Live action Tom and Jerry Movie

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Re: Live action Tom and Jerry Movie

Post by Daniel » February 27th, 2021, 4:43 pm

Second best opening during the pandemic. Obviously that's not saying much, but still pretty impressive.

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Re: Live action Tom and Jerry Movie

Post by gaastra » February 27th, 2021, 8:05 pm

Went with my niece to see it in theatres. (first time in theatres in over a year and a half!) They did a great job with safety. (rows skipped, only groups near each other, masks, etc.)

The place was packed! I was shocked how many people were there Even at half full the tom and jerry showing was packed!

As for tom and jerry, it was fun. Not roger rabbit good but still a fun family film. Some fun parts and the main human girl is really likeble.

There were people laughing at our showing and kids getting excited at the big climax!

So for me it's not bad. Not pixar level; but fun waste of a afternoon.

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Re: Live action Tom and Jerry Movie

Post by James » February 27th, 2021, 10:34 pm

Watched it at home on HBO Max. Fun but forgettable. At least 20 minutes too long. Chloe Grace Moritz is great in everything. Just as violent as you’d hope for!

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Re: Live action Tom and Jerry Movie

Post by gaastra » February 27th, 2021, 10:42 pm

I will say the animation looked not bad at all on the big screen.

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Re: Live action Tom and Jerry Movie

Post by Daniel » March 1st, 2021, 4:01 pm

A tasteless joke involving Spike doing his business. Saw it on a TV commercial. Can't unsee... :shock:

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Re: Live action Tom and Jerry Movie

Post by Ben » March 1st, 2021, 9:11 pm

Oh... :(

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Re: Live action Tom and Jerry Movie

Post by James » March 1st, 2021, 10:19 pm

We also got a callback to this joke at the end before the credits.

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Re: Live action Tom and Jerry Movie

Post by Ben » March 2nd, 2021, 5:30 am

Do animated dogs do animated poo? Would it take a spray of Dip to remove it? See, all these questions they raise when they include stuff like this in these films...! I gotsta know! ;)

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Re: Live action Tom and Jerry Movie

Post by ShyViolet » March 2nd, 2021, 8:57 am

That was horrific! :shock:

Like you said, Dan, can’t unsee!
You can’t just have your characters announce how they feel! That makes me feel angry!

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Re: Live action Tom and Jerry Movie

Post by Ben » March 23rd, 2021, 9:05 pm

So in a total turnaround from last night's excellent Raya And The Last Dragon, we went for this tonight, and...

This Tom And Jerry movie is absolutely awful!!!

Seriously, had no-one involved in this ever seen a classic T&J cartoon? From the opening Looney Tunes title treatment (Looney Tunes!) in the main title and end credits, and nods to Acme, there’s a total lack of homage to the classic MGM cartoons, as this just plays to a generic idea of what "cartoons" are (and for cartoons, read Looney Tunes).

It’s ironic that Warners have ended up with the T&J franchise, because it much more resembles a Warners product rather than anything that could be seen as any kind of direct lineage from the Hanna-Barbera originals, without not so much of a nod to Scott Bradley's iconic music and theme, not any sense of comedy cartoon timing, all of which is laboured and weirdly seemingly slow-motion in effect.

And speaking of music...*what* music!? This is wall to wall synth-fused funk, which is yet another weird choice for these classic characters: if they’re tying to appeal to the current hip kids, why the hell would *they* be caught at a freakin' *Tom and Jerry* movie, while older fans going for nostalgia will just find the constant blasting music totally offputting and just jarring against what should have been a Bruce Broughton or Alan Silvestri orchestral score.

The animation is just as off, with some occasional good character movement, but the weirdest rendering when you see it up close in HD. If this was a 1990s DTV, we might be more impressed with the look and understand the constant music choices, but it just feels so anachronistic thesedays. It's just all so very, very bad!

The cast doesn’t fare much better: Chloe Moretz can be great, she can be slightly odd, but here she’s just plain either embarrassing, or at least embarrassed to be here, constantly fidgeting with her costume or trying to be down with the kidz with many a strange gesture or supposedly hip speak that again feels like someone gave her a script from 1992 and just told her to go with it.

Everyone else is just as bad: no-one gets their imaginary eyelines right, and the extras — all of them bizarrely almost never referred to — are just *there*, including the bride and groom's parents for the big wedding shown in the trailers, and who never get a line of dialogue, let alone even a close up! It’s all just so bizarre, flat and uninspired.

I don’t think anyone was going to be hailing this as the next grand return of these characters, and it looked a bit of throwaway fun, but this total and unexpectedly *so* bad misfire and failure gets things so wrong that I’m not sure if T&J can bounce back from this, or where the future of HB characters in these live hybrids can go from here.

Much, much better would have been to go the textured look of the upcoming Space Jam sequel and give T&J some realness that the faux "2D shaded" filter totally lacks. For the prolonged duration of a full feature, it honestly looks so wrong, and the complete lack of real fun or any attempt to really *do* anything with the characters just leaves the film feeling like some kind of odd early 90s DTV that someone found and thought to bung up on a steaming site.

Anyone else been subjected to this? I never need to ever see this again! :(

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Re: Live action Tom and Jerry Movie

Post by Randall » March 23rd, 2021, 9:40 pm

And I thought I couldn't have any lesser desire to see this.

Still, between this and the Woody Woodpecker film, I think I'd still be more tempted on T&J. I know, it's a random thought. I was just trying to think of something less appealing.

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Re: Live action Tom and Jerry Movie

Post by Ben » March 23rd, 2021, 10:20 pm

Trust me...Woody is "better"! :(

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Re: Live action Tom and Jerry Movie

Post by James » March 24th, 2021, 12:10 am

Watched it the day it came out but with Raya and Spongebob out around that time too, I forgot all about this! I guess that's a pretty damning indictment there!

Agree with most everything -- especially the music, and except for Chloe Grace Moretz. I thought she was charming in it and totally threw herself into the corny vibe of the thing with no self-consciousness about how silly it all was.

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Re: Live action Tom and Jerry Movie

Post by Randall » March 24th, 2021, 12:20 am

Ben wrote:
March 23rd, 2021, 10:20 pm
Trust me...Woody is "better"! :(
Did you actually watch Woody?!? Or you're just assuming?

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Re: Live action Tom and Jerry Movie

Post by Ben » March 24th, 2021, 6:29 am

No, I saw Woody. So you don't have to!

It wasn’t "baaaad", though it’s certainly not good, and plays like one of those typical animated hybrids like Yogi Bear or that crazy mad animals thing with Brendan Fraser, even if the production isn’t so polished.

Actually, I had it on in the background in the end, as I kind of lost interest, but let's just say that the animation on him is waaaay better than T&J, since they at least made the balance between "cartoon" and "real", similar to the look they’ve gone for in Space Jam 2 and should have done for T&J.

Go for that look, and lose the totally wrong music, and T&J would have been much more bearable. Ten minutes in, I knew it wasn’t going to get any better and really felt like saving the bulb or switching to something else, but we stuck with it for its four-hour-like hour forty, just to get it out of the way and be done with it.

In terms of car-crash movies to compare the waste of time factor, well, at least Cats had a couple of decent tunes in it!

Yes, Chloe totally throws herself into it, but I kind of thought naively so, since to do this well needs either an acknowledgement that what they are all doing is inherently nuts or a total believability to sell it, and she had neither, just gurning to the camera and co-stars both real and imaginary for most of the time, like "hey, I’m in an *animated* film!", while having almost zero interaction or skills with the characters that would later be dropped in. She was definitely let down directorially, though; out of many choices that T&J gets so wrong or just keeps missing the mark on.

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