The Animated Views DVD Easter Eggs Thread

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The Animated Views DVD Easter Eggs Thread

Post by Ben » December 3rd, 2006, 8:37 pm

Animated Views wrote:Chances are that your DVDs contain a little extra in the bonus features department! Many discs contain additional hidden features, or Easter Eggs, buried away within the menu screens, often showing as a special icon highlight. They can reveal anything from an additional quick clip or gagreel, to a lengthy interview or entire section of further supplemental material! The name derives from the traditional hiding of gifts and treats that need searching for, just like these bonuses: some easy to spot and some sneaky and well hidden – hence the name Easter Eggs!
Submit your hidden feature finds here, with full and clear indications on how to find the egg(s), and we'll shunt it to our list on the front Animated Views page!

We'll credit the poster unless you want to remain "mysterious"... ;)

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Post by Mitch » December 22nd, 2006, 6:41 pm

Oh man, I've got hundreds:

Finding Nemo:

Disc One Easter Eggs (five included) -

1. Bruce Talks 1 - Go to Bonus Features; go to the fish icon; click the left arrow button on your dvd remote control. Click the fish icon that appears. Bruce will introduce himself to the audience.

2. Dory and Marlin 1 - Go to Bonus Features; go to the back arrow; click the down button on your dvd remote control. Click the fish icon that appears. Dory and Marlin will appear on the screen and address the audience with a few comical phrases.

3. Bruce Talks 2 - Go to Bonus Features; click on Virtual Aquarium; scroll down to the Sandy Reef option; press the down arrow button on your dvd remote control. Click the fish icon that appears. Bruce will explain how to use the "Virtual Aquarium" feature.

4. Dory and Bruce - Go to Bonus Features; click on Visual Commentary; go to the fish icon; press the up arrow button on your dvd remote control. Click the fish icon that appears. Dory and Bruce will appear on the screen, and Dory will tickle Bruce.

5. Bruce Talks 3 - Go to Bonus Features; click on Visual Commentary; click on Visual Commentary Index; press the left arrow button on your dvd remote control. Click the fish icon that appears. Bruce will talk to the audience.

Disc Two Easter Eggs - (three included)

1. Aquascum Commercial - Go to Bonus Features; go to the back arrow; press the down button on your dvd remote control. Click the fish icon that appears. A rather humorous "Aquascum" commercial will play out.

2. Dory and Marlin 2 - Go to Bonus Features; click on Behind the Scenes. I am not quite sure how to access this particular easter egg, as it has been a long time since I did so. You either have to: a) go to Studio Tour and press the right arrow button, b)go to the back arrow and press the right arrow button, or c) go to Character Interviews and press the up arrow button. One of those selections will grant you a hidden easter egg.

3. Dory and Marlin 3 - Go to Bonus Features; click on Mr. Ray's Encyclopedia; go to the down arrow; press the up/down arrow button (can't remember which). Click the fish icon that appears. Dory and Marlin will arrive on the screen to play out some of their humor again.



Easter Eggs (one included) -

1. Boundin' Revised - Stay on the main screen and wait a few moments until a Dinoco icon appears on the right side of the screen. Press the right arrow button on your dvd remote to highlight the egg, then click on it. A revised version of Boundin' -- staring Lightning McQueen and Mater -- will play.


If anyone would like The Incredibles or Monsters Inc. easter eggs, just let me know. :D
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Post by Ben » December 23rd, 2006, 11:40 am

I have these but haven't gotten around to posting them yet!

Thanks! :)

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Post by Mitch » December 23rd, 2006, 1:19 pm

No problem, Ben! :D
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