They probably won't release Bender's Big Score on BD, then.
Not a lot of animation that isn't import anime is getting re-released on BD, anyway.
(The reason why a lot of anime is getting the BD re-release treatment is because the small percentage of anime freaks -- people who buy way more than the average 1-disc-a-year student -- are A/V nuts. Explaining to them that most anime ISN'T produced in hi-def and is upscaled doesn't matter; they think the BD makes everything look better and that's why the majority of Funimation releases get BD sets in spite of the fact that most of the shows haven't been hi-def until the last year or two. A lot of cheating is done on the 'hi-def' aspect to sneak things onto BD...)
I might get Futurama V5 on BD. As for the older, I don't know. I don't think they were produced for hi-def at any rate. Many live-action shows didn't transition to hi-def until just a few years ago (2-5)!
Oh, and I did catch the Futurama X-Mas special.
Weak. Not one of the better episodes.
I just couldn't get into it and it was tepid writing.
I wish they'd also retire/ban Gore from future appearances. The guy's so tedious; there about a million people more dynamic and interesting than him!
Not a lot of animation that isn't import anime is getting re-released on BD, anyway.
(The reason why a lot of anime is getting the BD re-release treatment is because the small percentage of anime freaks -- people who buy way more than the average 1-disc-a-year student -- are A/V nuts. Explaining to them that most anime ISN'T produced in hi-def and is upscaled doesn't matter; they think the BD makes everything look better and that's why the majority of Funimation releases get BD sets in spite of the fact that most of the shows haven't been hi-def until the last year or two. A lot of cheating is done on the 'hi-def' aspect to sneak things onto BD...)
I might get Futurama V5 on BD. As for the older, I don't know. I don't think they were produced for hi-def at any rate. Many live-action shows didn't transition to hi-def until just a few years ago (2-5)!
Oh, and I did catch the Futurama X-Mas special.
Weak. Not one of the better episodes.
I just couldn't get into it and it was tepid writing.
I wish they'd also retire/ban Gore from future appearances. The guy's so tedious; there about a million people more dynamic and interesting than him!
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Re: Futurama
You can’t just have your characters announce how they feel! That makes me feel angry!
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Re: Futurama
Yes, but overall it's had a great run. One of my favourite shows ever.
Re: Futurama
In all honesty, most of today's comedy animated series have more than run their course.
Not many people laugh at The Simpsons anymore... It just hasn't been very good for well over a decade. I don't hear many people praising The Simpsons Movie, either... it WAS awful!
The writing is the primary problem -- it's never been the animation (which will never get better because people accept TV animation's limited budgets for drawing) or voice acting even though there are times it seems even the voice actors are "running the clock." Has to be hard to be passionate about a show that's run over 5 years! Great as a regular paycheck may be, the job STILL has to wear when the same hijinks and basic plots have been done for the 10th, 15th, 20th time!
Never understood the Seth MacFarlane appeal so I'll leave that alone... Fox brought back the wrong show onto its network at any rate.
South Park should have been retired years ago as well. To an extent it's become what I think the creators didn't want it to end up as -- long past its expiration date and shrivelled.
As nice as it was to see Futurama return, the show was not as fresh as it was during its original run. The writing staff had changed and the world situation was very different from when the show originally ran. I've only seen 2 of the 4(?) seasons commissioned by Comedy Central. By halfway through the second season on CC at the latest, the show seemed to be losing steam and topics to satirize. Futurama will continue to live on in rebroadcasts and there's no point in running it further into the ground like the other series.
Time for new ideas, new people, new concepts. I, for one, HATE the McDonald-izing of animation on the networks and would like to see more variety. Reruns of the REAL classics from decades past and NOT last year's remakes would be appreciated, too.
TV has become bland regurgitations of old concepts and series as well as idiotic "unscripted" reality shows. This is precisely why I dropped cable over a year ago and don't miss the idiot box running 5-10 hours a day!!! I don't NEED to see a fifth Batman TV series let alone another McFarlane series (Can the guy just take his ego and LEAVE already???) or yet another Groening spin-off series.
For as bad as it can be with rumors, the worst behavior of humanity, and copious amounts of unsolicited porn, the web has become the next frontier of entertainment and far more egalitarian than H-wood and the Alphabet Networks ever were! People are finally figuring out HOW to make it pay and make a living at it. The death of old media, the bankruptcy of megacorporate studios, and an end to the way TV has been done for the past 20 years can't come soon enough for the many of us who are tired of the accepted standards of mediocrity and overly indulgent hedonism...
In all honesty, most of today's comedy animated series have more than run their course.
Not many people laugh at The Simpsons anymore... It just hasn't been very good for well over a decade. I don't hear many people praising The Simpsons Movie, either... it WAS awful!
The writing is the primary problem -- it's never been the animation (which will never get better because people accept TV animation's limited budgets for drawing) or voice acting even though there are times it seems even the voice actors are "running the clock." Has to be hard to be passionate about a show that's run over 5 years! Great as a regular paycheck may be, the job STILL has to wear when the same hijinks and basic plots have been done for the 10th, 15th, 20th time!
Never understood the Seth MacFarlane appeal so I'll leave that alone... Fox brought back the wrong show onto its network at any rate.
South Park should have been retired years ago as well. To an extent it's become what I think the creators didn't want it to end up as -- long past its expiration date and shrivelled.
As nice as it was to see Futurama return, the show was not as fresh as it was during its original run. The writing staff had changed and the world situation was very different from when the show originally ran. I've only seen 2 of the 4(?) seasons commissioned by Comedy Central. By halfway through the second season on CC at the latest, the show seemed to be losing steam and topics to satirize. Futurama will continue to live on in rebroadcasts and there's no point in running it further into the ground like the other series.
Time for new ideas, new people, new concepts. I, for one, HATE the McDonald-izing of animation on the networks and would like to see more variety. Reruns of the REAL classics from decades past and NOT last year's remakes would be appreciated, too.
TV has become bland regurgitations of old concepts and series as well as idiotic "unscripted" reality shows. This is precisely why I dropped cable over a year ago and don't miss the idiot box running 5-10 hours a day!!! I don't NEED to see a fifth Batman TV series let alone another McFarlane series (Can the guy just take his ego and LEAVE already???) or yet another Groening spin-off series.
For as bad as it can be with rumors, the worst behavior of humanity, and copious amounts of unsolicited porn, the web has become the next frontier of entertainment and far more egalitarian than H-wood and the Alphabet Networks ever were! People are finally figuring out HOW to make it pay and make a living at it. The death of old media, the bankruptcy of megacorporate studios, and an end to the way TV has been done for the past 20 years can't come soon enough for the many of us who are tired of the accepted standards of mediocrity and overly indulgent hedonism...
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Re: Futurama
While I respect your individual opinion, the 90% RT score from critics and 78% from users begs to differ. Please don't act as if everyone feels the way you do.GeorgeC wrote: I don't hear many people praising The Simpsons Movie, either... it WAS awful!
I agree that Futurama is not nearly as great as it was during its original run, but it was entertaining and often funny and I'm sad to see it go.
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Re: Futurama
I own and LOVE the first four seeasons, but never got into the new ones. Oh well, maybe someday i'll give them a chance.
You can’t just have your characters announce how they feel! That makes me feel angry!
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Re: Futurama
Reruns are returning to Adult Swim December 27th! Yippie! It was sad day when it left the block.
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Re: Futurama
Good news, everyone! "Futurama" is being revived... again, this time for Hulu! Kinda of shame after the last finale (like the fourth one!) wrapped it up so beautifully, but I can't lie and say I'm not intrigued.
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Re: Futurama
The first table read is this Monday. As of now, John DiMaggio's roles are being recast. They approached, he declined. That's just incredibly selfish. I'm kinda on the company's side with this one. If someone as big as Katey accepted the offer then it can't be much of a lowball. And she's way more in demand than him. I do hope they come to an agreement... if not, Bender is the easiest to recast since he's a robot. Just say he got in an accident and messed up his voice box and had to get a new one. Hopefully it doesn't come to that.
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Re: Futurama
I wasn't keen to get more Futurama, since the show already ended well, more than once. I don't blame Joe for his lack of interest in revisiting it. And now that he won't do it, it's even less of a must-see.
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Re: Futurama
John's back, baby! Hot diggity daffodil!
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Re: Futurama
Good news! Now I'm interested again.
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Re: Futurama
Officially set to return this Summer. Woo!
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Re: Futurama
I’m walking on sunshine!

You can’t just have your characters announce how they feel! That makes me feel angry!