writes: "Not fast, not furious...

One of the recent big smashes from animation wizards Pixar, the oceanographic fish comedy Finding Nemo, had a bit of an environmental theme to it. This new digi-spectacular is, however, very much not encumbered by politically correct worries of this kind. It is set in an airless imaginary world of cutely anthropomorphic vehicles who, like the toys or fish or bugs of previous adventures, have minds and quirkily differentiated personalities of their own. The difference here is that there are no humans from which their quasi-human identities are a secret: the cars have no drivers, and the teeming crowds at the racetrack are cars too. It's all cars.

The movie is a cheerful celebration of the lovable automobile, and particularly a fondly imagined golden age of motorvatin' on the open road: heading out west on Route 66, and encountering the kind of authentic smalltown America that is getting economically and culturally starved by the soulless interstate highways built to bypass these communities. Owen Wilson voices Lightning McQueen, a snappy, zappy young sports car planning to win the all-important Piston Cup on his very first professional outing. His name may or may not be in homage to Steve McQueen: movie actor and speed king. Lightning is preparing to race two fierce rivals at the gigantic meeting in Los Angeles, but on the way there finds himself marooned in a tiny, sleepy little town called Radiator Springs, populated by hick cars with various wacky voices, and naturally learns life lessons about how smalltown values are best. This is a lesson traditionally promoted in Hollywood movies - written, produced and performed by people who couldn't wait to get away from their dullsville home towns and head for the LA dream factory.

Wilson's co-star is Paul Newman, another famous real-life racer from the movies voicing a grumpy old 1950s car called Doc Hudson, who turns out to be a famous race star from half a century back and who, in spite of himself, begins to mentor hot-headed young Lightning and teach him some old-school racing moves. Lightning's fast-talking agent was originally voiced by Jeremy Piven from, among other things, TV's The Larry Sanders Show, but for the UK release this character has been awkwardly dubbed in by leading local petrolhead Jeremy Clarkson.

There are a couple of nice touches, including a subliminal depiction of Arnold Schwarzenegger, who appears as a talking Humvee. There's a lachrymose fire engine who is forever turning on the waterworks, and tractors in the surrounding fields, lowing like cows. But a lot of the time it's just the tiniest bit dull with no decent gags or songs, and the score is heavily reliant on singing cover versions of Route 66. Naturally the animation is top-of-the-range, but an awful lot of mega-bytes and laptop hours have been lavished on the frankly uninteresting spectacle of those zillions of almost identical little car spectators in the stadium, their flashbulbs twinkling.

The car-creatures zoom by impressively enough but there are very few point-of-view shots from the racing cockpits. Perhaps Lasseter thought this would make it look too much like a video game, or that it would allude too directly to the actual danger inherent in real-world racing. But it would have injected some much-needed excitement. And there really aren't any villains: apart from one swaggering car-competitor who isn't all that mean. One of his stickers reveals a sponsor called HTB, or Hostile Takeover Bank - not a masterpiece of clever scriptwriting. Needless to say, there appears to be a strict ban on cigarette advertising for these race meets.

There's nothing inherently wrong with Cars, but nothing very much right either, certainly not considering everyone's sky-high expectations of Pixar, and almost every hi-tech animation that comes down the pipe. The awful truth is that we are becoming blase about animation technology that just a few years ago would have had us on the floor, gasping. Now these movies are having to rediscover the old verities of script and voicework, which incidentally helped to make Pixar's The Incredibles such a wonderful film. On this front, Cars just doesn't have much in the tank, though Newman's character is droll and personable - a voice role that faintly recalls his reprised performance as "Fast Eddie" Felson in The Color of Money, the ageing pool hustler coaching callow Tom Cruise.

There is a rather flavourless self-satisfaction radiating from each highly worked pixel: the movie actually has a little homage to its own greatest hits like Toy Story and A Bug's Life, with the characters being played by cars - those were terrific films, of course, but it's a little smug to award classic status to yourself quite so publicly. Cars is such a luxurious and professionally engineered piece of entertainment, that this almost doesn't matter. It's unobjectionable enough, despite the naivety of using cars to complain about American culture being despoiled by new roads. But watching Cars is like being taken for a ride in a shiny new Lexus. Smooth, but bland and forgettable."


Reading that, it's pretty much how I'm feeling about Cars anyway, so I think I may notch this down as another DVD to catch in the fall, and go see Monster House instead.

Okay, you can throw tomatoes at me now... ;)
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Post by Meg » July 30th, 2006, 6:24 pm

Cars was WAAAAAAAAAAAY better than Monster House. No contest.

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Post by chernabog » July 30th, 2006, 6:25 pm

I tend to avoid reviews, particularly those of pretentious newspapers such as the Guardian which struggles to be positive about any film. Unless of course it's a 3 hour German epic following the plight of disabled immigrants, all shot in black and white naturally.

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Cars on DVD

Post by Ben » August 6th, 2006, 7:06 pm

Well, the specs are in:

Single-disc, anamorphic 2.35:1, new animated short "Mater And The Ghost" (the previously announced "Ghost Light", which I supposed wasn't as kid-friendly a title), as well as "One Man Band", a behind-the-scenes featurette, four deleted scenes, and a preview for "Ratatouille".

In a word...lame. :(

Disney insist that this is a new direction for them in which they want to focus on the features that really matter (like the new short), but I don't care what they say.

The frankly short-thrift we got on Chicken Little and now Cars points to one thing. They're saving the good stuff so we all feel obliged to jump on the Blu-Ray wagon when that starts rolling early next year.

Also, that Cars DVD cover, with the bad Photoshop disjointed sleeve and no "tasteful", collectors-type art, absolutely SCREAMS double-dip!

I mean, putting the BACK of your two main characters on the front cover in a lazy montage, while the main character is on there twice? What did that take all of five minutes to knock up when there was all that fantastic poster artwork that went around??

We'll see either a PACKED 2-disc SE or a BRD version in 2007. And having waited to see it in theaters, I'll probably wait for that and finally see Cars then.

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Post by bawpcwpn » August 7th, 2006, 4:45 pm

I agree Ben. I am not going to buy the one disc DVD. For one it would look out of place next to my other Pixar DVD's for a number of reasons, 1. It's 1 disc 2. The cover is is really really really bad and I know heaps of other people younger than those working at Disney for sure to do a better job.

Why can't John or Ed or even get Steve to make a fuss and get them back to the 2 disc edition? Or even if they can't get them to do that why can't they get them to do a better cover art.

During the production of Cars all along I was excited for the DVD because of all the cool features they could add such as the video of their road trip on Route 66 stuff like that.

So much research went into the making of this film so why can't they have a 2 disc edition with all this?

I am mad at Disney and they need to pull themselves together.
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Post by Meg » August 7th, 2006, 5:34 pm

Ugh. Ugh ugh ugh ugh ugh. One disk? That cover art...hated it from the first time I saw it. And, what - that's it for the features? That's IT? Lord. This makes me angry.

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Post by ShyViolet » August 7th, 2006, 6:08 pm

It's be really funny if to pad the disc, they put the short "Mike's New Car" on it. :P
You can’t just have your characters announce how they feel! That makes me feel angry!

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