Demon Slayer The Movie Hit At Overseas Box Office!

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Re: Demon Slayer The Movie Hit At Overseas Box Office!

Post by Daniel » January 26th, 2021, 12:29 pm

Here ya go, Ben:
Wayback Machine wrote:44 Countries Hoping for Oscar Nominations

Beverly Hills, CA - Forty-four countries have submitted films to the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences, hoping to become one of the five nominees for Best Foreign Language Film for the 70th Annual Academy Awards, Academy President Robert Rehme announced today.

Last year 39 countries entered the competition. This year's submissions are one short of the record 45 entries set in 1994. Four countries entered this year have never submitted before. They are the Democratic Republic of Congo, Luxembourg, South Africa and Ukraine.

Two of this year's submissions are animated films - The Little Shoemaker from Croatia and Princess Mononoke from Japan. And two films have multiple directors - the Colombian entry, The Debt, has two directors, while Canada's Cosmos lists six.

This year's submissions are: Argentina, Ashes from Paradise, Marcelo Pineyro, director; Austria, The Unfish, Robert Dornhelm, director; Belgium, Ma Vie en Rose, Alain Beliner, director; Brazil, Four Days in September, Bruno Baretto, director; Canada, Cosmos, Jennifer Alleyn, Manon Briand, Marie-Julie Dallaire, Arto Paragamian, Andre Turpin and Denis Villeneuve, directors; Colombia, The Debt, Manuel Jose Alvarez, Nicolas Buenaventura, director; Democratic Republic of Congo, Macadam Tribu, Jose Laplaine, director; Croatia, The Little Shoemaker, Milan Blazekovic, director; Cuba, Amor Vertical, Arturo Sotto Diaz, director; and Czech Republic, A Forgotten Light, Vladimir Michalek, director; Denmark, Barbara, Nils Malmros, director; Egypt, Destiny, Youssef Chahine, director; Finland, The Collector, Auli Mantila, director; France, Western, Manuel Poirier, director; Germany, Beyond Silence, Caroline Link, director; Greece, Slaughter of the Cock, Andreas Pantzis, director; Hungary, The Witman Boys, Janos Szasz, director; Iceland, Blossi/810551, Julius Kemp, director; India, Guru, Rajiv Anchal, director; Iran, Gabbeh, Mohsen Makhmalbaf, director; Israel, Pick a Card, Julie Shles, director; Italy, The Best Man, Pupi Avati, director; Japan, Princess Mononoke, Hayao Miyazaki, director; Luxembourg, Elles, Luis Galvao Teles, director; Macedonia, Gypsy Magic, Stole Popov, director; Mexico, Deep Crimson, Arturo Ripstein, director; The Netherlands, Character, Mike van Diem, director; Norway, Junk Mail, Pal Sletaune, director; The Philippines, Milagros, Marilou Diaz-Abaya, director; Poland, Love Stories, Jerzy Stuhr, director; Portugal, Journey to the Beginning of the World, Manoel De Oliveira, director; Russia, The Thief, Pavel Chukhrai, director; Slovak Republic, Orbis Pictus, Martin Sulik, director; Slovenia, Outsider, Andrej Kosak, director; South Africa, Paljas, Katinka Heyns; Spain, Secrets of the Heart, Montxo Armendariz, director; Sweden, Tic Tac, Daniel Alfredson, director; Switzerland, For Ever Mozart, Jean-Luc Godard, director; Taiwan, Yours and Mine, Shaudi Wang, director; Thailand, Daughter 2, Chartichalerm Yukol, director; Turkey, The Bandit, Yavuz Turgul, director; Ukraine, A Friend of the Deceased, Vyacheslav Krishtofovich, director; Venezuela, One Life and Two Trails, Alberto Arvelo, director; and Yugoslavia, Three Summer Days, Mirjana Vukomanovic, director.

Each country is invited to submit its best film of the year to the Academy. Selection of those entries is made by juries made up of filmmakers from that country. Only one film, which need not have been released in Los Angeles, is accepted from each country.

The Foreign Language Film Award Committee, chaired by Fay Kanin with Nina Foch as vice-chair, will screen all entries, beginning December 3, before voting to nominate five achievements.

Films submitted for Best Foreign Language Film Award consideration may also qualify for Academy Awards in most other categories provided they meet the requirements governing those categories. Films not selected to represent countries in the foreign language category can qualify for Oscars in all other narrative feature categories with a seven-day run in any Los Angeles County theater during 1997.

Four films have won both the Foreign Language Film Oscar and another award as well: the 1963 winner, 8 1/2, also won an Oscar for Best Costume Design; A Man and a Woman (1966) also won the Best Original Screenplay Oscar; and Z, in 1969, also won for Film Editing. Fanny and Alexander (1983) won Oscars for Costume Design, Cinematography and Art Direction.

Nominations will be announced at the Academy on Tuesday, February 10, 1998. The 70th Annual Academy Awards Presentation will be televised live by the ABC Television Network from the Los Angeles Shrine Auditorium, starting at 6 p.m. (PST), on Monday, March 23, 1998.

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Re: Demon Slayer The Movie Hit At Overseas Box Office!

Post by Dacey » January 26th, 2021, 12:38 pm

Which actually doesn’t vindicate or prove any of Eric’s bogus conspiracy claims. :wink:
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Re: Demon Slayer The Movie Hit At Overseas Box Office!

Post by Ben » January 26th, 2021, 2:27 pm

Yes, if a country puts a movie forward, it does not mean that film is automatically considered for an Oscar nomination. I’m working on a movie right now that we all think might have some kind of awards potential, but unless the studio puts it forward, it will never get any of that consideration, although we're hopeful it might get recognised, at least over here, for one or two elements during the natural progression of being released.

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Re: Demon Slayer The Movie Hit At Overseas Box Office!

Post by James » January 26th, 2021, 2:27 pm

EricJ wrote:
January 25th, 2021, 4:50 am
...Princess Mononoke [was] up for Foreign Language consideration...
AMPAS wrote:44 Countries Hoping for Oscar Nominations

...Two of this year's submissions are animated films - The Little Shoemaker from Croatia and Princess Mononoke from Japan...Films submitted for Best Foreign Language Film Award consideration may also qualify for Academy Awards...
C'mon! Some of you nitpick Eric's posts to death for the tiniest errors, but won't admit your own tiny errors! ;)

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Re: Demon Slayer The Movie Hit At Overseas Box Office!

Post by Ben » January 26th, 2021, 2:33 pm

Eric's posts never contain tiny errors...! ;)

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Re: Demon Slayer The Movie Hit At Overseas Box Office!

Post by EricJ » January 26th, 2021, 10:56 pm

Oh, well, there you go, James, running-joke diversion ALWAYS clinches the argument... :)

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Re: Demon Slayer The Movie Hit At Overseas Box Office!

Post by gaastra » January 31st, 2021, 10:23 am

Looks like japan only dropped 40% last year over most parts of the world dropping 60 to 90% thanks to demon slayer the movie, pokemon and doreamon! Anime saves the day again in japan! Looks like the movie chains will be fine there. Also note japan is not as in to digital movies as much also! They still have video stores that rent movies, music cds and mangas (yes rent mangas!) there! They do have netfilx and disney plus however.

Japan is now the 3rd biggest movie country in the world behind usa and china who passed usa. ... on-in-2020

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Re: Demon Slayer The Movie Hit At Overseas Box Office!

Post by gaastra » February 1st, 2021, 9:49 am

As for oscars animation has been treated as lesser films there for years. Why has there only been three best picture animated nods? Why was films like coco, your name, disappearance of Haruhi Suzumiya, or lion king 90s not getting nods?

When batb got a nod for best picture they threw a huge fit over it saying "a cartoon will never get a best picture nod again!" The only reason up and ts3 got nods is there were 10 or more picks that year and it felt like "pity nods" you knew they had no chance at all in winning!

Many people think animated film nods was only made to keep shrek from getting a best picture nod that year! Not a great way to start!

Also why was your name left out of animated film that year? It has a higher RT score then coca! It should have been on there! Boss baby gets a nod one year but not your name? If it was a live action american film it would have got a best picture nod! Where was weathering with you last year?

Why was it not on there? Then again didn't lego movie not even get a nod at all for animated film?

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Re: Demon Slayer The Movie Hit At Overseas Box Office!

Post by gaastra » February 1st, 2021, 9:58 am

Fell off the soupbox so how about some news? Demon slayer and soul has helped koreas movie chains.
Together they lifted nationwide theatrical revenues by 30% compared with the previous, dismal session.
Man demon slayer is killing it overseas! ... 234897024/

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Re: Demon Slayer The Movie Hit At Overseas Box Office!

Post by gaastra » February 20th, 2021, 8:15 am

The fill anime awards!

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Re: Demon Slayer The Movie Hit At Overseas Box Office!

Post by Daniel » February 20th, 2021, 2:01 pm

Was it nominated? A quick scan showed nothing. :?

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Re: Demon Slayer The Movie Hit At Overseas Box Office!

Post by EricJ » February 20th, 2021, 2:51 pm

gaastra wrote:
February 1st, 2021, 9:49 am
As for oscars animation has been treated as lesser films there for years. Why has there only been three best picture animated nods? Why was films like coco, your name, disappearance of Haruhi Suzumiya, or lion king 90s not getting nods?

When batb got a nod for best picture they threw a huge fit over it saying "a cartoon will never get a best picture nod again!" The only reason up and ts3 got nods is there were 10 or more picks that year and it felt like "pity nods" you knew they had no chance at all in winning!
The reason Up and TS3 got nominations was because of the '08 rules change, where Pixar had been even MORE obnoxious than DC Dark Knight fans in asking "Why can't we get Best Picture?" (although Wall-E, as they argued, would have had a chance against Slumdog Millionaire), and the ten-nomination rule did allow voters to submit one animated movie for nomination.
Back in 2015, after the "Boyhood vs. Birdman" debacle, the Academy publicly considered retiring the ten-nomination rule in February, but by May, "Inside Out" was considered the lead favorite for Best Picture, and all of a sudden, the Academy was a lot...quieter about changing the animated-Picture rules. For now, anyway.

As for why Beauty & Beast, and Not Lion King? Oh, we've been over that for thirty years:
- Oscar pundits' smugness that the voters would "never remember" Silence of the Lambs from the previous spring,
- Most of the '91 Oscar favorites, like Bugsy and JFK, not opening until Christmas NY/LA screenings, causing Oct-Nov. pundits to shrug "What have we got?...A Disney movie??"
- The NYFF "Work in Progress" B&tB screening the year before, causing image-conscious grownups, who were still literally terrified to be seen going to Oliver & Company without a kid in tow, coming out of the Disney Fan closet and searching for ways they could publicly say they liked Disney movies and still be seen as doing something Grownup and Important. (The same reason we got all the "90's Disney is the New Broadway!" attempt to critically "legitimize" Belle, Gaston, and their respective songs.) Yes, Little Mermaid got all the critical praise first, but it was still considered "your 7-yo. daughter's favorite film".

And the reason Lion King, Aladdin and Toy Story 2 weren't nominated? Because around the time fans were browbeating the Foreign committee to pick Japan's "Princess Mononoke" entry, the committee said they'd grown so tired of Disney's nonstop goalpost-dancing, they didn't care if they never saw another animated movie major-nominated for the rest of their lives. That's the reason we got our "playpen" Best Animated category a year two later.

Fortunately, we now live in a more enlightened age, when Coco, Your Name and Lion King only get passed over for the market being too glutted.

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Re: Demon Slayer The Movie Hit At Overseas Box Office!

Post by gaastra » February 23rd, 2021, 9:41 pm

Now highest grossing anime film world wide! ... al-record/

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Re: Demon Slayer The Movie Hit At Overseas Box Office!

Post by Daniel » February 24th, 2021, 4:22 pm

It just keeps going and going.

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Re: Demon Slayer The Movie Hit At Overseas Box Office!

Post by gaastra » February 27th, 2021, 8:24 pm

And more records broke! It's breaking records in more counties! Also i went to my books a million to get the first volume to read the manga and vol 1 to 3 are sold out! They also had a demon slayer display in the main hall!

This film needs to get a full release here and not a crappy fathom events release! ... e-opening/

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