Animated Star Trek DVD still TBA...

Small Screen Specials, Series and Direct-To-Video
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Animated Star Trek DVD still TBA...

Post by GeorgeC » January 7th, 2005, 1:00 am

It definitely sounds like a rumor to me at this point...

Here's what The Digital Bits said this Thursday (Jan. 6th):
"Still no confirmation on that rumor that's been going around that Paramount would be releasing Star Trek: The Animated Series on 3/15. We know the title is on the way sometime this year, but the studio has yet to confirm a specific date."

I have no doubt Paramount IS eventually going to do this release because they're stocking up this year with remaining Trek while there's still a fanbase for even the worst Trek drek -- Enterprise and the Animated Star Trek which with Voyager are by far the worst series of the whole lot.

Seriously, at this point in time Paramount would have to do a lot to convince the most hardcore Trek fans (let's not even get into what the TOS fans think of Paramount at this point in time) to convince them they actually give a darn about quality. The last 10 years of stories, TV and motion picture series sure don't inspire confidence. It's all about shipping stuff out ASAP to make the quick buck while there's still a fanbase that wants every bit of junk that says "Star Trek" on it. It's that very attitude that's destroyed the fanbase for Star Trek in general and that's why there are fewer people going to conventions and actually watching the new shows on TV now...

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Post by Ben » January 7th, 2005, 3:45 am

Yeah, but even I would be tempted by TAS.

I wouldn't call myself a Trekker, but loved TOS and TMPs up until (and not including) Insurrection.

But I'll buy whatever 20-disc set they put out of all the films once they get those last two remaining SEs out there, and am going to get TOS season sets when they come down to a more reasonable price.

TAS would be a decent addition to the sets, though my main reason for not going for the other TV shows is the same for most TV shows for me: I simply will never have the time to sit and watch them all again! :)


Post by GeorgeC » January 8th, 2005, 3:53 pm

I'm definitely a TOS fan. The TOS TV series is the best Star Trek produced period, IMHO. The whole franchise starts to really go downhill from Season 5 onward of The Next Generation even though I'm beginning to think Deep Space Nine is a halfway decent show. Voyager, Enterprise, and the Animated Trek are all drek, though.

(As much as I loved the original Trek cast, the way the Animated Series is written it might as well be Enterprise! The characterizations and acting in that kiddie show are about as wooden as Enterprise!)

About half the TOS movie spin-offs are decent movies (II, VI, and III), but I was never impressed by any of The Next Generation movies including First Contact, TNG's best shot at a decent movie which still failed because it further ruined the Borg, the best Trek villains since the Klingons.

The original cast characters had a charisma and chemistry that none of the other Trek casts matched. And love him or hate him, but Shatner's Kirk was by far the most interesting captain. It's because of these characters and the basic morality plays of the original TV shows that I can still watch them almost 30 years after I first got exposed to Star Trek in a big way. There really aren't many other shows other than Macross and the original Twilight Zone where I can honestly say that I'm STILL interested in them after decades!

The original cast, between Kirk, Spock, and to a lesser extent McCoy, also had the most interesting storylines which didn't violate the basic characterizations. I felt one of the biggest mistakes made with The Next Generation films was the attempt to turn Picard into Kirk -- it just didn't work and rang hollow.

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