I thought it was a very well-written review, Ben. I have a soft spot for Shrek, but....I
do see a lot of the flaws now. In my opinion: film should have focused more on the babies, Fiona and Shrek becoming parents. That was the heart of the story and that's what we should have seen more of.

(Why in the world would they separate them through most of the film??) There was a lot of potential there that got squandered.
I admit the princesses kind of grate on you. Especially Queen Lillian....and Fiona, who was so multi-layered (IMHO) in Shrek 1...fades away in Shrek 2 and does nothing in Shrek 3. The whole "kick-a** girlfriend" thing from Shrek 1 was SOOOO tired here. Copied almost verbatim with Snow White and the forest animals.
Despite what's been said I DO think the relationship between Artie and Shrek was kind of sweet, but not focused on enough. I still liked it but it just seems like it comes out of nowhere and then goes....nowhere.

(Still love Merlin though.

It's hard for me to say these things, 'cause like I said, the first Shrek will always have a special place in my heart. But there's no denying that the Shrek franchise (which is what it is now) needs to be reigned in, fast. I just wish they'd stop, excuse the expression, pimping out this poor character. If they keep doing it no one will remember how awesome the first Shrek really was. (and I do think it was.)
You can’t just have your characters announce how they feel! That makes me feel angry!