Hacking issues

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AV Founder
AV Founder
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Hacking issues

Post by James » February 10th, 2012, 12:43 am

Just wanted to let everyone know we're having a problem with hackers messing with the site and forum. We are aware of the problem and we are working on it. The main issue you might notice is links that get redirected to some site in Russia! Sorry for any inconvenience. We'll do our best to get this cleaned up ASAP!

UPDATE - I'm in the process of reinstalling and retooling some things. First up is the forum which you may have noticed has lost all its theming! Once I get the hacking problems fixed I'll come back and fix all the styling and extra feature issues.

BTW - if you've bookmarked the forum note the new address: http://forum.animatedviews.com

AV Founder
AV Founder
Posts: 8371
Joined: October 16th, 2004
Location: Orlando

Re: Hacking issues

Post by James » February 13th, 2012, 11:20 am

We've got the site cleaned up and things should start going back to normal. I still have a few things to fix back the way we used to have them, especially around the forum. Thanks for your patience with us during all this!
