Help Wanted!

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Help Wanted!

Post by Ben » May 1st, 2007, 8:08 am read our JOB ADS and feel you could contribute to Animated News & Views?

That's great!

There are two ways to proceed: either e-mail (or private message) one of our two Senior Editiors with the details requested below, or use this thread to introduce yourself.

BEN - ben(at)
JAMES - james(at)

Please list any previous experience that we might want to take into account (no matter how extensive or brief) and let us know how much time you would be able to spend on the site, and what area you're specifically applying for.

Your use of language and writing skills will be picked up on within this thread, so please remember that we're looking for enthusiastic people with good grammar, spelling and punctuation.

We'll contact those who look to display the right ingredients for joining our merry band and reveal our new line-up once the search for additional staff members closes at the end of this month, May 2007.

Good luck!

The Animated News & Views Team.

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Post by James » May 1st, 2007, 2:29 pm

Hey guys! I wanted to pop in and thank any of you guys considering helping us out by joining the team! I've got to tell you this is a really fun job! And our recent updates (and some big things still to come!) will just make this site even better! I'm sure you've noticed (and probably appreciate!) that unlike just about every other animation site out there we don't fill every empty space with ads - we're just fans doing this because we love it! If that sounds like something you'd like to be part of please don't hesitate to contact us. We'll be happy to answer any questions or concerns you have.

Thanks again!

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Location: Orlando

New AN&V Staff

Post by James » June 18th, 2007, 12:28 pm

I just wanted to thank all those who responded to our recent help wanted ads! We've brought in several new people who our going to help us take Animated News and Views to the next level! Some have already started and you'll see their names in the forum in light blue. Others are still training and will be showing up soon. Some are familiar names to the forum, some are new. Thanks again for all the interest and please make our new members feel welcome!

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Location: SaskaTOON, Canada

Post by Randall » December 19th, 2007, 8:49 pm

We're always open to having people join the team! Just let us know what you're interested in doing.

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