The Incredibles DVD

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Post by macontosh2000 » March 2nd, 2005, 9:00 am

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INcredibles Site Updated

Post by scofo » March 10th, 2005, 11:08 am

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Re: INcredibles Site Updated

Post by macontosh2000 » March 10th, 2005, 2:59 pm

I actually posted this on Tuesday in The Incredibles thread.


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Post by Christian » March 10th, 2005, 4:16 pm

I've updated my article accordingly.

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Post by Ben » March 11th, 2005, 11:48 pm

Thought I'd give this thread a bump with my review:

My feelings from seeing this in theaters haven't changed - it's still great even if I do still think it's a little long in the middle and the end could have been "bigger".

But this new DVD does the trick wonderfully, presenting the film perfectly (if you spring for the widescreen version of course) and layering on some fine additional features.

I wasn't too drawn in to the Jack-Jack Attack short, and felt the Mr Incredibles And Pals fell short on a couple of points explained in my review, but I'm pleased to have Boundin' on disc and there is some fun to be had with the extras.

Maybe not "super-duper" (the TV treats and "First In Line" spots are AWOL), but an incredible enough set all the same.

I expect you're all already going to pick this up on Tuesday?? :)

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The Incredibles Secret Site

Post by macontosh2000 » March 14th, 2005, 8:55 pm

Go to The Incredibles Official Site and at the bottom of the page click on the icon with the phone that says "Enter The Secret Site", once there they ask you for Mirage's phone number (966-787-7476) type it in, then you log in and you are able to view a deleted scene that is on the dvd and other stuff.

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Post by Christian » March 14th, 2005, 9:09 pm

Why does it tell me to try again, even when I copy and paste the number right out of your message (and even when I type it in on my own)? Guess I'll have to put the movie in and see if it is correct.

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Post by macontosh2000 » March 15th, 2005, 8:20 am

The first number might be wrong i was in a rush to post that last night (didnt want to miss 24) its either 966-787-7476 or 866-787-7476.

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The Incredibles DVD

Post by askmike1 » March 17th, 2005, 12:23 am

Incredibles Sells Five Million Units in First Day
On its first day of availability, Walt Disney Pictures presentation of a Pixar Animation Studios film, The Incredibles, sold five million units on DVD and video in North America.

Fresh off the heels of winning two Academy Awards® (Best Animated Feature Film, Achievement in Sound Editing), the five million units sold to date has The Increcibles on track to be the best-selling DVD and video of 2005.

It was announced today by Steve Jobs, chairman and chief executive officer of Pixar Animation Studios and Bob Chapek, president of Buena Vista Home Entertainment.

"The superheroes at Pixar who created The Incredibles have made it even more thrilling in this extraordinary DVD release," said Pixar CEO Steve Jobs. "We are gratified that millions of fans have rushed to add Pixar's latest film to their home entertainment collections."

President of Buena Vista Home Entertainment Bob Chapek added, "We're thrilled that the public has embraced the The Incredibles DVD and video in this wonderful way. We are working with our duplication facilities to keep up with consumer demand across North America." Commenting on the first day sales, Chapek added, "With the tremendous momentum from the theatrical release and awards season it is no surprise that audiences are continuing in their admiration for this wonderful film."

The Incredibles DVD is available in both full-frame and the original theatrical wide-screen version, and each includes a filmmakers' audio commentary. A second disc, fully loaded with special features, is highlighted by the Academy Award®-nominated Pixar Animation Studios short film "Boundin'"; an exclusive all-new animated short "Jack-Jack Attack," featuring the youngest superhero of the family and his baby-sitter; "Incredi-Blunders," bloopers and outtakes; "Behind-The-Scenes `Making Of' `The Incredibles'"; deleted scenes; alternate openings; and more.

Note: From BusinessWire

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Post by Christian » March 17th, 2005, 1:59 am

I went to a bunch of different stores yesterday (March 15) looking for an entirely different item but everywhere I went I saw people picking up the Incredibles DVD, all with a look of fascination on their faces, and they were all different types of people too. And I saw some people getting Bambi and SharkTale and other things along with their Incredibles.

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Post by Dacey » March 22nd, 2005, 5:12 pm

When we picked up "The Incredibles", we got "Shark Tale" with it. Then my mom decided that she wanted "Jesus Christ Superstar" and "Forrest Gump" was on sale for seven dollars. So this film just might be boosting the DVD industry.
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Incredibles 2

Post by Meg » June 11th, 2005, 4:14 pm

I'm not sure if this has been mentioned before, but a sequel to The Incredibles video game has been announced...Here's a nice article on it.


Post by GeorgeC » June 12th, 2005, 12:58 am

Ya know, for all their successes on film and video, Pixar really has not had a great critical success with any of the videogames based on their movies!

There have been good Star Wars games, good Disney games, good Aliens games, and even a decent Chronicles of Riddick FPS, but NONE of the games based on the Pixar films has been great! Between storylines that follow the movie too closely and allow no branching and BAD controls and graphics that don't redefine gaming, they're just typical licensed shovelware.

Somebody at Pixar has to wake up and take charge of licensing and get a decent developer to work on these games! They can only cash in on checks for licensing their movies to games before people give up on them and no videogame developer wants to touch the licenses for their movies.

It happened to Star Trek, guys. It's certainly not out of the question that if BAD games keep on being produced with Pixar characters that gamers are just going to steer clear of ANY Pixar-licensed videogames.

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Post by Macaluso » June 12th, 2005, 1:53 am

Games based off of movies/tv/products nowadays generally suck anyway. I wish it was like the old days when you had games like Aladdin, Yo Noid!, Cool Spot, Jurassic Park, etc, and they were GOOD.

Now it's just really crappy thrown together messes all around. Everything is like "Find this item!" "Do something that has nothing to do with the movie at all!" "Random fetch quest now!" "collect random crap the entire game, and then solve a puzzle that also nothing to do with the movie!"

At least Disney redeemed their game making a little when they teamed up with Square for Kingdom Hearts. Kingdom Hearts was absolutely incredible. I wish there were more games based off movies and such that were as good as that. Thank god Kingdom Hearts II comes out this fall. I'M SO EXCITED, OH GOD.

And like KH, there are a few diamonds in the rough. But unlike the old side scrolling days, those come few and far between :(

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Post by Meg » June 12th, 2005, 11:54 am

Yup, that's why I never play them. :D

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