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Post by GeorgeC » October 26th, 2007, 11:14 pm


Stilll haven't learned the lesson after Star Trek, Cheers, Friends, Dr. Who, and so on.

There's a time and place to pull the plug while the getttin's still good!

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Post by Daniel » October 28th, 2007, 8:37 pm

I wouldn't be so sure. Al Jean has stated he would like to do three more seasons and that's it. Now of course we could get a new showrunner, (I would love David Mirken or Mike Reiss!) but you never know, they could very well end the show at season 22/23. I doubt it, though. :)

As for the THOH's, the more recent ones have been... less halloweeny. More often than not, there weired little stories or sci-fi spoofs. I still think there good, but I actually prefer Mike Scully's. (gasp!)

Last years was actually a step in the right direction, so here's hoping they don't louse up this one. I mean, Flanders as the devil (again), is like instant win! :D

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Post by Foxtale » November 11th, 2007, 5:50 pm

I have no idea how long the simpsons will last. I know they needed to last long enough to put out the movie (which in my opinion was well worth the wait) but I am not a fan of the new episodes. I practically grew up on the simpsons and still love them to this day but the new episodes don't hold the same charm for me. They seem to formulaic and forced. I wish they had ended the series before they killed it because everyone now thinks its really silly but then they watch the older episodes and realize how awesome it used to be. I hope either they change their ways and keep going or just end it with a bang. But cash cows will be milked so we'll just have to wait and see where it is going.

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Post by Daniel » November 12th, 2007, 3:25 am

I almost completly agree with you. :) The thing is with your complaints, its not so much all new episodes, but seasons 17 and to a lesser extant 18. (Seasons 13-16 I consider great)

Season 17 is what I like to call, the start of the bad... again. Not only were jokes and emotions forced, like you said, but it did indeed suffer from being too formulaic. Ie, the 'marriage crises'. There were a lot of episodes centered around Marge and Homer fighting and it just got so tedious. Its ok to have episodes like this, but to do too much and not change very much, not so good.

Another problem that started in those seasons; gags going on too long, and the need to describe (beat over the head more like it) jokes. Its just so... ahh!

...And through it all, I am a fan of the new episodes. No, they're not as great as the 'classics' but aside from a few complaints, I still find myself entertained and getting exited whenever a new episode airs.

Have been you been watching season 19, Foxtale? Personally, I think its been real good! :)

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Post by Foxtale » November 13th, 2007, 12:13 am

You are probably right Daniel. I must confess for being a huge simpsons fan I haven't been up to date on the episodes. I shouldn't have assumed that all the new episodes are bad. I kind of generalized. I think 17 and 18 were the last two seasons I watched because as of right now I don't have a television. So it's hard for me to watch the new episodes every Sunday. It used to be an event in my house but I've been away at school for the past two years, tv less. ^.^; Not to sound out of the loop but is 19 the latest season?

I did see part of the episode where Marge joined an online role playing game with Bart. My friends and i found it amusing.

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Post by Daniel » November 13th, 2007, 4:27 am

^ "Marge Gamer" ah, I love that episode! One of my favorites from s18. You and your friends have good taste! ;)

Yup, season 19 is the latest. It premiered last month, and still has a couple of episodes before it goes on vacation. (writers strike, grr!) I don't know if your able to, but on Fox On Demand you can view the latest eppy's, including this past Sunday's "Little Orphan Millie" -- which personally I liked, sans the ending. Let me know! :)

Lastly, I don't know if I'm 'right', but its just the way I see things. Very subjective, y'know. I have however, glanced at "No Homers Club" (the IT fansite) from time to time and see my opinion shared by a lot of people, so woot! 8)

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Post by Foxtale » November 13th, 2007, 11:17 pm

Okie that makes sense then since the last season I saw was 17 and it wasn't that good. Oh boy thanks for the link. I will have to try and watch it sometime soon and let you know what I thought. ^.^

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Post by Daniel » November 14th, 2007, 11:18 pm

Awesome, I hope the site works for you and you enjoy it! :)

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Post by Foxtale » November 18th, 2007, 11:59 pm

so I still haven't watched the episode yet but since i am home for the break I got to watch the new episode with my father. I must say it wasn't that bad, it was entertaining but I didn't find myself laughing to hard at most of it. I liked the beginning part with all the jokes about the comic book shops (but then again nerd). The concept/idea of this episode was pretty funny but it just didn't seem to hti me right, didn't make me laugh that much and didn't have the same heart behind it as the older episodes. Definitely better than the last season I saw but still not as good. I'll have to watch more to make sure though.

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Post by droosan » November 19th, 2007, 2:02 am

I very much enjoyed this episode; though, I agree that the early plotline with the comic-book store was funnier, and certainly had the potential to be the main plot.

BTW .. the "Coolsville" comic-book store is a (pretty dead-on) parody of Meltdown Comics & Collectibles, on Sunset Boulevard in Hollywood .. right down to the 'hipster' music selections, and the Tintin/Asterix book display! They don't have 'used Jughead hats' there, though. :lol: I shop there quite a bit .. and, apparently, so do the creators of The Simpsons ..


Post by GeorgeC » November 19th, 2007, 7:58 am

I know all about the "hipsville" business and frankly the humor in the new episode seemed, AGAIN, forced.

They've just run out of new things to do with The Simpsons, PERIOD.

The fact that the writers feel compelled to use such obscure niche cult figures like Moore and Clowes on the show... Dunno what they were thinking. Only about 50,000 people in the entire US are going to know who those guys are anyways! Most of the guys that worship at their feet are fanboys and comic industry pros. The jokes go right by the main audience for the show and people are just gonna be scratching their heads at the decision to let this script be animated!

I'm still shaking my head at the fact The Simpsons is still ongoing and that Futurama got cancelled in favor this and continuing episodes of Family Guy.

Now THAT is a parallel universe (bad) business decision!

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Post by droosan » November 19th, 2007, 1:26 pm

I dunno .. I watched that episode because I'd heard that Alan Moore would be in it (I haven't been a 'regular' viewer of the show for a while). And I thought his tiny bit of the show was hilarious .. especially the Little Lulu gag. :lol: And I felt there were plenty of visual clues given as to 'who' he was (references to From Hell, League of Extraordinary Gentlemen, V for Vendetta, and Watchmen) so that 'laymen' could 'get' that he's an angsty comic-book writer that's 'cheesed-off' at Hollywood.

And any mention of Maus in a mainstream show like The Simpsons is a positive thing, in my book.

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Post by Foxtale » November 20th, 2007, 12:00 pm

droosan wrote:I very much enjoyed this episode; though, I agree that the early plotline with the comic-book store was funnier, and certainly had the potential to be the main plot.

BTW .. the "Coolsville" comic-book store is a (pretty dead-on) parody of Meltdown Comics & Collectibles, on Sunset Boulevard in Hollywood .. right down to the 'hipster' music selections, and the Tintin/Asterix book display! They don't have 'used Jughead hats' there, though. :lol: I shop there quite a bit .. and, apparently, so do the creators of The Simpsons ..
I agree, that part of the show was funny but the rest of the jokes and plot seemed kind of forced.

But that is totally awesome that they parodied a comic book store near you. I'd be so excited. I don't have anything like that near me lol.

I don't think the jokes used in the comic book store weren't understandable by people who don't know anything about those graphic novel artists. My father has no clue who they are but he thought that that segment was really funny. He was laughing at it a lot especially when they all became superhero like and the Maus guy put on the mouse mask. Also I agree that more mainstream recognition is always a good thing. ^.^

If you think back to older episodes there were still a lot of jokes that only some people would understand as well, even entire segments of the show.

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Post by Daniel » November 20th, 2007, 3:17 pm

Yeah, that's true, but sadly some people are blinded by thinking everything new is bad, that they miss what's actually good. Like I said before, the current state of the show as of late, is a vast improvement over the last seasons.

But there's still a lot of room for improvement, with this episode a gleaming example. "Husband and Knieves" started out GREAT. The whole comic book plot had so much potential, but it was just tossed aside after act I to do something that's been done to death. Homer worrying Marge will leave him. My goodness, was this really needed!? I'm so sick of it. In its defence though, it was handled great and I was so releaved after Homer was all muscly (is that word?) that it was a dream. Yay! 'Cause if that wasn't, it would've been a huge blunder.

I agree that the first act was the funniest. I have no clue what the parody was, but I LOVED it. I espicially loved the Little Lulu joke. The second act was good too, if a little sudden. I actually liked the idea of Marge owning a gym. The third act is what made this a dissapointed. Instead of tying all loose ends, it only did if for one of the stories; Homer's. Jean is all about setting everything back to the status quote, so I'm surprised he did this. Did Marge continue her gym? What about Comic Book Guy? And the last minute could've been so better, had it been cut after Homer and Marge were walking in the sunset.

Not the best of season 19, but not the worst. This weeks sounds like it could be one of the best episodes ever, so I have my fingers crossed! :)

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Post by Foxtale » November 20th, 2007, 5:46 pm

Yeah the homer worrying about Marge leaving him thing is getting old. I mean it did tie in with the whole gym thing but I just didn't feel like the last section of the episode was that great.

The whole not tying up loose ends thing did bother me. I feel like next episode things will be back to normal again. Or will they? *laughs* I'm sure everything will be back to the way it started but you are right normally by some freak reason at the end of the episode everything is back to normal. They didn't say anything like the new comic book shop got hit by a meteor or just that it went out of business. Or it didn't say how Marge lost the gym or if she was keeping it. So does she still have the gym? What is the comic book guy doing now? Is that their new comic store? what about that krusty burger?

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