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Post by Macaluso » January 6th, 2005, 6:02 pm

It doesn't do it automatically?

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Post by mr. squarepants » January 6th, 2005, 7:42 pm

Oh, thanks, Maculoso. By looking at your example, I see what I did wrong.

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Post by ShyViolet » January 7th, 2005, 2:57 pm

I guess so, but I still think it would be cool if DW took a crack. And made it ANIMATED. :wink: They just need to stay away from the hip references.

That's really been their downfall.

And personally I think that once you make a film that has SIX endings (Return of the King) it's a little crazy to make a "OK this one is really the last one" kind of film. Just my opinion. :roll:
You can’t just have your characters announce how they feel! That makes me feel angry!

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Post by Ben » January 8th, 2005, 8:31 am

Yeah, but Hobbit is a prequel, taking place before LOTR!

Therefore, ROTK would still have multiple endings (there are only three, by the way, and totally justified in my book). Too many films reach a happy conclusion and then just walk off without proper closure.

The Hobbit is referred to as "There And Back Again: A Hobbit's Tale" in the three LOTR films - it's the book Bilbo is writing that Sam finishes in ROTK. It wouls all make sense.

Anyway, and pleasingly, DWs has no licensing ties to the series, so couldn't make one even if they wanted to - phew!

I'd be much more up for them to create or adapt another series, like Disney is doing with Narnia. Didn't they have a hand in Lemony Snickett?

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Post by Guardstone » January 9th, 2005, 7:30 pm

Just so long as they think twice about WHY they'd make the story into an animated film. Just because a story is directed primarily towards children does not mean the best way to film it would be animation. Polar Express, anyone? These films can be very dangerous for the reputation of feature animation. I still don't see why Polar Express had to be fully animated...
The thing with properties such as Harry Potter, The Hobbit, The Narnia series and A Series of Unfortunate Events, is that they simply work better in live action with some animated characters. Just like it works the other way around: I would have no desire to see Finding Nemo with actual fish, and I don't even want to image what a live action version of The Emperor's New Groove would be like.

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Need Help Shopping :)

Post by mr. squarepants » January 18th, 2005, 10:56 pm

I am working on a DVD of my last day of school. You see, my friends have been waiting on this for almost two years. But I only recently got the software that I wanted to create the DVD with. Currently, I am working on the packaging for the DVD, and I want it to look very awesome. Could someone recommend to me, in your opinion:

1) The best DVD insert creator
2) Where I can find colored, neon amaray DVD cases

As for #2, I found some at http://www.inetdvd.com/store/shopshowsu ... subcat=114, but they are currently out of stock.

Any help would be much appreciated.


Post by GeorgeC » January 19th, 2005, 5:05 am

By insert, do you mean booklet INSIDE the DVD case, OR the jacket artwork?

I don't know of any program that prints the booklets out, but there are at least a few software packages available for both PC and Mac (OS X) that let you print out artwork/lettering for the outside covering of the DVD case.

There are also a few software packages available that let you create artwork to stick onto the finished DVD, too.

There are plenty of programs to create jacket art available at Best Buy, CompUSA, Circuit City, or other stores that carry electronics. Jacket art isn't that big a deal to make. Heck, you could probably by-pass getting a new program and just create it in Photoshop if you're hard up for money! If you measure out the area of paper that fits inside the transparent plastic sleeve and create a guide for your final print-out, you could do it on your own. You probably want to create an average size, though. Different DVD cases have different sizes of jacket art that will fit in them.

Regardless of whether you Photoshop the jacket art or spend $25 or less on a program to make it, you should be sure to get nice glossy paper to print the jacket art on. Regular old paper/smooth paper DOESN'T look as good as glossy. Be sure to scan in at and print out at least 300 DPI. Less than that probably won't look good.

Most disc jacket creator programs probably have the glossy paper in them already...

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Post by mr. squarepants » January 19th, 2005, 1:50 pm

Thanks for your help, George. What I was referring to by "insert" was the jacket art. Could you please recommend a specific program? I really would appreciate it. I checked out Best Buy's and Circuit City's websites, but didn't quite know what to get, since many of the programs only label themselves as "DVD label creator" or something like that. That could mean just the DVD label itself, not the jacket art. Thus, I am not sure which to get.

Also, would you happen to know where I can find some of that shrink-wrap that goes around store-bought DVDs? As you can tell, I really want to impress my friends with this.


Post by GeorgeC » January 21st, 2005, 3:53 am

I'd actually go into the stores and look at the software. Ask a sales associate or the head associate of the computer/video area to see if they can help out.

As much as it can save time to look on websites, half the time you can't find what's actually in the store! LOL

Seriously, though, most office supply stores, Best Buy, and Circuit City ought to have some program you could use.

In all honesty, I've never used a program like this and don't even have a DVD burner myself! I'm just commenting on what I've seen in-stores.

I'm pretty sure there has to be a jacket creator somewhere, or you can break down and do what I'd suggest to save cash if you already have Photoshop available --

a) Measure out the area of the DVD case that the insert will go into. This would probably be roughly 10.75 inches (width including the spine of the DVD) by 7.25 inches. Your mileage will vary depending on which manufacturer you buy cases from. Not all DVD cases can accomodate the same insert jacket size.

{If I were printing on my computer's printer, the biggest image area I could print out would be 10.3 inches by 7.25 inches. My print area is constrained by what the printer will handle, not the computer. You have to figure out the print area for your own machine and adjust according to that.}

b) You'll have to guess-timate the center-spine of the case and figure out how to layout your titles and images on the jacket insert. This is doable on Photoshop no doubt, but will probably take some trial and error to figure out. I'd suggest printing out on plain paper for tests first before committing to printing out on (EXPENSIVE!) glossy paper.

I'd definitely create blank template first (measured out to roughly 10.75 inches X 7.25 inches or whatever size fits into the insert jacket) and put it into the transparency and test-fold it to see how it fits. You might have to cut down the size of the insert a bit and try 2 or 3 times to see how the final insert will fit. I'd recommend using 2-3 cut-down blank sheets to do this. Don't be so cheap and reuse the same paper over and over.

** Use a paper cutter to cut off excess paper to size down to what fits in the DVD jacket sleeve. It'll look much neater and save you the headache of using scissors to do this. **

c) If you can't get the Neon DVD cases from InetDVD, I'd forget about them and get the cheap standard black from Best Buy or some other place like that. As nice as the specialty casing can be, it's a lot more expensive than buying black cases in bulk. Most of the black cases sold now thankfully have pressure-sensitive buttons that are fairly decent even if they don't have the center clasps Amarays do.

I'd stick to black... The only other case colorings I think look good are clear (really frosty) and white. Most other DVD case colors are kinda gaudy.

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Post by mr. squarepants » January 23rd, 2005, 9:09 pm

Thanks for your help, George!

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Where can I buy the score to Cast Away?

Post by Josh » February 19th, 2005, 11:43 pm

From the CD Cast Away: The Films of Robert Zemekis & The Music of Alan Silvestri, I need the single "End Credits - Cast Away". iTunes doesn't have it. Does anyone else know a website where I can buy a single song from a CD?


Post by GeorgeC » February 22nd, 2005, 11:29 pm


Google search?


Mickey, you sure they DIDN'T release a soundtrack album for Cast Away? The only way you'll probably get that piece is from somebody else's CD.

I don't think many cuts from soundtrack albums -- unless they're pop sings by Britney, JLo, or Christina -- are carried on download services.

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Post by Josh » February 23rd, 2005, 1:37 am

GeorgeC wrote:Mickey, you sure they DIDN'T release a soundtrack album for Cast Away?
I am 100% positive. Cast Away: The Films of Robert Zemekis & The Music of Alan Silvestri is the closest thing to a soundtrack that was released.

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Post by Macaluso » February 23rd, 2005, 6:17 am

GeorgeC wrote: I don't think many cuts from soundtrack albums -- unless they're pop sings by Britney, JLo, or Christina -- are carried on download services.
You'd be suprised.

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Post by Wolf Tooth » February 25th, 2005, 12:52 pm

So I'm entering a local movie competition in my area. One of the requirements for entering the competition is the name of the studio that makes the movie. I wan't that name to be perminment, yah know, keep it with me for the future. However I can't chose if I name the studio after my family name, or my dogs` names.

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