It all the trailers/teasers for Mulan that I saw back in the days, Mushu's comedy worked in context of what was presented. The humour matched everything presented prior and after. Tonally the humour didn't feel that out of place in the trailers. Here whenever the dragon appears, it brings the trailer to a grinding holt and my mind goes from 'This movie has an epic feel' to 'I think this film is secretly a buddy comedy'. Mushu felt connected to the movie in the trailers, The Dragon feels like a totally different movie - even character design wise it feels like The Dragon belongs in a different movie.
Hopefully I am wrong and when it's released, everything will feel connected and organic and not as jarring as the trailer.
Think of it a bit like Indiana Jones plus dragons. Amazing animation, a moving story, plus @awkwafina bringing all of the magic together.
#RayaAndTheLastDragon: a big scale, beautifully animated adventure centered on restoring trust in a humanity divided by selfishness & prejudice. Kelly Marie Tran & Awkwafina are great. Innovative, humorous & heart-filled, its spirit makes the journey rewarding.
Raya and the Last Dragon is a fantastic and wonderful journey to find trust and friendship. Incredible Disney animation into the realm of fantasy and magic.
We just watched #RayaAndTheLastDragon and loved it! The world-building feels deep and full of potential, the animation is gorgeous and varied in style, and Kelly Marie Tran truly shines as Raya.
While it’s good the cast sounds like it gels (especially considering Tran's lines were essentially ADR'd in), I’m still not seeing the "gorgeous animation". Watch that TV spot above with the sound off and it’s, er, not great is it?
Just watched again and, if this had come out just after Meet The Robinsons or Bolt, then it would be rightly seen as a progressive step. But coming after such good human animation in Tangled and the Frozens, this definitely feels like a step back, for whatever reason, be it a lower budget, tighter time or the team responsible, but it already feels "dated" before it debuts. I await to be stunned and captivated, but as has been said a lot already, the magic seems faded on this one.
According to my local cinema (and by local I mean 100km away from me) Raya is hitting the theatres in Australia as well. After missing Onward (due to bad timing with lockdown) and Soul (cause Disney couldn't see beyond the US) in the cinemas, I'll make the trip to see Raya. I mean I get a day out and the ticket, popcorn and drinks will still be cheaper that the premium price on Disney+. I also just need to sit in a cinema again and enjoy that experience. Probably just jinxed myself and there will be a snap lockdown in my state when Raya is released.