Disney Pixar's Cars

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Post by Meg » June 9th, 2006, 11:42 am

I'm going to see it at 4:00, which is pretty early for me...I'll write about as soon as I can.

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Post by PixarVixen » June 9th, 2006, 11:52 am

Thanks, Meg! I'm on an Iron Giant kick.

I read the Cars report that was posted on here today, but I didn't see the photos I gave to Brandon to include in it. So...here they are:


Unless there is a link to them in the story, I didn't see them.


Sorry. Brandon didn't want me to post the photos here. I had to take them down. He said he's trying to get them into the story.

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Post by PixarVixen » June 9th, 2006, 12:09 pm

Well everyone alreadys knows what I think of it. ;) You guys are gonna LOVE it.

And STAY FOR THE CREDITS! You'll love the little treat. ^o^

I'm going to see it again at 2:15 pm today. I wanna see it again, plus, I wanna see the trailers that were supposed to be there at the premiere but weren't! ><

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Post by Ben » June 9th, 2006, 12:30 pm

animated-guy... your sig pic waaaaay too big! Please reduce...thanks.

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Post by Josh » June 9th, 2006, 3:59 pm

UPDATE! They are in the story now, with other additional adjustments made as well.

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Post by PixarVixen » June 9th, 2006, 8:14 pm

Ka-chowie! Yes, I know it's Ka-chow. I just said that to be silly. XP

Cars is even better the second time you see it! I spotted many things I didn't notice the first time I saw it, and I paid more attention to certain minor characters this time knowing who voiced them.

I am a little upset though. There is a dedication to Joe Ranft in the end credits, but they never showed the second half of them at the World Premiere, so we never got to see it. I think that's sad. It makes me wonder if they meant to cut it off right before it got to that part or if it was all just a mistake by the people running the projector. ??

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Post by YCougar » June 10th, 2006, 1:00 am

I got back from the movie a couple hours ago, and... wow. Simple story, but great movie. And the BACKGROUNDS. Holy WOW the backgrounds. I went with my family, and my mom leaned over at one point and asked me if the backgrounds were live action. I pointed out that the rock formations are still stylized... but man, Pixar was right on the money for those.

I remain amazed that they were able to make the cars malleable enough to be able to act properly, but still feel like solid vehicles. I couldn't start ranking it amongst other Pixar movies yet because the experience is still fresh, but I wasn't disappointed.

And now for the spoiler comments...
I loved how they finished up the final race - I suppose the easy ending would be to have Lightning win and share his happy victory with his friends. But to have the "villain" (read: jerk) technically "win" the race and get that "empty cup," while Lightning loses the race but "wins" by virtue of his honor... That's not a shocker or unheard of in the least, but I thought it was a nice completion to Lightning's maturing process.

Also, I just about choked at the Ratzenberger tributes/Pixar parodies in the credits. And promptly moaned at the "In Memory of Joe Ranft" not long after. :(
The movie also gets points for thoroughly throwing me off when I left the theater and walked into the parking lot. I was sucked in enough that the eyeless cars made me do a double-take. :D

And finally (because I realize I'm gushing), I had to do this to our minivan as soon as I got home. There was no other option.
http://i15.photobucket.com/albums/a388/ ... /Blaze.jpg

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Post by PixarVixen » June 10th, 2006, 1:27 am

Cute drawing!
YCougar wrote:The movie also gets points for thoroughly throwing me off when I left the theater and walked into the parking lot. I was sucked in enough that the eyeless cars made me do a double-take.
I can never look at cars the same way anymore. I'm always picturing them with eyes now. Weird.

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Post by Meg » June 10th, 2006, 7:52 am

Okay, I don't know what the crap is wrong with critics nowadays, but Cars does NOT deserve getting in the 70's (if that's still where it's at) on RottenTomatoes. I'm sorry, but it deserved WAY WAY WAY higher than that!

I went to see this last night with my friends and my sister, and - WOW! I can't believe what a great time I had watching this! I mean, I can't even remember the last time I had THIS much fun at a movie, or laughed so hard in a theater. There were I few worries I had before seeing it, like "Is Owen Wilson totally going to screw this up?", but after a while I forgot it was even him. The only real flaw this had was that it was a tad on the long side, and some of the smallest children in the audience were getting a little fidgety in the middle. I didn't mind at all, though.

One thing I couldn't get over in this was how spectacular the animation was. Mater and Guido in particular had fantastic animation, Mater moving like an excited puppy (he even wagged his tow in some scenes), and Guido using his forks as arms (I loved it when he 'patted' Lugie). And the backgrounds - wooo-WEE! When I was watching the 20 Years of Pixar thing, they had a shot of some old abandoned shops that lined Route 66. It was until I saw the movie until I released, "Whoa, that wasn't real!" And during the 'Life is a Highway' sequence, my mouth was just hanging open and I kept muttering, "Wow," because the whole scene was just drop-dead gorgeous.

The characters, of course, were all VERY enjoyable and funny. One of my favorites was Lizzie, the senior citizen who's memory isn't the same as it used to be. Every time she said a line I cracked up. Mater was very funny, too, and Red was such a sweetheart.

The theater room I was in was packed, and as far as I could tell, the audience really enjoyed it. One family in particular that was sitting behind us just HAD to be Pixar fans -they noticed and laughed at every little detail, went 'awww' during the sad scenes, and even hummed along to the opening title music with the Disney castle (which I was doing, too). I couldn't tell if anyone else in the audience was laughing or not because the family behind us and me and my friends were laughing so hard I couldn't hear anyone else. One of my friends, whom I practically had to drag to this because she was not very intent on seeing it, ended up LOVING it. She got so into that she actually made me chuckle a few times - in the beginning race, when Lightning jumps off another crashed car through the air, she cheered, "YEAH boy!". When the credits started to roll, I was pretty much yelling at everyone to stay through them ("AAAGHH! Why's everyone leaving?!? The best part is at the end!!!") I don't want to spoil the credits scene for everyone, but oh my gawd - it was, as my friend put it, "Hot". When we finally left the theater, we were still smiling and talking and laughing and having such a blast talking about the movie, as was everyone else. When my mom picked us up and we were driving home, we passed a tractor on the side of the road and I shouted, "COW!" Everyone started to giggle.

When it comes down to it, Cars is a fantastic must-see movie. I don't know how Pixar does it, but they'd best keep doing it, because they do it better than anyone else. I think my friend put it in the best words: "The reason Pixar movies are so much better than everyone else's is because they know that they're not just entertaining a bunch of stupid kids - their stories are always so awesome."

Or something like that.

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Post by chernabog » June 10th, 2006, 8:11 am

Damn you! I REAAAAAAALLLY wanna see it now and I've still gotta wait 7 weeks! Oh btw, how does the animation fare compared to other Pixar films? Animation-wise I think Finding Nemo still holds the title but Cars looks even better from what I've seen.

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Post by Kaszubas » June 10th, 2006, 8:30 am

7 more weeks ??? Wow! Poor Guy... And I thought it's a torture waiting 2 more weeks... ;) Well... I still have to wait a month to watch Over The Hedge so I can imagine that pain ;)

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Post by Ben » June 10th, 2006, 9:13 am


Good work to you guys and to Mick for writing the whole dang thing up. :)

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Post by macontosh2000 » June 10th, 2006, 11:38 am

According to Boxofficemojo.com Cars made $18,900,000 on Friday.


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Post by animated_guy » June 10th, 2006, 12:13 pm

i just made it smaller :D
glad you like it. it took me for-eva to find one that i really liked. this one has it all. :D
~a-G :wink:

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Post by Macaluso » June 10th, 2006, 12:19 pm

Saw this movie last night.

This movie was fantastic. I'd say that it's just below The Incredibles and Finding Nemo as the best Pixar flick. One of the best they've done so far. 2 hours, and really, I could have handled it going on longer.

There are two things I hate. Larry the Cable Guy, and Nascar. I can't stand them. And yet, both (well, not Nascar in particular, but it was racing) were great in this movie. First, the racing in it had me enthralled the whole time. The intro of the movie was loads of fun. Then there's Larry the Cable Guy. Put all your worries about him to the side. Besides a VERY breif moment of him saying "Git R Done" which goes by so quick you'll never notice, he does a FANTASTIC job as Mater. In fact, I heard so many "awwww!"s when it came to Mater that it was crazy. He's a VERY likable character even if he is voiced by Larry the Cable Guy.

Owen Wilson does such a good job as Lightning McQueen. Through a good chunk of the movie, Lightning is a rather selfish, asshole. And yet, Owen Wilson was able to STILL make him completely likable. Paul Newman, Cheech as Ramone, Tony Shalhoub, and Bonnie Hunt all are great in their roles too. Especially Paul Newman as Doc Hudson, and Tony Shalhoub as a car named Luigi. Also, Richard Petty voices "The King".

The animation is, as always with Pixar, fantastic. It didn't break any new ground the way Monsters Inc did for fur, Finding Nemo did for water, and The Incredibles did for humans. But the level of detail that obviously went into researching Cars and racing and small towns in the middle of nowhere is absolutely amazing. Even though the cars have windows on them, and rear view mirrors and the like, you never really feel like "Hey. If there are no humans, why do they have windows?".

Doc Hudson, Mater and Lightning are all memorable to me. Especially Mater. Seriously, regardless of what you think of Larry the Cable Guy, just throw all that aside, becuase he's great in this role.

There are many many car puns. And a lot of them are in the surroundings themselves. Pay attention to the flies when you see them.

EDIT: And was anyone else VERY happy that they
in the end credits, where they had three different pixar movies with Cars in place of the normal characters, that one of the movies they chose was A Bug's Life? That made ME very happy, since they never seem to mention that movie anymore. and it was the best one until Nemo and The Incredibles.

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