Animated commercials

Small Screen Specials, Series and Direct-To-Video
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Are animated commercials creative?

Poll ended at January 25th, 2008, 9:26 am

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Animated commercials

Post by Zindagi » January 18th, 2008, 9:26 am


Do you reckon the quality of animated commercials is as good as films and TV shows?!


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Post by Daniel » January 18th, 2008, 2:19 pm

Hello and welcome, Zindagi! :)

If I may ask, what's with the 'roll' icon?

Both your questions are a little different, but I do feel the vast majority of them are creative.

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Animated commercials

Post by Zindagi » January 18th, 2008, 2:28 pm

Thank you Daniel,

I meant to put a thinking smiley....take it as a thinking smiley. :D

I just feel that animated advertisements are often ignored and rarely ever commented on, even though I think some of them are incredible in terms of imagination and quality - the same, if not more advanced, than the rest of the animation industry. Sometimes after seeing the animation in a commercial, I wish that it would be made into a television series or film.

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Post by Ben » January 19th, 2008, 6:52 am

I wouldn't have a problem if we stuffed this topic with some good YouTube examples - just remember that we talking <I>commercial advertisements</I> and not copyrighted promotional items.

Please make sure they have some valid technical or creative aspect to them, and that they are indeed <I>animated</I> or related commercials.

I know we get a few fair ones over here in the UK but I'd love to see what else is out there...

Would be neat to see why you pick 'em, what you think, why you think they work (or don't work)!

And..... <I>GO!</I> :)

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Post by Zindagi » January 21st, 2008, 12:49 pm

Alright, here is an animated ad I think is excellent. The music is probably the finest aspect of it as it is so gripping and charming. The animation itself is incredibly nostalgic and familiar. What I think is interesting is how much this animation style - light, colourful, brisk, differs from Craste's previous work - his Jojo in the Stars in particular which is darker and sinister.

In terms of actually selling Lloyds TSB, I think the incorporation of the Bank into the Train brand name is effective as it still communicates the bank and their values without being too historically typical (for Lloyds and their black horse anyway).

Oh, and I'm also from the UK. Would be interesting to see if the American commercials differ in animation style. :D

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Animated Commercials

Post by Dusterian » January 22nd, 2008, 7:05 pm

Well, I love exaggerated or weird-looking architecture, so I love the couple's sky high house, with what I can only say is some weird green house porch patio thing in the back.

I have always liked the Trix commercials with the animated kids going after the Rabbit. I thought everything was always flowing, and had cool 3-D-like shading.

I similarly like the animated Lucky Charms commercials. The camera is almost always moving and it feel really cool, plus I love all the animated magic Lucky does.

The recent Cap'n Crunch commercials with Jean LeFoote have bad animation. The animation looks like very few frames are used, and it's really jerky and noticeable. Or at least, the one or two that I saw.

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Post by Steve Carras » June 4th, 2008, 5:21 am

Hey, I remember in 1964-69 when a whole commercial [Post General Foods CEREAL[] CAME to TELEVISION

"Linus the Lionhearted"


Sugar Bear (sounding olike crooner Bing Crosby then just as now!)/GERRY MATTHEWS [WE know what HE liked...SUGAR CRISP--I mean..GOLDEN CRISP]

Rory Raccoon/either CARL REINER or BOB McFADDEN [Post Toasties]

Claudis Crow, his pain in the neck LOL/JESSE WHITE

Granny Goodwitch, frequent costar and sometime friendly nemesis to Sugar?RUTH BUZZI

Lovable GTruly, the southern high-pitched POST-(get it) man (for the Alpha Bits brand), So Hi the chinese boy (for Rice Kringles)/BOB McFADDEN

Dinny Kangaroo, Sacha Grouse, and Billy Bird, all friends and loyal royal subjects of Linus/CARL REINER

Actually as much better series than the celebrity voices and pitching would suggest. Note also among well knowns, [JERRY] STILLER and [ANNE] MEARE and JOHNATHAN WINTERS, and voice veteran PAUL FREES in the second season [Ed Graham Studios; Irv Spector and Lew irvin headed].

In the 50-60s ,many of the best animated childrens TV commercials [Graham's Post Cereals as mentioned above, plus Hanna Barbera for Kelloggs and Ideal, jay Ward for General Mills along with Leonardo TTV, then the former of thsoe for Quaker Oats, Disney for 7-UP and Pepsodent (or whoever the Ipana Beaver was done for) toothpaste,etc.,etc.)

The best commercials, in my opinion were from the days when animaotrs had freedom to do mini cartoons within the cartoons., Of course one, by Fred Wold (who ironically would be responible for KICKSTARTING with Strawberry Shortcake the whole toy-to-cartoon thing, made of of the best and last goof and only rerun (among old school ones) television commercials, the minimal animation "How many licks does it take" (trunacted though), ad that first appeared in fall 1969.
"It IS 2706!"
-"A Hick, A Slick, & A Chick" [obscure Looney Tune short,1948,dir.Arthur Davis][.

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Re: Animated commercials

Post by droosan » November 22nd, 2010, 10:32 am

I just saw a new commercial for Alka-Seltzer .. looks like they've resurrected Speedy!

Unfortunately, the commercial is so new that it doesn't yet appear to be online .. but here's one of his original spots (animated by George Pal!):

The new commercial realizes Speedy in CGI, but does an excellent job of retaining his stop-motion puppet 'look.' The voice-actor for the new character is an exact match!

Nice to see a vintage mascot revived .. :)

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